Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning Human and Community Development Committee met Dec. 10.
Here is the minutes provided by the committee:
Committee Members Present: Sheri Cohen, Fluturi Demirovski, Laurie Dittman*, Jackie Forbes, Jacky Grimshaw, Hanna Kite, Greg Polman*, Olatunji Oboi Reed, Enrique Salgado, Jr.*, Dominic Tocci* (*indicates via phone)
Others Present: Todd Wyatt
Staff Present: Elizabeth Schuh, Erin Ludwig, Stephanie Levine, Timi Koyejo, Melissa Silverberg, Kathleen Lane, Tony Manno, Simone Weil, Jesse Elam, Gordon Smith, Tina Smith, Austen Edwards, Matthew Stern, Lindsay Hollander, Joey-Lin Silberhorn, Katie Piotrowska
1.0 Call to Order
Sheri Cohen, committee co-chair, called the meeting to order.
2.0 Agenda Changes and Announcements
There were no agenda changes or announcements.
3.0 Approval of Minutes – October 8, 2019
A motion to approve the minutes of the October 8, 2019 meeting was made, seconded, and carried.
4.0 Future Housing, Development, and Demographics Research
CMAP staff, Liz Schuh, presented information on current efforts to establish a multiyear approach to CMAP’s research into housing, demographic, and development trends. She identified CMAP near term priorities, including promoting reinvestment in disinvested communities, increased demand for walkable places, e-commerce, and population loss. Committee member discussion focused primarily on reinvestment, including identifying city partners for CMAP to engage with, such as Chicago’s Department of Planning and Development. Members also emphasized the importance of recognizing degrees of disinvested, such as with communities experiencing gentrification or pressures from migration of new populations. Committee members also commented that CMAP should consider incorporating a racial equity impact assessment in all projects. Members also highlighted that communities should be accessible to older adults and people with disabilities.
5.0 LTA/Community Planning Call for Projects
CMAP staff Tony Manno recapped CMAP’s 2019 call for projects for the local technical assistance program. CMAP received roughly 80 applications from across the region. Staff are currently evaluating applications and will present their selections to the CMAP Board in Spring 2020. Committee members asked for additional information on the number of applications that were received from disinvested and economically disconnected areas. Tony shared that roughly half of the applications were submitted from these areas, partly due to specific outreach staff conducted to high need areas. Members also emphasized the importance of highlighting both challenges and assets that can be leveraged in these communities. Committee members also highlighted the importance of developing agency clarity around equity, what it means, and how it can be measured. Committee members requested to receive additional data in the future about the communities selected, including information on socioeconomic composition, and educational and economic outcomes.
6.0 Gathering input on CMAP Communications and Outreach Efforts
CMAP staff Melissa Silverberg and Kathi Lane presented the various mechanisms through which CMAP communicates with various audiences. They asked committee members to comment on the structure and content of events, the new CMAP site, the Weekly Update, and social media accounts. Committee members agreed that the Weekly Update and the CMAP site were particularly useful in finding information and data. Members particularly appreciated the new events calendar on the homepage, and the highlights provided in the Weekly Update. Members did mention that it was difficult to find and navigate the DataHub and eTIP, though. Members did comment, however, that they were not frequent visitors to CMAP’s social media accounts though did suggest using social media to target youth. Members also identified webinars as a potentially strong addition to the way CMAP connects with its audiences.
7.0 Committee Updates
Staff liaison, Aseal Tineh, summarized the major themes that emerged during her conversations with committee members. These included clarification around committee purpose and structure, more substantive meeting agendas that are more discussion- focused, introducing projects at earlier stages, improving data and information sharing, creating opportunities for networking, and elevating issues related to race and disability. Aseal also presented the new Human and Community Development Charge, which was informed by the feedback committee members offered through the 2019 meetings. Aseal also introduced upcoming projects that will be brought to the committee in 2020, including the Inclusive Growth Guide to Planning, staff evaluation of inclusive growth evaluation criteria for transportation programming, and the equity analysis of transportation fines, fares, and fees. Committee members added that they would encourage CMAP staff to engage in their committees and committees of other partners and stakeholders, to offer opportunities to discuss cross cutting process challenges, such as community engagement, and create opportunities to offer updates on how committee feedback was incorporated into project development.
8.0 2020 Meeting Schedule
Committee members approved the following 2020 meeting schedule:
- February 4
- April 7
- June9
- August 4
- October 6
- December 8
Committee members agreed to not change the meeting time. Thus, the committee will meet from 10am to noon on the scheduled dates.
9.0 Member Updates
In response to the committee’s feedback on identifying opportunities for additional networking, this agenda item will be a standing item in future agendas to offer opportunities for committee members to share information and connect broadly. Oboi Reed shared information about a forthcoming event in March on equity in policy enforcement and automated enforcement, and their impacts on mobility. Additional information will be shared nearer to the event date.
10.0 Public Comment
There were no public comments.
11.0 Next Meeting
The committee will meet next on Tuesday, February 4th from 10am – noon.
12.0 Adjournment
Meeting adjourned at 11:45 a.m.