
Chicago City Wire

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Village of Brighton Village Board met April 4

Village of Brighton Village Board met April 4.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

A. Call To Order/ Pledge of Allegiance: Mayor Kasten called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

B. Roll Call: Present -Brad Arnold, John Bramley, Dala Lawrence, Marcella Wilfong, Jim Winslade, and Aaron Mead. Others in Attendance: Village Clerk Cynthia Tucker, Treasurer Ashley Lievers, Village Attorney Jennifer Watson, Officer Scott Brown, and Public Works Supervisor Kaleb Kahl.

C. Approval of Reviewed Minutes 03-07-22: Aaron Mead, 2nd John Bramley. Motion Carried by Voice Vote 6-0.

D. Approval of Reviewed Treasurers Report: Aaron Mead, 2nd by Jim Winslade. Roll Call: 6 Yeas; 0 Nays. Motion Carried 6-0.

E. Review and Approval of Bills: Aaron Mead, 2nd by Brad Arnold. Roll Call: 6 Yeas; 0 Nays. Motion Carried 6-0.

F. Review of Water & Sewer Deposit/Totals/Gallons Billed/Lost: No questions were asked by the board.

G. Public Comment:

i. John Moore wanted to inform the board he had done some online research on Republic Services and found they had a 1.16-star approval and the person commented they only gave one star because they had to give at least one, but they did mention they had friendly tellers on the phone. John wanted to tell the board he liked Sanders and his tips his driver on a regular basis. John said he comes into the Municipal building and knows how busy each person is and he feels no one has extra time to answer trash questions if people had them.

ii. Elaine Weaver wanted to thank the water department. She had a water leak in the wall and they came quickly and turned off her water to stop any further damage until the plumbers arrived. Mayor Kasten asked Kaleb if he could relay this to the Public Works.

iii. Barb Coles said she has been a resident for 46 years and she would like to keep Sanders Trash and pay her bill herself. She said her neighbor is elderly and does not pay for trash service. The neighbor's son comes each week to collect her bag of trash and puts it with his weekly trash. She thinks it isn't fair to charge everyone for trash service if they don't want to pay for it.

H. Correspondence: Village Clerk Cynthia Tucker read a thank you note from Sue Orban as the blood drive collected more units than they expected. Aaron Mead made a motion to place the correspondence on file, 2nd by John Bramley. Motion Carried by Voice Vote 6-0.

Committee Reports

A. Clerk Committee: 03/09/22 Meeting Minutes Motion Made by Aaron Mead, 2nd by Brad Arnold to approve the minutes and place them on file. Motion Carried by Voice Vote: 6 Yeas; 0 Nays.

1. Action Item: John Bramley made a motion to approve the Mayor, Clerk, and Treasurer to attend the IML Educational Conference September 2022 at $310 each plus other expenses not to exceed village ordinance, 2nd by Aaron Mead, Roll Call: 6 Yeas; 0 Nays. Motion Carried 6-0.

B. Public Works: 03/22/22 Meeting Minutes Motion Made by Dala Lawrence, 2nd by John Bramley to approve the minutes and place them on file. Motion Carried by Voice Vote: 6 Yeas; 0 Nays.

1. Action Item: Jim Winslade approved the recommendations to get bids for the sale of 2019 Big Dog Diablo Mower MP 72" Cut, 35 HP, Kawasaki FX 1000V, 560 Hours, with warranty up to 2500 Hours or 5/20/26 whichever comes first for defective materials, current value $10,201.00, 2nd by Dala Lawrence. Roll Call: 6 Yeas; 0 Nays. Motion Carried 6-0

C. Economic Committee: 03/01/22 Meeting Minutes Motion Made by Aaron Mead, 2nd by Brad Arnold to approve the minutes and place them on file. Motion Carried by Voice Vote: 6 Yeas; 0 Nays.

D. Park Committee: 03/17/22 Meeting Minutes Motion Made by Aaron Mead, 2nd Dala Lawrence to accept the minutes and place them on file. Motion Carried by Voice Vote: 6 Yeas; 0 Nays.

1. Action Item: Aaron Mead made a motion to approve the purchase of 6 LED Lights in the amount up to $660 for the park pavilion, 2nd by Jim Winslade. Roll Call: 6 Yeas; 0 Nays, Motion Carried 6-0.

E. Planning Committee: 03/16/22 Meeting Minutes Motion Made by John Bramley, 2nd Aaron Mead to accept the minutes and place them on file. Motion Carried by Voice Vote: 6 Yeas; O Nays.

F. Public Safety: 03/21/22 No Quorum

G. Zoning Committee: 03/15/22 Meeting Minutes Motion Made by Aaron Mead, 2nd Dala Lawrence to accept the minutes and place them on file, Motion Carried by Voice Vote: 6 Yeas; 0 Nays.

Unfinished Business:

A. None

New Business:

A. Action Item: John Bramley made a motion to approve the Diesel Tank Cleaning in the amount not exceed $2342.35, 2nd by Aaron Mead. Roll Call: 6 Yeas; 0 Nays. Motion Carried 6-0.

Executive Session: If needed for discussion of personal matters and possible action to be taken. None

Miscellaneous Business:

A. Mayor Kasten asked the Board Committee Chairs to watch for the budget numbers that will be emailed by Ashley to them this week. He asked them to email him the committees wish lists, but please remember revenues are down 17%, so we will not be spending unless the item is truly needed.

Adjournment: Time: 7:20 p.m. Motion Made By: Aaron Mead 2nd By: John Bramley.
