
Chicago City Wire

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Former Baltimore Deputy Police Commissioner Johnson fumes 'they've vilified whole profession'

Car accident 19

Former Baltimore Deputy Police Commissioner Jason Johnson says he doesn’t miss the job.

“I wouldn’t,” Johnson said when asked during a recent appearance on Chicago's Morning Answer if he would choose to be an officer if he had the chance to do it all over again.

“They’ve vilified the whole profession,” he added. “It’s really sad. Every department in the country is really struggling to get people that want to be police anymore.”

Johnson laments much has changed in the days since he first donned the uniform. And in his eyes, all of it has come at the expense of the people.

“Most reasonable people understand defunding police is not good,” he added. “But they’re lead to believe police are sort of the problem and that police need all sort of regulations. Those in the profession now take like a firemen type approach to crime fighting. It’s not pro-active; it’s like respond to complaints, address the immediate compliant and withdraw.”

Johnson said part of the problem is what he calls the social justice warriors now serving as top prosecutors in many of the big cities.

“Prosecutors are being elected that don’t want to prosecute and we see crime going through the roof,” he said. “I don’t think the electorate is aware of the spike in crime and prosecutors that don’t want to prosecute.”