
Chicago City Wire

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Village of Cherry Valley Recreation Board met April 6

Village of Cherry Valley Recreation Board met April 6.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Chairman Jill Wedig called the meeting to order at 7:02 PM. A Roll Call was taken by Village Clerk, Kathy Trimble:

CHAIRMAN: Jill Wedig Present

MEMBERS: Dina Brandt Present

Tori Schroeder Present

Dan Jarocki Present

Pat Stegemann Absent

Judy Prisby Present

Sue Smetana Present

Others Present: Village President David Schroeder, Village Administrator Jim E. Claeyssen, Trustee Brandi Pearse, Sergeant Jesse Pearse and Village Kathy Trimble.


Jill Wedig moved to adopt the agenda. Tori Schroeder seconded. All “Aye;” None opposed. Motion carried by voice vote.


Dina Brandt moved to approve the minutes from the March 2, 2022 meeting. Tori Schroeder seconded. All “Aye;” None opposed. Motion carried by voice vote.




1. Easter Candy Scramble (April 16, 2022) – Jill Wedig reported that she has purchased 5,700 pieces of candy for the Easter Candy Scramble. The candy will be boxed up at 12:30 on Saturday. Signs will be placed around the village promoting the event. Heather Riley will be asked to print out event cards that will be handed out and Dan Jarocki will be the announcer with the cordless microphone. The bunnies will arrive at 1:30 and the candy scramble will begin at 2:00 PM.

2. Fun Run/Walk at Baumann Park (May 21, 2022) – Lengthy discussion was had regarding the details of this event. Tori Schroder stated that the link will be going live for sign ups and it will be posted on the Recreation Board Face Book Page and shared on the Village’s Face Book Page. Registration will begin at 8:30 AM and the Fun Run/Walk will begin at 9:00 AM. T-Shirts sizes, price, and quantity were discussed, Jill Wedig needs the information by May 1, 2022 to have them ordered. Donations should not be made by the purchase of the shirts; however, anyone can donate at registration. Judy Prisby will ask the Cherry Valley Men’s Club if they still will be handing out oranges or water.

3. Cruise & Cream – Tabled till Mays meeting when Jill Wedig can get an update from Cattle and Cream.


1. Art on Fire – Sergeant Pearse stated that last year was the first year we had Art on Fire and there were 17 Hydrants that were painted and they would like to try again this year to put on this community event. We will be picking new hydrants and not paint over the hydrants that already painted. Sergeant Pearse stated that reservations will take place from 6/1/2022 to 7/1/2022 and painting should be completed by July 25, 2022, so that judging can take place for National Night Out. Sergeant Pearse asked the committee how they felt about raising the entry fee this year from $20.00; this will be discussed in more detail at the May Meeting.

2. National Night Out – National Night Out will take place on August 2, 2022 at the Baumann Park. Sergeant Pearse talked about all the activities that took place last year at National Night Out. Some discussion was to have more signage regarding the activities, people did not know there was a chalk activity in the street. Kickball sign ups will take place again at the Street Dance. 60 shirts will be ordered for the kickball game, 30 blue and 30 red. More discussion regarding National Night Out will take place at the next few meetings.

3. 4th of July – After some discussion on the time of the parade, it was decided to leave the time of the parade at 1:00 PM. The Corvette Club has contacted Jill, they want to participate in the parade. Discussion was had regarding gift cards; more discussion will take place at the next meeting.

4. Statement of Economic Interest- This needs to be completed by May 1, 2022. There is a flyer that is available in the office if anyone needs some clarification as to how to fill it out this year.

Village Administrator Jim Claeyssen wanted everyone to know that Citizen of the Year Nominations are due by May 2nd and will be voted on at the May Recreation Board Meeting.

ADJOURNMENT: Jill Wedig moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:44 PM. Tori Schroeder seconded. All “Aye;” None opposed. Motion carried by voice vote.
