City of Prospect Heights Plan/Zoning Board of Appeals met April 27.
Here is the agenda as provided by the board:
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Approval of Minutes
March 16, 2023 Regular Meeting
IV. Old Business
1. PZBA Case No. 23-04 MA – Public Hearing
Applicant: City of Prospect Heights – Director Peterson
Address: 8 N. Elmhurst Rd.
Request: Public hearing to consider a map amendment and rezoning of certain property from B-3 Commercial, Wholesale and General Services District to B-5 Commercial Industrial District.
2. PZBA Case No. 23-05 TA
Applicant: City of Prospect Heights, Director Peterson
Address: 8 N. Elmhurst Rd., Prospect Heights
Request: Consideration of Text Amendments to Title 5 Chapter 7 deleting Section 5-7-1 O-1 Office Research Park in entirety and adding Section 5-7-7 B-5 Commercial Industrial District.
V. New Business – None
VI. Public Comment
VII. Previous Application Updates
VIII. Communications
IX. Adjournment