
Chicago City Wire

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Rosemont Elementary School District #78 Board of Education met April 11

Rosemont Elementary School District #78 Board of Education met April 11.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:


President Stephens called the meeting to order at 5:34p.m.


President Stephens asked for a roll call.

MEMBERS PRESENT: Wilson, Monaco, Muszynski, Balogh, Price, Vice President Bailey, and President Stephens


OTHERS IN ATTENDANCE: Superintendent Anderson

Principal Kovalcik

Karen Allen, Staff

Ray Baghdassarian, Staff

Hannah Banaszak, Staff

Kelly Baran, Staff

Amanda-Ann Beniaris, Staff

Kayli Burke, Student

Danielle Calka, Staff

Meghan Carrillo, Resident

Vanessa Cooper, Resident

Julie Cullerton, Resident & Staff

Kathleen Dermody, Resident & Staff

Julie Fritz, Staff

Dana Fritz

Gary Fritz

Kate Gilhooly, Staff

Kathleen Guzaldo, Staff

Kristen Hines, Staff

Brittany Hurst, Resident & Staff

Daisy Ildefonso, Resident & Staff

John Jonak & Family

Janet Kester, Staff

Janine Langer, Resident & Staff

Scott Lindstrom, Staff

Lisa Maltais, Staff

Don Moran, Resident

Kate O’Donnell, Staff

Gina O’Neill, Resident & Staff

Cathleen Pope, Staff

Erin Purcell, Staff

Lauren Pusateri, Staff

Ryan Rhodes, Staff

Felicia Rivas, Staff

Peter Schaul, Staff

Lourene Solarz, Resident & Staff

Arielle Stephens, Resident

Nicole Swanson, Staff

Anne Tondola, Staff

Kayla Villarreal, Staff

Chris Vogel, Staff

Jamie Williams, Staff

Deanna Wisniewski, Staff


At this time President Stephens welcomed the visitors and asked if there were any questions or comments. There were no questions or comments at this time.


There was no Executive Session.


There were no Additions to the Agenda.


There was a motion made by Vice President Bailey, seconded by Member Monaco, to approve consent agenda items 5.1 thru 5.2

A roll call vote

AYES: Wilson, Monaco, Muszynski, Balogh, Price, Vice President Bailey, and President Stephens

NAYS: None


Motion Carried

The Consent Agenda Items were as follows:

5.1 Approval of Minutes from the Regular Board Meeting held on March 14, 2022.

5.2 Approval of the Treasurer’s Report for March 31, 2022.

Education Fund 7,051,901.91

Building Fund 5,759,745.40

Debt Service Fund 43,733.86

Transportation Fund (4,801.90)

Municipal Ret. Fund (9,441.54)

Capital Projects Fund 38,302,482.98

Working Cash Fund 699,884.10

Total All Funds 51,843,504.81


Principal Kovalcik began by thanking everyone in attendance for joining us for our Board Meeting, Benefit Club Meeting, and Recognition Dinner. She thanked the Benefit Club for sponsoring our Recognition Dinner, and she also thanked Mrs. Guzaldo and Mrs. Cline for putting the night together.

Tonight, our recipients will be recognized for all of their hard work and dedication to Rosemont School. Mrs. Kovalcik went on to recognize Mr. Kevin Anderson who will be retiring at the end of this school year after over 30 years of service. She emphasized to Mr. Anderson that he should be very proud of his dedication and years of service at Rosemont School. Last year Mr. Anderson earned Superintendent with distinction from IASA. Superintendent Anderson will be missed and will always be part of Rosemont School. We wish him health and happiness in his retirement.

Events since our last Board Meeting:

• The 6th and 7th graders returned safely from their Springfield trip on Friday, April 8th. They had an added bonus of being recognized on the Senate floor, thanks in part to Mr. Brad Stephens. Thank you to Mr. Schaul and Mrs. Wisniewski for chaperoning and facilitating this trip.

• Launch into Literature with grades K-2 kicked off on April 8th. It was very nice to see parents and community members back in the building reading to the students. Thank you to Mrs. Gilhooly for putting this great program together.

• Enrichment class with Mrs. Maltais is going strong after school on Wednesdays from 3:00 to 4:00.

• Miss Beniaris and Mrs. O’Donnell started the 3rd grade Rosemont unit by visiting the Rosemont Village Hall this morning.

• The boys’ volleyball and girls’ soccer teams are currently playing. Thank you to the coaches: Mrs. Rhodes, Mr. Stephens, and Mrs. McAleer. Good luck for a successful season.

• There will be an all school field trip to the Chicago Dog’s game on May 10th. Students are currently participating in a challenge to earn money for their tickets. Thank you to Benefit Club for sponsoring this field trip. Current standings: 3rd place – 8th grade, 2nd place – 2nd grade, and 1st place – 1st grade

Upcoming Events:

• Drama Club play – April 21st

• Graduation Photos – April 26th

• 8th grade Washington DC trip – April 27th – April 30th

• Art/Band Ice Cream Social – May 11th

• 8th Grade Graduation – May 22nd

• Kindergarten Graduation – May 25th

• All school picnic – Math 26th


Correspondence to the Board

There was no Correspondence to the Board at this time.

Special Education Report

There was no Special Education Report at this time.

Legislation Report

There was no Legislation Report at this time.

Voters’ League Assignment

President Stephens stated that he would do the Voters’ League Assignment with the usual back up.

Other Board Reports

There were no Other Board Reports at this time.

Board Calendar

There were no Board Calendar items at this time.


There was a motion made by Member Balogh, seconded by Member Monaco, to approve the List of Disbursements for the month of March 2022 (reviewed by Member Price).

Education Fund 332,497.93

Building Fund 36,335.43

Debt Serv. Fund 0

Transportation Fund 5,280.79

Municipal Ret. Fund 9,978.43

Capital Projects Fund 4,295.00

Total 388,387.58

A roll call vote

AYES: Wilson, Monaco, Muszynski, Balogh, Price, Vice President Bailey, and President Stephens

NAYS: None


Motion Carried


There were no New Business/Discussion Items at this time.


Resolution to appoint John Barry as School Treasurer

There was a motion made by Member Balogh, seconded by Member Wilson, to approve the Resolution appointing John Barry to serve as School Treasurer for a one year term from July 1, 2022 thru June 30, 2023.

A roll call vote

AYES: Wilson, Monaco, Muszynski, Balogh, Price, Vice President Bailey, and President Stephens

NAYS: None


Motion Carried


There were no Policy Items at this time.


John Jonak

There was a motion made by Member Balogh, seconded by Member Muszynski to approve hiring John Jonak as the Superintendent of Rosemont Elementary School District 78 with the beginning contract date of July 1, 2022.

A roll call vote

AYES: Wilson, Monaco, Muszynski, Balogh, Price, Vice President Bailey, and President Stephens

NAYS: None


Motion Carried


President Stephens asked if there were any Questions from the Public. Mr. Don Moran announced the winners of the poster contest sponsored by the Optimist Club. Isabella Garcia, 5th grade, won 1st place in the girls’ division, and Erdolin Xhizdari, 5th grade, won 1st place in the boys’ division.


There was a motion made by Member Wilson, seconded by Member Balogh to adjourn this meeting at 5:45 p.m.

A roll call vote

AYES: Wilson, Monaco, Muszynski, Balogh, Price, Vice President Bailey, and President Stephens

NAYS: None


Motion Carried
