
Chicago City Wire

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Wheaton Planning and Zoning Board met July 26

City of Wheaton Planning and Zoning Board met July 26.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

I. Call To Order and Roll Call Vote

Chair Aranas called the Wheaton Planning and Zoning Board meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in person and via zoom. Upon roll call, the following were:

Roll Call Vote

Present: Nicole Aranas

Chris Dabovich

Chris Derrick

Bob Gudmundson

Cecilia Horejs

Mark Plunkett

Absent: Dan Wanzung

City Staff Present: Tracy Jones, Staff Planner

Joe Tebrugge, Director of Engineering

II. Approval of Minutes - May 24, 2022

The minutes were approved as presented.

III. Public Comment

There was none.

IV. New Business

Pursuant to notice duly published on July 8, 2022 and letters mailed to neighboring property owners on July 6, 2022, Chair Aranas called to order the July 26, 2022 public hearing requesting an amendment to the existing special use permit for a planned unit development to consider a new special use permit pursuant to Article 20.3 of the Wheaton Zoning Ordinance to allow the construction and use of a car wash, following the demolition of the former restaurant building (Cozymel’s), at 311 E. Loop Road. A letter from the Forest Preserve District of DuPage County was received and incorporated into the record.

Craig Nelson, 200 N. Addison Avenue, Unit 403, Elmhurst was sworn in. Mr. Nelson stated that the subject property is located at the northeast corner of East Loop and Butterfield Roads. The 2.7 acre parcel is zoned C-5 General Commercial. The property was originally developed in the mid-1990s as a PUD. The original PUD was approved with two restaurants, Grady’s American Grill (which later became Charlie’s Ale House, Big Bowl, and then Chick-fil-A) and Cozymel’s.

Mr. Nelson stated that they are requesting an amendment to the existing special use permit for a planned unit development to consider a new special use permit pursuant to Article 20.3 of the Wheaton Zoning Ordinance to allow the construction and use of a car wash, following the demolition of the former restaurant building (Cozymel’s), at 311 E. Loop Road. The subject property is 2.71 acres in size and zoned C-5 Planned Commercial District. Car washes are allowed by special use permit in the C-5 Planned Commercial District. The project requires redevelopment of approximately 1.76 acres of the 2.71 acre parcel, with the northern portion of the parcel (approximately .95 acres) remaining as-is.

Mr. Nelson stated that the proposed 4,940 square foot building would be situated north-south on the site. The entrance for the car wash would be located at the south end of the building and the exit for the car wash would be located at the north end of the building. Cozymel’s had parking spaces situated directly off the shared drive aisle with Chick-fil-A. The car wash is proposing to replace these parking spaces with landscaping. This would minimize the potential traffic issues between the two uses. Traffic would enter the car wash on the west side of the building going southbound, merge from

three stacking lanes into one, and then the vehicles would be directed northbound into the car wash. After exiting the car wash at the north end of the building, traffic would be directed to the east side of the building into the designated vacuum area. The applicant is proposing to provide 27 total parking spaces: 21 vacuum spaces and 6 employee spaces. He added that the number of parking spaces would be adequate for their needs.

Mr. Nelson stated that the site plan shows a secondary access drive at the south end of the building going northeast into the vacuum area, bypassing the car wash. He added that this drive aisle was intended as an emergency exit lane only and would be signed accordingly.

Mr. Nelson stated that they submitted building elevations as part of their request. Smooth metal panels (considered as a decorative element by staff) are proposed at the north and south ends of the building. These metal panels would be a mix of light blue, medium blue, and grey. A white painted dryvit system was initially proposed along the east and west sides of the building, which staff has determined to be a non-code complaint exterior material. Stone veneer is proposed along the base of the entire building and a fabric canopy is proposed over all the vacuum spaces. He added that while most of the building is comprised of the car wash tunnel, the building also includes an electrical room, equipment room, training room, office, restrooms, and customer service area.

Steve Timmer, 3220 Lapp Lane, Naperville was sworn in. Mr. Timmer stated that based on staff’s determination that the painted dryvit system is a non-complaint exterior material, a revised building elevation has been submitted that replaced the dryvit on the east and west elevations with code compliant precast stamped concrete that would be painted white.

Mr. Nelson stated that they submitted a landscape plan as part of their request. The plan is proposing a mix of trees, shrubs, and ground cover in the southern and eastern landscaping setbacks and around the perimeter of the building. These plantings are consistent with the materials used on the adjacent properties and are compliant with the requirements of the Wheaton Zoning Ordinance. He added that they were agreeable with the staff condition that additional shrubs be added in the landscaping area between Chick-fil-A and the car wash.

Mr. Nelson stated that they submitted a sign plan as part of their request. The plan is proposing the installation of several wall signs on the south, east, and west building elevations. One ground sign is also proposed at the southwest corner of the site. The Wheaton Zoning Ordinance requires that all ground signs shall be a monument style, limits the size to 48 square feet per sign face, limits the electronic message board component to 50% of the total sign square footage, limits the height to 7 feet, and requires a 10 foot setback. The proposed sign complies with all these requirements except the 10 foot setback. Per the sign plan, the sign is proposed with an 8 foot setback. If the applicant is proposing a new sign base, and not reusing the existing one from Cozymel’s, staff has included a condition that the new ground sign maintain the 10 foot required setback.

Mr. Timmer stated that he recently walked the property with their sign contractor and the existing foundation for the Cozymel’s ground sign is in excellent condition, and thus they would like to repurpose it for their ground sign.

Mr. Nelson addressed the addressed the special use standards as required by the Wheaton Zoning Ordinance. He stated that the proposed special use permit would not be detrimental to the public health, safety, morals, comfort, convenience, or general welfare of the neighboring property owners.

Mr. Dabovich questioned the combined impact of the Chick-fil-A and the car wash traffic at East Loop Road during peak times. He suggested adding a four way stop sign at this location or potentially moving the exit lane further north. Most of the board agreed with his concerns and they requested that the applicant research additional traffic control measures that could be implemented for the next Board meeting. The Board further requested that the traffic consultant be in attendance at the next Board meeting.

Mr. Nelson stated that the Chick-fil-A operator did not foresee any traffic issues at East Loop Road. However, they would discuss additional traffic control measures that could be implemented with him and their traffic consultant prior to the next Board meeting. He added that they would have their traffic consultant in attendance at the next Board meeting.

Mr. Gudmundson questioned the number of employees that would work during peak times, the possibility of installing a trench drain across the car wash exit, and the possibility of installing stone veneer on the entire east and west building elevations.

Mr. Nelson stated that 5-6 employees would work during peak times, there was a possibility of installing a trench drain or heated concrete pad at the car wash exit, but the possibility of installing stone veneer on the entire east and west building elevations was slim due to high construction and material costs.

Mr. Plunkett stated that he was concerned about the future subdivision/ redevelopment of the northern portion of the lot. He added that it would have to be a low intensity use.

Chair Aranas questioned whether the applicant was agreeable with all the conditions provided by staff in the memorandum. She further questioned the noise levels that would be generated at the car wash exit and at the property lines.

Mr. Nelson stated that they were agreeable with all the conditions provided by staff in the memorandum. He further stated that while they had not completed a noise study for this specific location, they could provide noise level information from some of their other locations at the next Board meeting. He added that the noise levels, however, would be minimal compared to the traffic noise generated by Butterfield Road.

Mr. Plunkett moved and then Mr. Derrick seconded the motion to continue the public hearing until Tuesday, August 9, 2022, to allow the applicant time to address the following:

1. Research additional traffic control measures that could be implemented; and

2. Have the traffic consultant in attendance at the next Board meeting; and

3. Provide information on the noise levels of some of their other existing locations.

V. Miscellaneous

There was none.

VI. Adjournment

Mr. Plunkett moved and then Mr. Derrick seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:20 p.m. On a voice vote, all voted aye.
