
Chicago City Wire

Thursday, May 9, 2024

ILLINOIS STATE SENATE DISTRICT 11: Villanueva: Staying at home in a privilege inaccessible to the working class

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Illinois State Senate District 11 issued the following announcement on May 7.

Having the highest level of COVID-19 infections in the state, in the area that corresponds to her zip code, state senator Celina Villanueva (D-Chicago) releases the following statement:

“Staying at home is an inaccessible privilege for the working class. With an out-of-date unemployment insurance system, without an adequate social safety net, and with a lack of personal protective equipment, people in my community are forced to choose between catching on the job or losing everything.

"As we continue to adapt to the pandemic, we must address the vast economic and health disparities in our communities. They are the African American and Latino communities where there are higher levels of contagion, so we should start with having more screening sites in our neighborhoods.

“I appreciate that the Governor announced that he is working with community health centers to have more screenings, as well as emergency Medicaid coverage regardless of immigration status. I ask the Governor to continue these alliances. Also, that it is directed to the businesses of these localities to guarantee that they strictly follow the security protocols. There is an imperative to protect thousands of service industry workers and essential employees who risk their lives on a daily basis. ”

Original source can be found here.