
Chicago City Wire

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Political Strategist Robling: Lightfoot's $12.8 billion budget is 'act of fantasy'


Republican Political Strategist, Chris Robling | File photo

Republican Political Strategist, Chris Robling | File photo

Republican Political Strategist, Chris Robling, said he fears Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s (D-Chicago) new $12.8 billion budget will only open the door for more of the same of what’s long been going wrong.

“Sadly, the budget is an act of fantasy and it will end in ruin. We’re looking at insolvency followed by bankruptcy," Robling told Chicago City Wire

Robling’s dire forecast comes after, as a Chicago Tribune article reported, the Mayor moved to adopt a 2021 spending plan that seeks to bridge a crater-sized deficit through questionable financing, and a $94 million property tax increase. The proposed budget was passed by the City Council with a 29-21 vote, and also approved was the $94 million property tax increase by a count of 28-22.

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot (D) | Twitter

“The city has proven utterly incapable of dealing with the underlying imbalances it’s created for itself,” Robling said. 

Lightfoot’s so-called “pandemic budget” includes a provision to annually raise property taxes by an amount tied to the consumer price index, raise gas taxes by 3 cents and seeks to refinance $501 million in city debt this year.

“I think we’re looking at the city ceasing to be able to be solvent," Robling said. 

Going forward, Robling predicts nothing’s likely to change going until lawmakers’ earnestly tackle the task of reigning in the state’s runaway pension systems.

“It’s the only way to really turn things around,” Robling said.   

Robling wishes things would have been different, but recognizes Lighfoot’s hands were largely tied.

“After left helps you get in office right away they start extracting more and more from you,” Robling said.

“She’s not doing things she may want to do as much as she’s doing what she knows will be the most popular," Robling said.