City of Wheaton Public Library Board met Nov. 21.
I. Call to Order
The Board of Trustees of the Wheaton Public Library held their regular Board meeting on Monday, November 21, 2022. Board President Laurie Metanchuk called the meeting to order at 7:21 p.m. Members present in person at roll call: Al Herbach, Laurie Metanchuk and Steve Siemer. Attending via Zoom: Christine Fenne and Kathryn Staron. Absent: Bob Lyon, Joe McHaley, Simone Morton and Valarie Talapatra. Betsy Adamowski, Library Director, Ed Sirovatka, IT/Facilities Manager, and Lisa Christell-Sandri, Library Finance/Business Office Manager and recording secretary for this meeting, were also in attendance.
II. Citizens to be Heard
Minutes for the October 17, 2022 Board Meeting
IV. Financial Reports for October 2022 and Bill Listing for November 2022 Payment
Mr. Siemer moved and Mr. Herbach seconded to approve the Consent Agenda items.
Roll Call Vote
Ayes: Mrs. Fenne
Ms. Staron
Mr. Siemer
Mr. Herbach
Mrs. Metanchuk
Nays: None
Absent: Mrs. Morton
Mr. McHaley
Mr. Lyon
Ms. Talapatra
Motion Carried
V. Library Director's Board Report for October 2022
Mrs. Adamowski reported that the Friends' Holiday Book & Art Sale brought in a record $15,379! The Board would like to recognize the Friends' efforts, perhaps sometime in the spring. Mrs. Adamowski was happy to announce that Mad Fore Plaid has 12 sponsors so far. Mrs. Adamowski has hired a replacement for the Building Maintenance Supervisor, Keith Mathis. She added that he will be a great addition to our staff. In response to complaints about Altiro's hours, Mrs. Adamowski will be working with them to come up with a solution.
VI. Unfinished Business:
A. Motion to Approve the CY2023 Budget to Be Presented to the City Council
When asked if there were any changes from the last presentation, Mrs. Adamowski responded that the transfer of $500,000 from the Library's fund balance to the Building Renewal Fund had been added for next year. Mr. Herbach moved and Mr. Siemer seconded the motion.
Roll Call Vote
Ayes: Ms. Staron
Mr. Siemer
Mr. Herbach
Mrs. Fenne
Mrs. Metanchuk
Nays: None
Absent: Ms. Talapatra
Mr. Lyon
Mr. McHaley
Mrs. Morton
Motion Carried
VIII. Closed Session:
A. 5ILCS 120/2(c)(1): To Discuss the Appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of a specific employee of the Library
Mr. Herbach moved and Mr. Siemer seconded to go into Closed Session.
Roll Call Vote
Ms. Staron
Mrs. Fenne
Mr. Siemer
Mr. Herbach
Mrs. Metanchuk
Nays: None
Absent: Ms. Talapatra
Mr. Lyon
Mr. Morton
Mrs. McHaley
Motion Carried
B. Return to Open Session
IX. Board Member Comments (Round the Table)
X. Adjournment
There being no further business of the Wheaton Public Library Board of Trustees, Mr. Herbach moved and Mr. Siemer seconded that the meeting be adjourned. A voice vote was taken and the motion for adjournment carried at 8:12 p.m.