
Chicago City Wire

Thursday, December 19, 2024

City of Wheaton Public Library Board met April 17

City of Wheaton Public Library Board met April 17

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

I. Call to Order and Roll Call

II. Citizens to be Heard

Citizens, physically in attendance, who want to make a public comment, will be asked to provide their first and last name including spelling. Citizens, in attendance via Zoom, who want to make a public comment, will be asked to provide their telephone number being used to access the meeting. Please be advised that telephone number and name may be visible to the public, on Zoom.

Comments by members of the public are limited to three (3) minutes. The Board President shall have discretion to modify this time limit, as well as to limit repetitive comments. All comments should be directed to the Library Board President. Public comment or questions will not be accepted in the Zoom chat box. It is encouraged that speaker contact information be provided if there is a need for follow-up.

Patron Conduct Rules will be enforced and speakers shall be courteous and should not make statements that are personally disrespectful to members of the Library Board or Staff.


Any item on the Consent Agenda may be removed for separate consideration by any Board member or citizen present.

III. Minutes for the March 20, 2023 Board Meeting

IV. Financial Reports for March 2023 and Bill Listing for April 2023 Payment


V. Library Director’s Report for March 2023

VI. Unfinished Business: None

VII. New Business: None

VIII. Board Member Comments (Round the Table)

IX. Adjournment
