
Chicago City Wire

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Waukegan Port District Board met April 20

Waukegan Port District Board met April 20.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The following Board members were present:

Gene Bach, Member and Historian -- (4:23 arrival)

Tom Evers, Chairman Pro Tem and Secretary (remote, without objection)

Joe Legat, Member Billy McCaffrey, Member Greg Petry, Member

Ben Veal, Member Grant Farrell, Board Chairman

The following Officer was present:

Bob Hamilton, Treasurer

District Counsel Peter Friedman

Members of the Port District Staff present:

Skip Goss, F3 Airport, General Manager/Director, Airport

Max Pekcan, F3 Marina, General Manager, Harbor

Call to Order

Roll Call

Pledge of Allegiance

Approval of Remote Participation/Voting

Port District Counsel Friedman reported that the Gov's disaster declaration was still in place but that did not require virtual meetings. He explained that this meeting was taking place under the pre-pandemic Open Meetings Act rules.

Chairman Remarks / F3

The Chairman reported on several matters and meetings, including ice and wind damage at the Marina, calls regarding airport runway lights, joint efforts with F3 to find a developer for Port District property, and development and approval of the work plan for the SFS repairs and improvements pursuant to the settlement agreement.

Public Comment

There was no public comment

Treasurer's and Finance Report

Finance Committee Report

Mr. Hamilton reported on the check registry and recommended its approval.

Finance Committee Board Policy Review Purchasing Policy Amendment Discussion

Mr. Hamilton reported on the Finance Committee's Board Policy Review, including specifically the Procurement Policy. There was a recommendation to increase the dollar amount for purchases that would not require Board approval with the goal of improving efficiency. Recommendation was to go to $10,000. The Board discussed the different positions on this issue. There was no final decision made.

Mr. Bach asked about withdrawals from the money market funds. He suggested that there by a more frequent and regular balance sheet provided to the Board members. There was a general discussion among the Board members about this issue and the Chairman will be following up on it.

Consent Agenda

Motion to establish the Consent Agenda, made by Mr. Veal and seconded by Mr. Petry. On a voice vote the motion passed unanimously.

• March 16, 2022, Regular Board Meeting Minutes

• March 16, 2022, Closed Board Meeting Minutes

March 22. 2022, Special Board Meeting Minutes February 2022, Electronic Transfer and Check Approval February 2022, Financials

2022-R-13 Resolution Approving a Lease Agreement for use of Harbor & Marina Land for Casual Food Service with Dockside Dogs

Motion to approve the Consent Agenda, made by Mr. Petry and seconded by Mr. Veal. On a roll call vote, all Board members voted Aye and the Consent Agenda was approved.


Harbor General Manager Remarks (operations/status)

Mr. Pekcan reported on several matters related to Harbor and Marina operations, including storm damage to the piers and boats and related repair work issues, and an analysis and recommendation to replace and enhance certain elements of the security system used at the Harbor and Marina.

2022-R-15 Resolution Approving MOU with Employee Connections LLC for Work/Learn Program

After general discussion among the Board members and staff, Mr. Petry moved and Mr. Bach seconded a motion to approve 2022-R-15. On a roll call vote, all Board members voted Aye and the Resolution was approved.

Airport General Manager Remarks (operations/status)

Mr. Goss report on several matters related to Airport operations, including a new environmental assessment being required as part of the runway project and the delay that will cause, grant application for pavement and runway projects, working with SFS on work plan under the settlement agreement, the Fraley property status and issues.

2022-R-14 Resolution Approving Amendment to HPS Contract for Fraley

Mr. Bach moved, and Mr. Evers seconded a motion to approve 2022-R-14. On a roll call vote, all Board members voted Aye and the Resolution was approved.

Board Comments


On a motion by Mr. Veal to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Petry, the motion was adopted unanimously by voice vote. The meeting adjourned at approximately 5:15 p.m.
