
Chicago City Wire

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Moore blasts Democratic stimulus plan as 'creating massive entitlement'


President Joe Biden | File Photo

President Joe Biden | File Photo

Over the long haul, economist Stephen Moore fears President Joe Biden’s $1.9 trillion stimulus plan may do states more harm than good.

“It has a provision that prohibits states from cutting taxes for four years,” Moore said during a recent appearance on Chicago's Morning Answer. “If any state takes this money it’s prohibited from cutting taxes. How outrageous is that and how is that constitutional?”

Moore added Illinois may be worse off than most.

“If there’s any state that needs to cut its taxes its Illinois,” he said. “I’m so angry about what these leftist have done. We don’t need 1.9 trillion.”

 Again, Moore worries about what all the spending will come to mean for the already cash-strapped state.

“We’re creating this massive entitlement and welfare state and the only purpose is to get more Americans hooked on government,” he said.