
Chicago City Wire

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Lake County Public Works, Planning & Transportation Committee met July 27

Lake County Public Works, Planning & Transportation Committee met July 27.

Here is the agenda provided by the committee:

1. Call to Order

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. Roll Call of Members

4. Addenda to the Agenda

5. Public Comment (Items not on the agenda)

6. Chair's Remarks

7. Unfinished Business

8. New Business



8.1 22-1006

Minutes from June 29, 2022.



8.2 22-0022

Director's Report - Division of Transportation.


8.3 22-0024

Director's Report - Public Works.


8.4 22-0754

Ordinance dividing the County into six districts for purposes of establishing representation districts on the Lake County Stormwater Management Commission (SMC) by County Board Members and Municipal Members, pursuant to the statutory authority and requirements of 55 ILCS 5/5-1062(b), and request its adoption.

∙ The SMC’s statutory legislation requires the establishment of six districts within the County for the purposes of determining County Board and Municipal representatives, with one member from each group per district, making a total of twelve (12) Commissioners.

∙ The County Board approves the District map by ordinance, and the map is in need of updating due to 2020 census data and new County Board district boundaries.

∙ The SMC has approved the boundary map after analyzing several boundary configurations using population, County Board, Municipal, and watershed boundaries.


8.5 22-1019

Discussion of proposed text amendments to the Unified Development Ordinance of Lake County, Illinois (Chapter 151 of the Lake County, Illinois Code of Ordinances) incorporating amendments to the Watershed Development Ordinance.

∙ Following the Stormwater Management Commission (SMC) amendments to the Watershed Development Ordinance (WDO) in 2020, the Public Works, Planning and Transportation (PWPT) Committee directed the Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) to initiate a public hearing process to incorporate corresponding changes to the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO).

∙ The amendments consist of rainfall and stormwater detention related and other miscellaneous changes to the UDO site development regulations.

∙ Of special significance is the introduction of the fee-in-lieu program to provide for an alternative to onsite stormwater detention, when eligible. In order to effectuate this program, the department will rely on the SMC to administer the program on the County’s behalf pursuant to an intergovernmental agreement. The intergovernmental agreement will be presented and discussed in tandem with the amendments.

∙ Following initial committee discussion, these items will be brought back to the PWPT Committee the following week for action.

8.6 22-1021

Discussion of an intergovernmental agreement with the Stormwater Management Commission relating to the fee-in-lieu program as an alternative to on-site stormwater storage regulations.

∙ The Planning, Building & Development Department (PB&D) and the Stormwater Management Commission (SMC) have developed an intergovernmental agreement that allows unincorporated development a fee-in-lieu option as an alternative to on-site stormwater management, when eligible.

∙ The fee-in-lieu program would be administered by the SMC in tandem with the department’s development review/permit process.

∙ Associated costs and fees would be assumed by the SMC.

∙ Following Committee discussion and subsequent Committee action, the intergovernmental agreement will proceed to the Finance & Administrative Committee for review and action prior to County Board approval.

8.7 22-1024

Presentation and discussion on options to encourage planting and protection of native tree and plant species in unincorporated Lake County.

∙ At the March 2, 2022 Public Works, Planning and Transportation Committee meeting, the Committee directed staff to explore ways to encourage planting and protection of native plant species as part of the Planning, Building, and Development Department (PB&D) Work Plan.

∙ PB&D staff has prepared several policy options for Committee discussion and seeks feedback and direction prior to bringing forth draft amendments for Committee review at a subsequent meeting.

8.8 22-0023

Director's Report - Planning, Building and Development.

9. County Administrator's Report

10. Executive Session

11. Members' Remarks

12. Adjournment
