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City of Wheaton Planning & Zoning Board met Jan. 24

City of Wheaton Planning & Zoning Board met Jan. 24.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

I. Call To Order and Roll Call Vote 

Chair Aranas called the Tuesday, January 24, 2023 Wheaton Planning and Zoning Board meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in person and via zoom. Upon roll call, the following were:

Roll Call Vote

Present: Nicole Aranas

Chris Dabovich

Bob Gudmundson

Cecilia Horejs

Mark Plunkett

Dan Wanzung

Absent: Chris Derrick

City Staff Present: Tracy Jones, Staff Planner

Joe Tebrugge, Director of Engineering

II. Approval of Minutes - January 10, 2023 

The minutes were approved as presented.

III. Public Comment 

There was none.

IV. New Business 

ZA #23-01/ Special Use Amendment/ 120 N. County Farm Road/ DuPage County Animal Services

Pursuant to notice duly published on January 6, 2023 and letters mailed to neighboring property owners on January 4, 2023, Chair Aranas called to order the January 24, 2023 public hearing requesting an amendment to the existing special use permit approved for the Animal Services Building located at 120 N. County Farm Road. The subject property is zoned I-2 Institutional District.

Roxanne Knapp, 631 E. Boughton Road, Suite 205, Bolingbrook was sworn in. Ms. Knapp stated that she was representing WSP USA Design, Inc. the consultant hired by DuPage County to manage this project. She stated that the existing Animal Services Building, constructed in 1976, is part of the DuPage County Government Complex located west of County Farm Road and north of Manchester Road. The existing building is approximately 9,200 square feet and it has had several renovations over the years. Most recently, a special use permit amendment was granted by City Ordinance No. F-0479 on June 19, 1999 to allow the construction and use of a prefabricated pavilion/ concrete slab as an accessory use for the building.

Ms. Knapp stated that DuPage County is requesting an amendment to the existing special use permit approved for the Animal Services Building located at 120 N. County Farm Road to allow the construction and use of three additions totaling 11,486 square feet and an interior remodel of the existing building. The request also includes the demolition of the existing prefabricated pavilion/ concrete slab. Per Article 14.1.1 of the Wheaton Zoning Ordinance, a special use permit is required for any new or expanded governmental building or use in the I-2 Institutional District.

Ms. Knapp stated that the request includes three additions to the existing building totaling 11,486 square feet. The first addition would be 9,830 square feet and would be situated directly south of the existing building. The second addition would be 736 square feet and would be situated southeast of the existing building. The third addition would be 920 square feet and would be situated at the northeast corner of the existing building. The first and second additions would be connected by a new outdoor exercise/ play area and the second and third additions would be connected by new outdoor dog runs/ enclosures. All rooftop mechanicals and the ground mounted AC condenser would be fully screened by mechanical screens and/or fencing.

Ms. Knapp stated that access to the site would remain off Manchester Road, but the existing drive approach would be shifted further east. The request includes the construction of a new 34 stall parking lot on the south side of the building for use by customers, which they feel is more than adequate. Employees and volunteers will continue to park on the north side of the building. A dumpster enclosure would be constructed on the north side of the building in two existing parking spaces and parking lot lighting would fully comply with all footcandle and glare requirements.

Ms. Knapp addressed the seven special use questions as required by the Wheaton Zoning Ordinance. She stated that the proposed special use would not be detrimental to the public health, safety, morals, comfort, convenience, or general welfare of the neighboring property owners.

Laura Flamion, DuPage County Animal Services, 120 N. County Farm Road, Wheaton was sworn in. Ms. Flamion stated that the number of animals served would remain the same, however the additional space would improve the function of the building. The additional space would provide extra room for indoor play space for dogs, cats, and even rabbits. She added that the project would also include a new sidewalk on the north side of Manchester Road for walking the shelter dogs and use by the general public.

Chair Aranas questioned whether the hours of operation would change.

Ms. Flamion stated that their hours would remain the same.

Ms. Horejs questioned whether the new sidewalk on the north side of Manchester Road would connect to any existing sidewalk or path system.

Jeoff Matteson, DuPage County Facilities Management, 421 N. County Farm Road, Wheaton was sworn in. Mr. Matteson stated that the proposed sidewalk would connect to an existing path system.

Mr. Wanzung stated that the proposed landscaping exceeded the City’s requirements.

Bob Bornfriend, 2260 Manchester Road, Wheaton was sworn in. Mr. Bornfriend stated that he lives on the south side of Manchester Road, across the street from the Animal Services Building, and he was concerned about the additional traffic the project would generate on Manchester Road.

Ms. Knapp stated that a traffic study was completed for this project and the study shows that the project would have no impact on surrounding traffic. She added that employees and volunteers would continue to use the north entrance drive to the building off County Farm Road and park on the north side of the building.

Mr. Gudmundson moved and then Ms. Horejs seconded the motion to close the public hearing. On a voice vote, all voted aye.

Mr. Plunkett moved and then Mr. Dabovich seconded the motion to waive their regular rules and vote tonight. On a voice vote, all voted aye.

Mr. Wanzung moved and then Mr. Gudmundson seconded the motion to approve ZA #23-01, subject to the following conditions:

1. The applicant shall provide a photometrics plan as part of their building permit submittal that fully complies with all footcandle and glare requirements, especially along the south property line that abuts the single-family residences; and

2. The preliminary engineering plan shall be subject to further staff review prior to the issuance of a site development permit.

Roll Call Vote

Ayes: Nicole Aranas

Chris Dabovich

Bob Gudmundson

Cecilia Horejs

Mark Plunkett

Dan Wanzung

Nays: None

Absent: Chris Derrick

Motion Passed Unanimously

ZA #23-02/ Special Use Permit/ 1877 S. Wiesbrook Road/ Schultz

Pursuant to notice duly published on January 6, 2023 and letters mailed to neighboring property owners on January 4, 2023, Chair Aranas called to order the January 24, 2023 public hearing requesting a special use permit pursuant to Article 24.3.1 of the Wheaton Zoning Ordinance to allow the construction and use of a 1,612 square foot detached garage, all on property commonly known as 1877 S. Wiesbrook Road. Four emails, generally in opposition to the proposed size of the garage, were received and incorporated into the record.

Steve Meyer, 2368 Corporate Lane, Naperville was sworn in. Mr. Meyer stated that he was the owner of Meyer Design. He stated that the subject property is improved with an existing two-story frame and stone single-family residence, pool, and several patio spaces. With a lot size of 1.85 acres (80,586 square feet), the subject property is one of the largest single-family lots in Wheaton. The floor area ratio (i.e., living square footage to lot square footage) limit for the property is 32,234 square feet and the lot coverage (i.e., roofed structure) limit for the property is 26,835 square feet. While the proposed detached garage square footage would be included in both limits, the property is large enough to accommodate the existing house and the proposed detached garage. The adjacent neighbor to the north already has both an attached and detached garage on their property.

Mr. Meyer stated that the detached garage is proposed to be constructed behind the existing home in the rear yard of the subject property and would be 3.5 foot from the north property line, exceeding the minimum 3.0 foot setback requirement. The garage would be oriented in a north-south direction on the subject property with the shorter side facing the north property line and a hip roof pitching away from the adjacent neighbor. The garage would be located near the existing detached garage and sport court on the adjacent neighbor’s property.

Jessica Otte, 2368 Corporate Lane, Naperville was sworn in. Ms. Otto stated that she was the project manager for Meyer Design. She stated that the detached garage would be 31.0 feet wide by 52.0 feet deep and would be approximately 21.5 feet in height. The exterior materials and design of the structure would match the exterior materials and design of the existing house. The proposed garage elevations show a stone facade on the west, south, and east elevations but only horizontal siding on the north elevation facing the adjacent neighbor. Staff has recommended, and the homeowner is agreeable to the condition, that a stone facade be installed on the north elevation instead of horizontal siding to match the rest of the structure. The proposed garage elevations currently show a rolling garage door for the detached garage. Staff has recommended, and the homeowner is agreeable to the condition, that a traditional garage door be installed instead of a rolling garage door to match the existing ones on the house.

Mr. Meyer addressed the seven special use questions as required by the Wheaton Zoning Ordinance. He stated that the proposed special use would not be detrimental to the public health, safety, morals, comfort, convenience, or general welfare of the neighboring property owners.

Bill Sterba, 1867 S. Wiesbrook Road, Wheaton was sworn in. Mr. Sterba stated that he was the adjacent property owner to the north. He added that he was concerned about the size, drainage, setbacks, and the esthetics of the garage. He added that he wished his neighbor, Mr. Schultz, would have spoken with him about the garage before he received the public hearing notice in the mail from the City. He added that even though the garage does not meet the typical definition of a one and one-half story garage, it should be required to maintain the same setbacks based on the proposed size and height.

Jeff Schultz, 1877 S. Wiesbrook Road, Wheaton was sworn in. Mr. Schultz stated that he was the property owner. He apologized to Mr. Sterba, his adjacent neighbor to the north, for not speaking to him before he received the public hearing notice in the mail from the City.

Rick Lukens and Cindy Trennert-Lukens, 2226 Barger Court, Wheaton were sworn in. Mr. and Mrs. Lukens started that they were neighboring property owners. They added that they were concerned about erroneous information contained in the applicant narrative, garage size/ sightlines, and the current and future uses of the garage. They submitted a letter that was incorporated in the record. They questioned whether the garage would have water and service to the building. They further questioned whether a full second floor would be added in the future.

Mr. Meyer stated that structurally a full second floor could not be added.

Mr. Schultz stated that he does not plan to run water or sewer, add a full second floor, or rent out the garage. He added that he has a personal antique car collection, and he would like to store them on his property. Two would be stored on the ground floor of the garage and the other two would be stored on lifts in the garage.

Debbie Kieckhafer, 2211 Embden Lane, Wheaton was sworn in. Ms. Kieckhafer stated that she was a neighboring property owner. She added that she was concerned about drainage around and behind the garage.

The Board discussed the request in detail. The Board acknowledged that, at 1.85 acres (80, 586 square feet), the subject property was extremely large by Wheaton standards, however the Board also acknowledged that the proposed garage was more than two times the normal size limit. The Board requested that the applicant consider shifting the location of the garage further south to provide a larger setback and better drainage along the north property line. The Board also requested that the applicant consider adding landscaping around the perimeter of the garage for screening and consider a different exterior finish on the north elevation. To give the applicant time to consider these requests, and revise their plans, if necessary, the Board decided to continue the public hearing until the Board’s next regularly scheduled meeting.

Mr. Gudmundson moved and then Mr. Dabovich seconded the motion to continue the public hearing until Tuesday, February 14, 2023. On a voice vote, all voted aye.

V. Miscellaneous 

There was none.

VI. Adjournment 

Mr. Wanzung moved and then Mr. Dabovich seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:06 p.m. On a voice vote, all voted aye.
