Mike Quigley tweeted the following:
"In honor of Women's Health Day of Action, I'm dedicating today to the fight for reproductive freedom here in the U.S., and highlighting the actions Democrats in Congress have taken to protect women's health care.#WomensEqualityDay"Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Mike Quigley:
"It's #NationalDogDay!Im proud to cosponsor #VioletsLaw #AFTERAct because dogs and other animals who survive testing in federal labs should be retired & released to loving homes."Read on Twitter
"In the last two weeks, I've gone undercover at @MetroChicago as a loader & helped out at the Global Garden Refugee Training Farm. I'm lucky for these chances for hands-on participation, in order to learn what I can do to better support my constituents. #UndercoverCongressman" on Aug. 25Read on Twitter
"I am relieved that the Department of Interior is taking action to end plastic pollution in our National Parks. But time is of the essence. I'm calling on @SecHaaland to move up the deadline for phasing out harmful plastic waste in our public lands. wastedive.com/news/national-" on Aug. 25Read on Twitter