
Chicago City Wire

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Brighton Village Board met June 6

Village of Brighton Village Board met June 6.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

A. Call To Order/ Pledge of Allegiance: Mayor Kasten called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

B. Roll Call: Present-Brad Arnold, John Bramley, Marcella Wilfong, Jim Winslade, and Aaron Mead. Others in Attendance: Village Clerk Cynthia Tucker, Treasurer Ashley Lievers, Village Attorney Jennifer Watson, and Officer Rod Bachman. Absent: Dala Lawrence and Public Works Supervisor Kaleb Kahl.

C. Approval of Reviewed Minutes 05-02-22: Aaron Mead, 2nd Jim Winslade. Motion Carried by Voice Vote 5-0.

D. Approval of Reviewed Treasurers Report: Aaron Mead, 2nd by John Bramley. Roll Call: 5 Yeas; 0 Nays. Motion Carried 5 -0.

E. Review and Approval of Bills: Aaron Mead, 2nd by Jim Winslade. Roll Call: 5 Yeas; 0 Nays. Motion Carried 5-0.

F. Review of Water & Sewer Deposit/ Totals/Gallons Billed/Lost: Mayor Kasten said this item has been paused until next month, as the reports are being reprogramed. He is looking forward to having this added to the monthly agenda.

G. Glerk Report-for-Information-Purposes-Only: Mayor Kasten reported on the report as it lists each 2022 Registered Business, UTV, Liquor License, Dog Tags, and Donations, Clerk gave update on the Fireworks Donations and asked the Board to help collect donations as the numbers are low.

H. Public Comment:

i. Annie Berghoff from Southwestern Journal introduced herself as our new representative from Southwestern Journal.

I. Correspondence: None

Committee Reports

A. Clerk Committee: 05/11/22 No Meeting Held

B. Public Works: 05/23/22 Meeting Minutes Motion Made by Jim Winslade, 2nd by Aaron Mead to approve the minutes and place them on file. Motion Carried by Voice Vote: 5 Yeas; 0 Nays.

1. Action Item: Aaron Mead made a motion to approve the emergency purchase of the sensor for inline chlorine analyzer from Seidner in the amount of $3,569.03, 2nd by Brad Arnold. Roll Call: 5 Yeas; O Nays. Motion Carried 5-0.

2. Action Item: Aaron Mead made a motion to approve the resignation of Tommie Seets, 2nd by Jim Winslade. Roll Call: 5 Yeas; 0 Nays. Motion Carried 5-0.

3. Action Item: Aaron Mead made a motion to approve advertising for the vacant public works position, 2nd by Brad Arnold. Motion Carried by Voice Vote: 5 Yeas; O Nays. Motion Carried 5-0.

C. Economic Committee: 05/03/22 Meeting Minutes Motion Made by John Bramley, 2nd by Aaron Mead to approve the minutes and place them on file. Motion Carried by Voice Vote: 5 Yeas; 0 Nays.

D. Park Committee: 05/12/22 Meeting Minutes Motion Made by Aaron Mead, 2nd Brad Arnold to accept the minutes and place them on file. Motion Carried by Voice Vote: 5 Yeas; O Nays.

1. Action Item: Aaron Mead made a motion to allow campers at Schneider Park for the BMX event August 6 &7, 2022 if Attorney Watson can write a form to release the Village from any liability, 2nd by Brad Arnold, Motion Carried by Voice Vote: 5 Yeas; 0 Nays.

2. Action Item: Aaron Mead made a motion to approve the purchase of 2 Soccer Nets not to exceed $200 for Schneider Park, 2nd by Jim Winslade. Roll Call: 5 Yeas; 0 Nays. Motion Carried by Voice Vote 5-0.

3. Action Item: The recommendation to spend up to $3500 on a Gazebo Kit for the Mike Roberts Memorial has been tabled until the family decides what items they would like to have/build for the memorial.

4. Action Item: Aaron Mead made a motion to approve the concession food purchase up to $1,000 for three June Farmers Market Dinners, 2nd by Jim Winslade. Roll Call: 5 Yeas; O Nays. Motion Carried 5-0.

5. Action Item: Aaron Mead made a motion to spend up to $500 on concession food for the Independence at the Park, up to $200 for awards & misc., and up to $1,000 for bands, 2nd by Brad Arnold. Roll Call: 5 Yeas; 0 Nays. Motion Carried 5-0.

E. Planning Committee: 05/18/22 No Meeting Held

F. Public Safety: 05/16/22 Meeting Minutes Motion Made by Aaron Mead, 2nd by Jim Winslade to accept the minutes and place them on file. Motion Carried by Voice Vote: 5 Yeas; 0 Nays.

1. Action Item: John Bramley made a motion to approve the recommendation for the purchase of a new radar gun in the amount of $1500 from the DUI Fund, 2nd by Jim Winslade Roll Call: 5 Yeas; 0 Nays. Motion Carried 5-0.

G. Zoning Committee: 05/17/22 Meeting Minutes Motion Made by Aaron Mead, 2nd John Bramley to accept the minutes and place them on file. Motion Carried by Voice Vote: 5 Yeas; 0 Nays.

Unfinished Business:

A. None

New Business:

A. Action Item: Aaron Mead made a motion to decline the Sealed bid from Aaron Miller in the amount of $5,500.00 for the 2019 Big Dog Diablo Mower MP 72" cut, 35 HP, Kawasaki FX 1000V, 560 Hours with warranty up to 2500 hours or 05/20/26 whichever comes first value of $10,201.00, 2nd by Brad Arnold, Roll Call: 5 Yeas; 0 Nays. Motion Carried 5-0.

B. Action Item: Aaron Mead made a motion to approve Ordinance 2022-06 Amending Municipal Code-Administration Chapter 6- Village Officers and Employees, 2nd by Jim Winslade. Roll Call: 5 Yeas; O Nays. Motion Carried 5-0.

Executive Session: None

Miscellaneous Business:

A. Mayor Kasten spoke to the Board about the proposed budget for 2022-2023 that was present for them from Treasurer Lievers. This copy is only up to April 13,2022, but will be complete and presented for hearing on July 5, 2022 at 6:30p.m. No board members had any questions or requests on the budget.

B. Officer Roderick Bachman wanted to inform the board that he has contacted IMRF and he will be retiring as of July 5, 2022. Mayor Kasten thanked him for all his years of service and he will get that information to Sergeant Ford and the Public Safety Committee.

Adjournment:-Time: 7:28 p.m.-Motion-Made By:Aaron-Mead 2nd-By: Jim Winslade.
