
Chicago City Wire

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

City of Wheaton Community Relations Commission met March 1

City of Wheaton Community Relations Commission met March 1.

Here is the agenda provided by the commission:

I. Call to Order

II. Welcome

a. New commission members: Sam Hardy and Brianna Henley

III. Roll Call

IV. Approval of Minutes

V. Old Business

a. February Programs

i. Recap Black History Month

1. African American Heroes & Sheroes program featuring Linda Gorham

b. March Programs

i. We Are Women Art exhibit update

ii. Bob Goldsborough program update

VI. New Business

a. Good Citizens Awards

i. Call for nominations February 28 - March 31

ii. Selection at Wednesday, April 5 WCRC meeting

iii. Date of Awards - Monday, May 15

iv. Communication Plan Update

b. National Guard 300th Anniversary - July Event (Potential Partnership)

c. Meeting attendance reminder

b. Festival of Cultures Planning

VII. Public Comment

VIII. Adjournment
