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City of Wheaton Public Library Board met Jan. 16

City of Wheaton Public Library Board met Jan. 16.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

I. Call to Order 

The Board of Trustees of the Wheaton Public Library held their regular Board meeting on Monday, January 16, 2023. Board Vice President Al Herbach called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. Members present in person at roll call: Al Herbach, Bob Lyon, Steve Siemer and Vallari Talapatra. Attending via Zoom were Simone Morton and Kathryn Staron. Absent: Christine Fenne and Laurie Metanchuk. Betsy Adamowski, Library Director, Ed Sirovatka, IT/Facilities Manager, and Lisa Christell-Sandri, Library Finance/Business Office Manager and recording secretary for this meeting, were also in attendance.

II. Citizens to be Heard 



III. Minutes for the December 19, 2022 Board Meeting 

IV. Financial Reports for December 2022 and Bill Listing for December 2022 and January 2023 Payment Mr. Siemer moved and Ms. Talapatra seconded to approve the Consent Agenda items.

Roll Call Vote

Ayes: Ms. Staron

Ms. Talapatra

Mr. Lyon

Mr. Siemer

Mrs. Morton

Nays: None

Absent: Mrs. Metanchuk

Mrs. Fenne

Motion Carried

V. Library Director's Board Report for December 2022 

Mrs. Adamowski began by noting that the MLK program by Bernie Kleina was incredible. Representative Sean Casten attended so Mrs. Adamowski had an opportunity to thank him for his help in acquiring the $750,000 grant to renovate the library's west side plaza. Mrs. Adamowski stated that she, Dawn and Ed will be leading the project. Mad Fore Plaid is this Friday and, so far, there are 182 people signed up to attend. Mrs. Adamowski is confident that it will go to 200. Last Friday's Staff In-Service went well; staff morale was high. Some good self-care ideas came out of it, for example "library walking" where staff would come in early and walk a route through the library for exercise and creating a self-care committee. The new safety/emergency manuals were given out and staff edits were encouraged. Mrs. Adamowski pointed out that a patron version will be available in all the meeting and study rooms. Mrs. Adamowski and Dawn Kovacs are working on the benchmark project with HR Source and will be making a presentation to the Board at a future meeting.

VI. Unfinished Business: 


VII. New Business: 

A. Motion to Accept Resignation of Board of Trustee Member Joe McHaley as of January 16, 2023 

Mr. Lyon moved and Mr. Siemer seconded to accept Mr. McHaley's resignation. Members commented on the contributions Mr. McHaley gave in his years on the Board.

Roll Call Vote

Ayes: Mrs. Staron 

Ms. Talapatra

Mr. Siemer

Mrs. Morton

Mr. Lyon

Mr. Herbach

Nays: None

Absent: Mrs. Fenne

Mrs. Metanchuk

Motion Carried 

B. Motion to Approve the Annual Distribution of $15,300 for the Adams Memorial Fund Remain in the Fund 

Mr. Lyon moved and Ms. Talapatra seconded to approve the motion.

Roll Call Vote

Ayes: Ms. Talapatra

Mr. Lyon

Mr. Siemer

Mrs. Morton

Ms. Staron

Mr. Herbach

Nays: None

Absent: Mrs. Fenne

Mrs. Metanchuk

Motion Carried

C. Motion to Approve the Annual Distribution of $3,700 of the Wheaton Public Library Agency Fund Remains in the Fund 

Mr. Siemer moved and Mr. Lyon seconded to approve the motion.

Roll Call Vote

Ayes: Mrs. Morton

Mr. Lyon

Ms. Staron

Mr. Siemer

Ms. Talapatra

Mr. Herbach

Nays: None

Absent: Mrs. Fenne

Mrs. Metanchuk

Motion Carried

D. Motion to Approve the Annual Distribution of $1,900 for the Garbe Endowment Fund Remains in the Fund 

Mr. Siemer moved and Ms. Talapatra seconded to approve the motion.

Roll Call Vote

Ayes:  Mr. Siemer

Ms. Staron

Mrs. Morton

Mr. Lyon

Ms. Talapatra

Mr. Herbach

Nays:  None

Absent: Mrs. Fenne

Mrs. Metanchuk

Motion Carried

E. Motion to Approve the Annual Distribution of $4,100 for the Theodore M. Utchen Agency Fund Remains in the Fund 

Mr. Siemer moved and Mr. Lyon seconded to approve the motion.

Roll Call Vote

Ayes: Mr. Lyon 

Mr. Siemer

Ms. Talapatra

Mr. Herbach

Mrs. Morton

Ms. Staron

Nays: None

Absent: Mrs. Fenne

Mrs. Metanchuk

Motion Carried

VIII. Board Member Comments (round the Table) 

Ms. Talapatra stated that the public has been asking about what's going to happen with the west side plaza. She suggested drafting some kind of explanation from the Board. A member asked if the Library highlighted special monthly observances, such as Black History month. Mrs. Adamowski responded that there are usually book displays and programming, among other things, but that these things are noted throughout the year also.

IX. Adjournment 

There being no further business of the Wheaton Public Library Board of Trustees, Mr. Siemer moved and Mr. Lyon seconded that the meeting be adjourned. A voice vote was taken and the motion for adjournment carried at 7:33 p.m.
