
Chicago City Wire

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Winchester City Council met Oct. 5

City of Winchester City Council met Oct. 5.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

The Winchester City Council held their monthly meeting at City Hall.

Mayor McIntire called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. with the following council in attendance: Jeff Pittman, Ron Bell, Bill Jacquot, Terry Gregory, Lawrence Coultas and City Clerk Teri Little

Also, in attendance were Wanda Cody, City Treasurer; John Simmons, Supt of Public Works; John Paul Coonrod, City Attorney; Greg Hillis, Benton & Associates; Carmen Ensinger, Scott County Times; Bobbi Jo Smith; Dennis Suttles; Ann Suttles Mosely.

Mayor McIntire led those attending meeting in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Wanda Cody, City Treasurer presented bills for approval.

MOTION: Bill Jacquot moved and Lawrence Coultas seconded to pay the bills as presented. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Sandy Long absent. Motion carried.

Mayor McIntire asked for any corrections for the regular meeting minutes September 7, 2022.

MOTION: Bill Jacquot moved and Jeff Pittman seconded to approve and dispense with the reading of the minutes of the regular September 7, 2022 meeting. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Sandy Long absent. Motion carried.

Mayor McIntire asked for any corrections for the special meeting minutes September 15, 2022.

MOTION: Bill Jacquot moved and Terry Gregory seconded to approve and dispense with the reading of the minutes of the special meeting September 15, 2022. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Sandy Long absent. Motion carried.

Mayor McIntire brought to the attention of those at the meeting that during music on the square he noticed the plaque of Lincoln's 1854 speech of the Kansas-Nebraska Act. It was the first time he gave this speech. This made a large impact on anti-slavery for future states. Also, brought Lincoln back into the political for front. He would like to commission a company to create a bronze statue of Abe Lincoln to add to the square. Prices would range around $6500.00 for a life size statue. This would be an added item to help promote tourism.

Mayor McIntire introduced Anne Mosely from Sangamon Experience at University of Illinois Springfield. She is the director/curator. She is the daughter of Dennis Suttles and has deep roots to Scott County. He accepted the Governor's award for the Depot on the day she was born. Winchester has always promoted the rich history of Stephen A Douglas but the town has a great history of Abe Lincoln as well. When he came to town in 1854 to give his famous speech, he stayed in the EG Miner home and probably wrote part of his speech while staying there. There are quotes of him trying out parts of the speech with E G Miner. Scott County has a tremendous amount of history that could be utilized to promote tourism to the town.

She is the director of Center of Lincoln studies and on the board for Looking for Lincoln. She suggests the city look into becoming a member of Looking for Lincoln. This has many benefits. It can help marketing to promote IL tourism, provide additional access to grants, workshops to become a boost economy and more. It will help put Winchester up front and center. When part of the organization a sign will be posted on the interstate as well. Pittsfield is also a part of Looking for Lincoln. She provided a Self-Assessment to be looked over. She is happy to assist in any way.

The Sangamon Experience is a new program to promote local history in central Illinois. They are telling the rich history of agricultural in the area. Right now, she is doing a story and exhibit called Soil and Soul. They are interviewing 10 area farm families and the history of the farm the own. One in particular is named Harvey from Pleasant Plaines he is 101 years old and still runs a combine. There are 3 from Greene County and she has a list of families for Scott County as well.

She is anxious to help getting the statue project going and Looking for Lincoln program going as well.

Bobbi Jo Smith, Civic Group, requested assistance for the renovations of the Santa house and paying for Santa for the 4 Saturdays and visit to the nursing home. The high school woods class is redoing the house. The have had several donations from the public but still need $507.00 to purchase the rest of the supplies. The house will have a new roof, insulated and electricity. Santa will be on the house this year on the square for 4 Saturday's starting November 26th. The cost for him to be there, in the parade and visit the nursing home is $250.00 and to supply candy for all events is roughly $175.00. The group is asking for assistance for these items as it is a strain on the finances of the group to supply Santa for the city children.

MOTION: Terry Gregory moved and Ron Bell seconded to approve $1000.00 for the Hometown Christmas Group (Civic Group) to help pay for Santa house renovations and paying for Santa Claus during the holidays. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Sandy Long Absent. Motion carried.

Greg Hillis, Benton & Associates, advised that the unsewered grant was available to apply for again. The city has a great chance of getting this grant as they have made some changes in requirements. They no longer are requiring the raising of sewer rates which hurt the city in the last submission. Two more items that raises point value of 250 is that we already have the EPA permit and the presence of health risk. This makes chances good. This would be a 100% grant. If awarded, the city would be notified in January and work could start this summer. The council agreed to have Benton and Associates proceed with applying for grant and this would need to be done by November 15th. If there are any changes needed Benton and Associates will do them at no charge.

Library is pretty much complete and no pay request for this month. Trotter is finishing up the finishing touches.

Paperwork will be pulled and submitted by November meeting it will all be resubmitted to IDNR for the pool grant reimbursement.

The main pool grate is to expire at the end of this year and will need to be replaced. They have a 10-year life span.

Steve Doolin, Police Chief, advised he has concerns with the unmarked car. It has a transmission problem that need to be fixed. It is still under warranty for another 30 days so he took it into Marshall's and asked them to get it in. It also has something wrong in the front end. It tends to float when you get up to any speed it is not very safe. Not an issue in town not safe to take out of town at any higher speeds.

Wanda Cody, City Treasurer, passed out the profit/loss statement for the month and the expenses and the fiscal year to date totals. Advised that the Secretary of State library grant money has been received and the 2nd ARPA money has been received as well.

Teri Little, City Clerk, requested that the square be blocked off for Trunk or Treat on Monday October 31 from 5:30 to 8:00 pm. Last year we had about 350 kids come thru and great community involvement. It was approved to block off square.

John Simmons, Supt of Public Works, Cady Aquatics Inc buy and install CP System. This is protection for tanks at the water plant. Quote for 2 aquatic tanks $5700.00 for both. Old ones are starting to eat away. This was tabled from last months meeting.

MOTION: Ron Bell moved and Jeffery Pittman second to approve Cady Aquatics Inc buy and install CP System $5700.00. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Sandy Long absent. Motion carried.

The city is needing a new shredder mower. The old one is pretty old have had about 25 to 30 years and could be repaired but would cost quite a bit and it is missing a lot of metal. Sloan implement gave a quote of $4498.44 for a new 2022 John Deere M x 7 shredder mower. This is the municipal rate. They will take the shredder and grooming mower, that is not being used, for $200.00 each. There is a city employee that would like to purchase them for $400.00. It was agreed to allow the employee to purchase them. Will need a surplus ordinance to sell items. No bids are required. John Paul will bring ordinance for November month for sale of 2 mowers. The new shredder will be handy to keep the right of way cleared now that it has been cleared.

MOTION: Ron Bell moved and Jeffery Pittman second to approve the purchase of 2022 John Deere M x 7 shredder Mower for $4498.44. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Sandy Long absent. Motion carried.

Simmons stated that the new meter system is causing issues. There are a lot of misreading's or no reading at all on the gas side. They are trying to work them out with the company.

Monthly report - Locate tickets-38; Work orders - 22; Brush pick up - 2 days; Funerals and grave openings – 2; Meter readings - 2 days; Gas leaks - 8; Zoning permits - 1; Water leaks - 1; Violation notices - 2; Mowing - 2 days; Cleaning transmission water main right away (Lance Smith) - 2 days; Spraying - 2 to 3 days; Patching streets - 2 days; Monthly odorant readings ok; Disconnect notices - 1 day; Disconnects - 1 day; Finish w/all pool winterizing - 2 days; Changed gas meters - 3; Started on park sidewalks; Oil and chip streets - 1 day.

Mayor McIntire, advised he spoke with Ron Regan and October gas rates are lower than they have been.

Marilyn Fedder, Library Board wanted to discuss a raise for Phill Pratt for custodial work at the Library. Council will discuss the fee. Once Trotter Construction has their list completed then will contact Ballard Brothers to start on the driveway.

The city received a letter from GFL trash service offering city wide trash service. If entered into a contract it would require every resident to have GFL as their trash service. This would mean that no other service could be used and every resident would be required to have trash service. It was a unanimous decision by the council not to go with city wide service and allow residents to choose whom they want to use.

Trick or treating will be Monday October 31 from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm for door to door if lights are on.

Animal Control officer report stated that 3 large dogs (2 pit bulls and 1 German Shepard) were running loose and got into a cattle pasture and were trying to get to a small calf. Neighbors heard the noise and Control officer Winner cited the owners for the dogs being aggressive and running loose. No animals were harmed.

The Winchester Jr football team finished their season with Jeffery McIntire making all conference.

McIntire wanted to discuss solar systems for any of the city's facilities. With Ameren prices on the rise, he believes it would be beneficial to look into any advantages this could offer the city. Attorney Coonrod advised that the city is at a disadvantage as it would not be eligible for any of the tax credits that would be available to home owners.

With the mention of home owners, the mayor would like to look into having an ordinance in place for future solar systems being installed by individuals. This would not include already existing panels that have already been installed. This would be for the future. Want to ensure that they are not just placed hap hazard in yards and obstructing views. This would be something to add to the zoning ordinance for guidance.

John Paul Coonrod, City Attorney, advised there were 5 cases for the monthly municipal court. 2 were dismissed, 1 was given 14 days to improve, 1 $3000.00 fine and continued and 1 $1500.00 fine.

There are 3 new citations that need approval for issuance.

204 S Main St for weeds - Steckel

200 S Main St for goat - Whicker

222 N Walnut St for goat - Whicker

MOTION: Bill Jacquot moved and Ron Terry Gregory second to issuance of 3 municipal citations. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Sandy Long absent. Motion carried.

No Public Comments

MOTION: Ron Bell moved and Jeff Pittman second to approve move into closed session. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Sandy Long absent. Motion carried.

MOTION: Bill Jacquot moved and Lawrence Coultas second to approve move out of closed session. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Sandy Long absent. Motion carried.

MOTION: Lawrence Coultas moved and Jeff Pittman approved to allow Chief Doolin to hire part-time officers as his discretion at up to $22.00 based on experience. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Sandy Long absent. Motion carried.

MOTION: Lawrence Coultas moved and Jeff Pittman approved, at the request of Police Chief Steve Doolin, to raise existing full-time officers, Bettis and Burk, to $19.00 per hour. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Sandy Long absent. Motion carried.

MOTION: Ron Bell moved and Jeff Pittman second to adjourn at 11:00 pm. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Motion carried.
