
Chicago City Wire

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Bailey: 'The Democrats’ legacy of debt and fiscal mismanagement is hurting the very people who keep them in power'


Sen. Darren Bailey | Twitter/Darren Bailey for Governor

Sen. Darren Bailey | Twitter/Darren Bailey for Governor

Gubernatorial candidate Sen. Darren Bailey (R-Xenia) recently urged Chicagoans to consider the huge debt burden they have in deciding whom to elect.  

“The Democrats’ legacy of debt and fiscal mismanagement is hurting the very people who keep them in power the most,” Bailey said. “The debt burden for Chicago residents is $135,700 — higher than even New York City. The question I have to Chicago residents is how can you continue to support the failed policies that have come from one-party rule and just exactly what have you gotten for all of this deficit spending? Are the streets safer in Chicago? Are roads and bridges substantially improved? Has there been substantial improvements to the ‘L’?”

His comments came after Chicago was reported to have the highest tax burden among the 10 largest cities in the U.S.

“Illinois Democrats are running up huge tabs on your dime and there is little to show for all of this spending,” Bailey said. “What do you have to lose when it comes to supporting candidates like me for office? My focus will be on reducing spending, lowering taxes, and taking the financial (burden) off working people. I will fight for you and your family.”

Bailey is a third-generation farmer who was born and reared on his family's farm in Louisville. The farm is now owned and operated by him and his sons where they grow corn, wheat, and soybeans.

"Darren Bailey is grounded in the conservative values of hard work, individual liberty, and social responsibility. He knows that these precious freedoms are threatened every day by big government and powerful career politicians," his campaign website reads.

The City Combined Taxpayer Burden Report published by Truth in Accounting noted that the combined debt of Chicago’s underlying government entities and the debt of the state of Illinois would translate that every “Chicago taxpayer is on the hook for $135,700,” while “each New York City taxpayer is on the hook for $91,500.”

Dixon Mayor Liandro "Li" Arellano Jr. earlier this year slammed Gov. J.B. Pritzker who in 2019 doubled Illinois’ gas tax. He said the state’s debt issue has led to overtaxing which “damaged the state's ability to afford basic functions of government, including transportation infrastructure.”