
Chicago City Wire

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Chicago GOP on president's reelection bid: 'Biden cannot erase his Administration's disastrous record over the last four years'

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U.S. President Joe Biden | Wikimedia Commons (public domain); U.S. Department of State

U.S. President Joe Biden | Wikimedia Commons (public domain); U.S. Department of State

The Chicago Republican Party is standing against the reelection of President Joe Biden, who recently announced he will run for reelection.

“President Joe Biden announced his re-election campaign through a digital ad, according to a statement released yesterday morning,” the Chicago GOP said in a press release quoted by the Chicago City Wire on April 28. “However, regardless of how many takes, cuts, edits, and sound effects are added, President Biden cannot erase his Administration’s disastrous record over the last four years. The President's re-election announcement further reinforced just how out of touch he is with reality. In the 2024 Presidential Election, voters will choose between two paths for America: a bright future filled with safety, security, and economic prosperity for all Americans; or more of the same from Joe Biden and the Democratic Party.”

The Biden administration has come under fire after the Twitter Files revealed a massive campaign of censorship, including Biden's campaign's involvement in the censorship of the New York Post's article exposing his son Hunter Biden's financial ties to foreign interests including Chinese intelligence. Biden has overseen a censorship campaign that has regularly targeted conservative political personalities, unbiased journalists and ordinary Americans who challenge the government's official line. Many have questioned the censorship of stories reflecting negatively on Biden and his family’s financial connections, including allegations that several members of the Biden family have used their patriarch’s status to fuel consulting businesses.

Journalist Michael Shellenberger, who in 2008 won Time Magazine's Hero of the Environment Leader and Visionary award, is among the main proponents of the publication of the Twitter Files. In a March New York Post report, he claimed that groups backed by the nation's intelligence apparatus have been engaged in “creating blacklists of disfavored people and demanding that the social-media platforms censor, deamplify and even ban them.”

"The Twitter Files, state attorneys general lawsuits and investigative reporters have revealed a large and growing network of government agencies, academic institutions and private groups that are actively censoring American citizens, often without their knowledge, on subjects including the origins of COVID, COVID vaccines, Hunter Biden’s business dealings, climate change and many other issues,” Shellenberger said in the report.

In Hunter Biden's emails, former Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan was mentioned, a December City Wire report said. The emails were sent at the same time that Valerie Biden Owens, President Biden's sister, informed the Biden campaign that Madigan had fired her media advisor and that Owens' organization hoped to be considered for the position in 2010.

“Hunt - do you have any swat here - that would not be a chit if you weighed in- bc a chit is too expensive," Owens' email said. “Eric - I know you would charge me a % !”

The Illinois State Rifle Association (ISRA) has come out against Biden as well. ISRA Executive Director Richard Pearson encouraged people to vote, a recent Prairie State Wire report said.

“Now that Joe Biden has announced his intention to run for President of the United States again, this should be a clarion call for law-abiding gun owners to get active,” Pearson ISRA's said in a news release, quoted by the State Wire. “Biden and his cronies will stop at nothing to destroy the Second Amendment and all those who stand in the way. Every second he is president, he is entrenching antigun bureaucrats in the government to make life harder for gun owners after he is gone, executing Executive Orders to attack gun owners, the firearms industry, and firearm dealers. Another term would mean more evil does this way come.”