City of Wheaton Public Library Board met July 18.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
I. Call to Order
The Board of Trustees of the Wheaton Public Library held their regular Board meeting on Monday, July 18, 2022. Board President Laurie Metanchuk called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Members present in person at roll call: Al Herbach, Bob Lyon, Joe McHaley, Laurie Metanchuk, Steve Siemer, Kathryn Staron and Vallari Talapatra. Attending via Zoom: None. Absent at roll call: Christine Fenne, who entered at 7:01, and Simone Morton. Betsy Adamowski, Library Director, Ed Sirovatka, IT/Facilities Manager, and Lisa Christell-Sandri, Library Finance/Business Office Manager and recording secretary for this meeting, were also in attendance.
II. Citizens to be Heard
None. There was one visitor.
III. Wheaton Public Library Community Survey Results – Dana Tieman, Head of Continuing Education & Development
Mrs. Metanchuk introduced Mrs. Tieman. (Mrs. Fenne entered the meeting) Mrs. Tieman started by explaining how she compiled the data from the surveys - she divided them into three general types of responses: Positive, Negative and Neutral/Suggestions. There were 723 responses and the biggest number were to open-ended question #2: What can we do to encourage you to use the library more often? She pointed out that 87% of the respondents lived within Wheaton city limits and 94% had active library cards. She said several respondents noted that they learned from the survey things that the library offers. The biggest response for potential library use was to have a drive-up window/more convenient book drop-offs. Mrs. Tieman also noted that the survey results showed that awareness about giving to the library was low. When Mrs. Tieman was finished, Mrs. Adamowski added some observations from her meeting with the Department Heads. Generally, there was nothing surprising about the results. It did show a need to reach out to non residents more. Also, she felt it would be a good idea to explain to residents about how weeding works. Mrs. Adamowski said that all the things in WPL’s Vision Plan were in the survey. There was lively discussion among the trustees including comments and suggestions. They thanked Mrs. Tieman for her work on gathering the survey data.
IV. Minutes for the June 20, 2022 Board Meeting
V. Financial Reports for June 2022 and Bill Listing for July 2022 Payment
Mr. McHaley moved and Mrs. Fenne seconded to approve the Consent Agenda items.
Roll Call Vote
Ayes: Mr. Herbach
Mr. McHaley
Ms. Talapatra
Ms. Staron
Mr. Siemer
Mrs. Fenne
Mr. Lyon
Mrs. Metanchuk
Nays: None
Absent: Mrs. Morton
Motion Carried
VI. Library Director’s Board Report for June 2022
Since the survey discussion went so long, Mrs. Adamowski didn’t go over her report, but she did need to explain about the library’s HVAC. There were a couple of days that the library’s mechanicals weren’t working properly; replacement of the chillers is in the CY2023 budget. She and Ed Sirovatka, IT/Facilities Manager, looked into what needed to be done to start working towards the bidding process, among other things. She will have more information at the next meeting.
VII. Unfinished Business:
A. None
VIII. New Business:
A. Election of Officers for July 2022 – June 2023
Nominating Committee Chair Ms. Staron stated that Mrs. Morton wasn’t able to stay on as Treasurer, but the other officers were willing to stay on. She presented the slate of officers:
President Laurie Metanchuk
Vice President Al Herbach
Treasurer Christine Fenne
Secretary Vallari Talapatra
Ms. Staron moved and Mr. McHaley seconded to approve the slate as presented.
Roll Call Vote
Ayes: Ms. Fenne
Mr. Lyon
Ms. Talapatra
Mr. McHaley
Ms. Staron
Mr. Herbach
Mr. Siemer
Mrs. Metanchuk
Nays: None
Absent: Mrs. Morton
Motion Carried
IX. Board Member Comments (Round the Table)
X. Adjournment
There being no further business of the Wheaton Public Library Board of Trustees, Mr. Herbach moved and Ms. Staron seconded that the meeting be adjourned. A voice vote was taken and the motion for adjournment carried at 8:14 p.m.