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Rosemont Elementary School District 78 Board of Education met June 10

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Rosemont Elementary School District 78 Board of Education met June 10.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:


President Stephens called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.


President Stephens asked for a roll call.

MEMBERS PRESENT: Wilson, Anderson, Monaco, Houston, Muszynski, and President Stephens

MEMBERS ABSENT: Vice President Bailey

OTHERS IN ATTENDANCE: Superintendent Anderson

Principal Kovalcik

Hannah Banaszak

Anne Lunde, Journal & Topics Reporter

Diana Martinez

Roy McCampbell


At this time President Stephens welcomed the visitors and asked if there were any questions. There were no questions at this time.


There was no Executive Session at this time.


There were no Additions to the Agenda.


There was a motion made by Member Anderson, seconded by Member Wilson, to approve consent agenda items 5.1 thru 5.2

A roll call vote

AYES: Wilson, Anderson, Monaco, Houston, Muszynski, and President Stephens

NAYS: None

ABSENT: Vice President Bailey

Motion Carried

The Consent Agenda Items were as follows:

5.1 Approval of Minutes from the Regular Board Meeting held on May 14, 2019.

5.2 Approval of the Treasurer’s Report for May 31, 2019.

Education Fund 3,151,707.57 Transportation Fund 8,120.80

Building Fund 3,086,582.81 Municipal Ret. Fund (41,677.42)

Debt Service Fund 1,002.74 Working Cash Fund 442,997.91

Total All Funds 6,648,734.41


Principal Kovalcik gave the Administrator’s Update and spoke about the following events:

Mrs. Kovalcik began by introducing two guests that will be joining the Rosemont Family for the 2019-20 school year. Mrs. Hannah Banaszak will be teaching Kindergarten and Ms. Diana Lara Martinez will be teaching Spanish to grades Kindergarten through 8th grade.

• The last weeks of school were hectic, but they were fun. The end of the year dance went well, and the students did a great job decorating and had a wonderful time.

• The community enjoyed the Kindergarten and 8th grade graduation ceremonies.

• The Jr. High awards assembly took place on the last day of school along with the primary and middle school picnic.

• The summer has so far been spent interviewing for open positions and getting the building ready for the upcoming school year.

• The Safety Handbook is being worked on with the Rosemont Public Safety Department.

• The Parent/Student Handbook is being edited to revise cell phone policies within the building along with a discipline plan that will be enforced staring our first day of school.


There was no Correspondence to the Board at this time. Special Education Report

At this time there was no Special Education Report. Legislation Report

Superintendent Anderson spoke about the 6% threshold being reinstated for retiring members. Secondly, he spoke about the 2019-20 school calendar (days required, 2 Parent/Teacher Conference days allowed, E-Learning Days). Lastly, he spoke about the State helping those schools in need of funding.

Voters’ League Assignment

President Stephens stated that he would do the Voters’ League Assignment.

Other Board Reports

There were no Other Board Reports at this time.

Board Calendar

There were no Board Calendar items at this time.


There was a motion made by Member Anderson, seconded by Member Wilson, to approve the List of Disbursements for the month of May 2019 (reviewed by Member Monaco).

Education Fund 381,992.74 Transportation Fund 1,517.18

Building Fund 27,752.37 Municipal Ret. Fund 9,034.78

Debt Serv. Fund 0

Total 420,297.07

A roll call vote

AYES: Wilson, Anderson, Monaco, Houston, Muszynski, and President


NAYS: None

ABSENT: Vice President Bailey

Motion Carried


Resolution to Transfer Funds from Working Cash to IMRF/Social Security Fund

There was a motion made by Member Anderson, seconded by Member Wilson, to approve the Resolution of the Board of Education directing the School Treasurer to partially abate and transfer $55,000 from the Working Cash Fund to the Illinois Municipal Retirement/Social Security Fund.

AYES: Wilson, Anderson, Monaco, Houston, Muszynski, and President Stephens

NAYS: None

ABSENT: Vice President Bailey

Motion Carried

West 40 Intergovernmental Agreement for Safe Schools

There was a motion made by Member Anderson, seconded by Member Wilson, to approve the West 40 Intergovernmental Agreement for Safe Schools for the 2019-20 school year.

AYES: Wilson, Anderson, Monaco, Houston, Muszynski, and President Stephens

NAYS: None

ABSENT: Vice President Bailey

Motion Carried

Insurance Renewal for 2019-20 School Year

There was a motion made by Member Anderson, seconded by Member Wilson, to approve the Insurance Renewal for the 2019-20 school year proposed by Presidio Group.

AYES: Wilson, Anderson, Monaco, Houston, Muszynski, and President Stephens

NAYS: None

ABSENT: Vice President Bailey

Motion Carried


There were no Old Business/Action Items at this time.


There were no Policy Items at this time.


Diana Martinez

There was a motion made by Member Wilson seconded by Member

Anderson, to approve hiring Diana Martinez for the 2019-20 school year as a Spanish Teacher for an annual salary of $51,233.

AYES: Wilson, Anderson, Monaco, Houston, Muszynski, and President Stephens

NAYS: None

ABSENT: Vice President Bailey

Motion Carried

Nicole Semenek

There was a motion made by Member Anderson, seconded by Member Wilson, to approve hiring Nicole Semenek for the 2019-20 school year as a Second Grade Teacher for an annual salary of $48,306.

AYES: Wilson, Anderson, Monaco, Houston, Muszynski, and President


NAYS: None

ABSENT: Vice President Bailey

Motion Carried

Hannah Banaszak

There was a motion made by Member Anderson, seconded by Member Wilson, to approve hiring Hannah Banaszak for the 2019-20 school year as a Kindergarten Teacher for an annual salary of $49,638.

AYES: Wilson, Anderson, Monaco, Houston, Muszynski, and President


NAYS: None

ABSENT: Vice President Bailey

Motion Carried


President Stephens asked if there were any Questions from the Public. There were no questions.


There was a motion made by Member Anderson, seconded by Member Wilson to adjourn this meeting at 6:42 p.m.

A roll call vote

AYES: Wilson, Anderson, Monaco, Houston, Muszynski, and President Stephens

NAYS: None

ABSENT: Vice President Bailey

Motion Carried
