Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning Environment and Natural Resources Committee met March 5.
Here is the agenda provided by the committee:
1.0 Call to Order
2.0 Agenda Changes and Announcements
3.0 Approval of Minutes—January 9, 2020
4.0 Montgomery Unified Development Ordinance – Jake Seid, CMAP
The Village of Montgomery is advancing the vision of its Go Montgomery 2035 Comprehensive Plan (2014) by creating a Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) in partnership with CMAP’s Local Technical Assistance Program. This presentation will focus on the standards in the UDO that implement the Village’s sustainability goals, particularly in regard to landscaping, parking, and subdivisions.
5.0 Algonquin-Cary Subarea Plan – Kate Evasic, CMAP
Through the LTA program, CMAP is assisting the Villages of Algonquin and Cary to create a subarea plan for three gravel mining sites along the Route 31 corridor. The plan identifies future uses for the mining areas, including recreation, natural resource protection, and economic development, as well as transportation system improvements to improve bicycle and pedestrian circulation. Kate Evasic will update the Committee on the project and provide an overview of the draft plan recommendations.
6.0 CMAP’s Legislative Agenda – Anthony Cefali, CMAP
Staff will update the Committee on relevant legislative activities and bill actions in the Illinois General Assembly.
7.0 Overview of STP, CMAQ, TAP program selection – Doug Ferguson, CMAP
CMAP is responsible for strategically investing federal funds throughout the region on transportation projects that support the goals of ON TO 2050. Staff will give an overview of CMAP’s transportation fund programs and the types of projects that can be funded.
8.0 Corridor Plan for the Fox River from Burtons Bridge to Johnsburg – Kelsey Pudlock, CMAP
With support from the LTA program, McHenry County and City of McHenry are leading a collaborative effort to develop a corridor plan to improve river-related commerce, the environment and natural resources, multi-model transportation, as well as public access and recreational use to/on the river. The planning area spans four communities, nature preserves, and parks over a distance of eight miles from Burtons Bridge at Route 176 to the Dutch Creek inlet in Johnsburg. As the orientation phase of the project nears completion, Kelsey Pudlock will provide a brief overview of the project and outline next steps with a focus on the engagement strategy and data collection efforts.
9.0 Other Business
10.0 Public Comment
This is an opportunity for comments from members of the audience. The amount of time available to speak will be at the chair’s discretion. It should be noted that the exact time for the public comment period will immediately follow the last item on the agenda.
11.0 Next Meeting
The next meeting will be May 7 at 9:30 a.m. in the DuPage County conference room.
11.0 Adjournment