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Lake County Community Health Center Governing Council met Dec. 14

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Lake County Community Health Center Governing Council met Dec. 14.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

1. Call to Order

Member Lara joined the meeting at 5:42 p.m.

Chair Smith-Taylor called the meeting to order at 5:32 p.m.

Present 7 - Member Fornero, Vice Chair Brown, Member Tarter, Member Bejster, Member Cunningham, Chair Smith-Taylor and Member Lara

Absent 2 - Member Washington and Secretary Argueta

2. Pledge of Allegiance

Chair Smith-Taylor called upon Member Ross Cunningham to lead the Pledge of Allegiance.

3. Approval of Minutes

3.1 November 9, 2021 Meeting Minutes

Member Brown asked again for an explanation on the numbers for the HIV Linkage to Care indicator in regard to agenda item 8.1, CQI Update. Chair Smith-Taylor asked that his question be held until the Council is addressing item 8.1, as it does not pertain to the approval of the minutes.

A motion was made by Member Ross Cunningham, seconded by Member Fornero, to approve the minutes of the November 9, 2021, regular meeting. Roll call vote, all in favor, motion carried.

Aye: 6 - MMember Fornero, Vice Chair Brown, Member Tarter, Member Bejster, Member Cunningham and Chair Smith-Taylor

Absent: 2 - Member Washington and Secretary Argueta

Not Present: 1 - Member Lara

4. Public Comment to the Council


5. Executive Director's Report

Executive Director Mark Pfister reported on the following:

1. Omicron Variant Update: It is circulating around the world and is now in half the states in the US. It appears to be more infectious than some of the other variants but it is unknown whether it will be more virulent, i.e., causing more hospitalizations, death, and more severe illness. The majority of the cases in the US have been in vaccinated individuals and have been mild, however, we are waiting on the scientists to tell us more. Also, it does appear that the current vaccines are having some positive impact on reducing infection with the Omicron variant. Pfizer, one of the vaccine manufacturers, has reported that a booster shot does provide additional antibody response. Other studies have shown that there hasn't been much of an antibody response for those infected with the Omicron variant. All of these measurements are based on the antibody response and not on the fighter T-cells, which are also very important in the response. At this point, we are instructing everyone to get their first series, which is most important, because unvaccinated individuals have a 6x greater risk of getting infected with the still circulating Delta variant, an 11x greater risk of being hospitalized, and a 14x greater risk of dying. The reward of getting vaccinated is much greater than any risk from it.

2. Recruitment: After the first of the year, LCHD will be hiring a consultant to review recruiting, onboarding, and offboarding processes as a result of the extreme difficulties with hiring staff in the current challenging market. Over 30% of our Behavioral Health positions are currently open. We are losing and having a hard time replacing medical assistants. The consultant will also be looking at the very bureaucratic hiring process we currently have in place so that selected candidates can be brought on board faster. Our current process takes 4-6 weeks because we have to go through the County system which is causing us to lose qualified candidates.

3. FQHC Management Structure: A consultant will be coming in to look at management structure and best practices to determine where improvements need to be made to ensure FQHC staff are as engaged as staff in the other areas of the agency.

He will be providing updates on the consultants, as well as the employee engagement survey, at future meetings.

6. Action items

6.1 Provider Credentialing and/or Privileging - Dr. Zun

Dr. Zun presented one provider for credentialing and privileging (Kathyrn Ellis, APRN, Psychiatry) and concurs with the findings of the Personnel Committee to recommend approval.

A motion was made by Member Ross Cunningham, seconded by Member Bejster, to approve the credentialing and privileging for the provider named, as requested. Roll call vote, all in favor, motion carried.

Aye: 7 - Member Fornero, Vice Chair Brown, Member Tarter, Member Bejster, Member Cunningham, Chair Smith-Taylor and Member Lara

Absent: 2 - Member Washington and Secretary Argueta

6.2 Provider Reappointment - Dr. Zun

Dr. Zun presented one provider for reappointment (Adrianna Dangremond, MD) and concurs with the findings of the Personnel Committee to recommend approval.

A motion was made by Member Bejster, seconded by Member Fornero, to approve the reappointment of the provider named, as requested. Roll call vote, all in favor, motion carried.

Aye: 7 - Member Fornero, Vice Chair Brown, Member Tarter, Member Bejster, Member Cunningham, Chair Smith-Taylor and Member Lara

Absent: 2 - Member Washington and Secretary Argueta

6.3 FY 2021 HRSA ARP Health Center Construction & Capital Improvements (C8E) - $927,053 - Grant Approval - Nordstrom

A motion was made by Member Ross Cunningham, seconded by Member Fornero, to approve the grant funding of $927,053 from HRSA, as presented. Roll call vote, all in favor, motion carried.

Aye: 7 - Member Fornero, Vice Chair Brown, Member Tarter, Member Bejster, Member Cunningham, Chair Smith-Taylor and Member Lara

Absent: 2 - Member Washington and Secretary Argueta

6.4 FY 2022 Illinois Children’s Healthcare Foundation and Delta Dental of Illinois Foundation - Grant Approval - $200,000.00 - Zun

Dr. Zun, Medical Director, reviewed the information provided in the agenda packet.

A motion was made by Member Tarter, seconded by Member Fornero, to approve the grant funding of $200,000 from the Illinois Children's Healthcare Foundation and Delta Dental of Illinois Foundation and the additional $53,919 in program income, as presented. Roll call vote, all in favor, motion carried.

Aye: 7 - Member Fornero, Vice Chair Brown, Member Tarter, Member Bejster, Member Cunningham, Chair Smith-Taylor and Member Lara

Absent: 2 - Member Washington and Secretary Argueta

6.5 FY 2021 Medical Nutrition Therapy for Patients with Uncontrolled Diabetes - $85,000.00 - Grant Approval - Burke

Kim Burke, Director of Healthcare Operations, reviewed the information provided in the agenda packet. Member Bejster noted that the attached budget sheet doesn't list the breakdown of the dollars as is the norm. Diane Pelli, Business Office Manager, explained it's because it's going to offset a salary that is currently in the budget.

A motion was made by Member Fornero, seconded by Member Lara, to approve the grant funding of $85,000 from the Healthcare Foundation of Northern Lake County, as presented. Roll call vote, all in favor, motion carried.

Aye: 7 - Member Fornero, Vice Chair Brown, Member Tarter, Member Bejster, Member Cunningham, Chair Smith-Taylor and Member Lara

Absent: 2 - Member Washington and Secretary Argueta

6.6 Annual Approval of Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) Family Planning Program Educational Materials - Burke

Kim Burke, Director of Healthcare Operations, reviewed the information provided in the agenda packet.

A motion was made by Member Fornero, seconded by Member Bejster, to approve the IDPH Family Planning Program Educational Materials, as presented. Roll call vote, all in favor, motion carried.

Aye: 7 - Member Fornero, Vice Chair Brown, Member Tarter, Member Bejster, Member Cunningham, Chair Smith-Taylor and Member Lara

Absent: 2 - Member Washington and Secretary Argueta

6.7 Recommendation to Approve New Governing Council Member - Tarter

Member Tarter, Nominating Committee Chair, reviewed the information provided in the agenda packet.

A motion was made by Member Tarter, seconded by Member Fornero, to approve the recommendation of the Nominating Committee and accept the membership of Yadira Hegar Chuc effective January 2022, for an initial term of 1-year. Roll call vote,

Aye: 7 - Member Fornero, Vice Chair Brown, Member Tarter, Member Bejster, Member Cunningham, Chair Smith-Taylor and Member Lara

Absent: 2 - Member Washington and Secretary Argueta

6.8 Proposed Slate of Governing Council Officers - Tarter

Member Tarter, Nominating Committee Chair, reviewed the information provided in the agenda packet noting that subsequent to the agenda packet being finalized and distributed, Member Brown declined the nomination to continue serving as Vice Chair. He stated that the Nominating Committee would now like to nominate Member Fornero to serve as Vice Chair. He then opened the proceedings to other nominations from the floor. There were none. Member Brown brought up the question of terms of office. Mark reminded the Council that while the election of officers has to occur annually, a member can serve only two consecutive years in any one officer position, and the same goes for Committee Chairs.

Member Brown noted a correction to the slate of officers listed. He stated that the Chair's last name is Smith-Taylor, not Smith Vice. Mark explained that Vice should have been on the next line so that it states Vice Chair, and that somehow it was inadvertently moved up to the end of the line above thereby deleting Taylor.

A motion was made by Member Tarter, seconded by Member Ross Cunningham, to approve the 2022 slate of officers as nominated (Chair: Smith-Taylor, Vice Chair: Fornero, Secretary: Argueta). Roll call vote, all in favor, motion carried.

Aye: 7 - Member Fornero, Vice Chair Brown, Member Tarter, Member Bejster, Member Cunningham, Chair Smith-Taylor and Member Lara

Absent: 2 - Member Washington and Secretary Argueta

7. Presentations

7.1 Strategic Plan Update - McMillan-Wilhoit

Jefferson McMillan-Wilhoit, Director of Health Informatics and Technology, and Anna Yankelev, Interim Strategic Planning and Partnerships Manager, provided an update on the release of the OneLCHD Strategic Plan, the publication of the 2021 Annual Action Plan Retrospective, and plans for the 2022 Annual Action Plan. There will be quarterly updates to the Council going forward. Mark noted that the appointment of members to the Governing Council committees for 2022 will be on the agenda for January 11, 2022, and the members appointed to the Strategic Planning committee are welcome to become involved with the action teams, as they see fit. He also noted that the hiring of Anna Yankelev to work on Strategic Planning full time has been very beneficial and is definitely reflected in the work being done.

8. Discussion Items

8.1 CQI Update - Hayes

Christina Hayes, CQI Coordinator, informed the Council that there continues to be stable performance across all measures. The teams are continuing to work on the focus areas of diabetes, immunization, depression screening, and childhood weight assessment and counseling. Performance compared to last year has improved in several measures including adult BMI screening, breast cancer screening, dental sealant application, depression screening, tobacco screening, and pediatric weight counseling. She reminded the Council that the diabetes care management program began in September 2021 and participants are enrolled on a rolling quarterly basis. There are 28 patients currently enrolled and working with two care management teams. Compliance with lab testing for those 28 patients has improved greatly: lipid panel went from 68% to 93%, metabolic panel went from 67% to 96%, microalbumin (urine) went from 49% to 71%, and A1c, the most important indicator of how a patient is doing and which is tested semi-annually, went from 59% to 85.7%. While it is too early to look at actual A1c results to determine patient improvement as a result of the program, we are able to see that these patients are complying with their appointments, the lab tests they need, and are more engaged in their own care.

In response to Member Brown's earlier question, Christina explained that since January 1, 2021, there have been 10,058 FQHC patients screened for HIV of which two tested positive. Of those two, one was linked in to care within 90 days, hence the 50% for the HIV Linkage to Care metric. While the numbers for this metric pertain to newly diagnosed patients only, the patients previously diagnosed do not fall out of our indicator population or denominator, they stay in throughout the entire year. Therefore, what will likely be seen after January 1, 2022, is a 0/0 for that metric until another FQHC patient tests positive. Member Brown stated that the explanation answers his question.

This matter was presented

8.2 Governing Council Member Self-Evaluation - Smith-Taylor

Chair Smith-Taylor reviewed this information with the Council and instructed members to submit their form to Lisa Kroeger by December 31, 2021. Lisa will also be emailing the members a form that can be completed and submitted via their computer.

This matter was presented

9. Medical Director Report

9.1 Medical Director Report - Dr. Zun

Dr. Zun reviewed the highlights of his report and its attachment as provided in the agenda packet. Chair Smith-Taylor asked for an update on the status of the recruitment process for the Behavioral Health Medical Director as it has been posted for quite some time. Mark stated that this is a challenging position to recruit for and that the last time it was done it was open for three years. That is because most medical doctors stick with medicine, very few go in to management or have management training. Also, the fact that this position requires a psychiatrist who wants to go in to administration and be a director makes it even more challenging. While there have been candidates who have applied for this position, they have not had the appropriate experience. Therefore, Dr. Daram Reddy will continue as our Interim Behavioral Health Medical Director.

10. Director of Healthcare Operations Report

10.1 Director of Healthcare Operations Report - Burke

Kim Burke reviewed the highlights of her report and its attachment as provided in the agenda packet.

11. Director of Finance Report

11.1 Director of Finance Report - Riley

Pam Riley reviewed the highlights of her report as provided in the agenda packet and reminded the Council that this is the 11th month of the fiscal year so closeout of the current fiscal year is in process. She also noted that the update previously requested by the Governing Council Task Force at their meeting in May 2021, will be provided at the January 11, 2021 meeting.

12. Added to Agenda

Member Fornero asked if Lake County Health Department leads in the State of Illinois in the number of vaccinations administered. Mark explained that based on CDC's data, which includes individuals vaccinated out-of-state, Lake County is the most fully vaccinated county in the State of Illinois. The partnerships the Health Department has had with corporations, pharmacies, schools, and so many others have led to that. The Health Department's teams have also done an awesome job by administering over 100,000 doses. And, ultimately, over one million doses have been administered to Lake County residents.

13. Old Business


14. New Business


15. Executive Session


16. Adjournment

Chair Smith-Taylor adjourned the meeting at 7:03 p.m.
