
Chicago City Wire

Thursday, April 18, 2024

City of Wheaton Housing Commission met October 10

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City of Wheaton Housing Commission met Oct. 10.

Here is the minutes provided by the commission:

I. Call to Order and Roll Call :

The regular meeting of the Wheaton Housing Commission was held in the Gammon Room, Wheaton City Hall, at 303 W. Wesley Street, Wheaton, Illinois. Housing Commission Chair, Bob Barger, called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm on Thursday, October 10, 2019.


Bob Barger

Kristine Eisenmann

Jan Kay

Joe Kreidl – City of Wheaton

Stu Johnson

Mike Rybinski

Bill Gilbertson

Tom Zullo


Marcella Incarnati David Horton

II. Public Comment


III. Approval of Minutes:

Commissioner Barger moved, and commissioner Johnson seconded, a motion to accept the minutes of the August 9, 2019 meeting.

The motion was unanimously approved by a voice vote.

IV. Correspondence:

a. Commissioner Barger submitted to the group his letter of resignation effective 11/1/2019. The commission thanked him for his many years of dedicated service to the Commission. Group will need to vote on a new Chair at the next meeting on Thursday, November 14th.

b. 2019HousingAssistanceProgramSummary

Commissioner Barger will have the list clarified as it was noticed that some of the data was incorrect or missing.

V. Old Business:

a. Review of subcommittee work on Inclusionary Housing

Commissioner Barger agrees that a simple one page document would be ideal. Commissioner Barger addressed Commissioner Hortons concerns in his own response. Discussion regarding using the term “guideline” and the title being “Inclusionary Housing Guidelines”. Commissioner Barger will be meeting with Commissioner Horton prior to his departure.

b. Finalize Interview Questions

Commissioner’s will be conducting their annual visits to participants. Packets were distributed to the group and interview responses are due back by Friday, November 22nd.

c. CY2020 Applications

Applications have been mailed out to current clients, the application has been posted to the city website and in the city newsletter. There was also an insert included in water bill.

VI. New Business:

a. CY2020Applications

The Commission reviewed the current applications and discussed some data that seemed missing. Commissioner Barger will get the data clarified.

VII. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 7:30pm by Commissioner Barger
