
Chicago City Wire

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Lake County Zoning Board of Appeals met May 12

Lake County Zoning Board of Appeals met May 12.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

1. Call to Order 

2. Roll Call 

3. Pledge of Allegiance (if flag is present) 

4. Added to Agenda Items 

5. Deferred Matters 

6. Other Business 

6.1 22-0722 

ZBA #000760-2022 - On the petition of Robert Charles Atwater and Jenna F.  Atwater, record owners, who seek the following variation from the requirements of the  Lake County Code and any other zoning relief as required: 1) Reduce the water’s  edge setback from 30 feet to 0 feet to construct an accessory structure. The subject  property is located at 25823 and 25819 W. Oak Lane, Ingleside, Illinois and is  approximately 0.64 acres.

6.2 22-0723 

ZBA #000761-2022 - On the petition of John and Denise Mandigo, record owners,  who seek the following variation from the requirements of the Lake County Code and  any other zoning relief as required:  

1) Reduce the front street setback from 30 feet to 1.5 feet to allow for the  reconstruction of a pool house. 

The subject property is located at 38727 N Drexel Blvd., Antioch, Illinois, and is  approximately 1.8 acres.  

6.3 22-0245 

Executive Session to discuss evidence presented and deliberate application pursuant  to 5 ILCS 120/2 (c)(4). 

7. Adjournment 
