
Chicago City Wire

Sunday, March 16, 2025

City of Wheaton Historic Commission met March 21

City of Wheaton Historic Commission met March 21.

Here are the minutes provided by the commission: 

I. Call to Order 

The meeting was called to order at 7:03 pm.

Present in person: Stephen Beach (Chair), Louise Ferrebee (Vice Chair), Bob Purdy (Secretary), Lisa Buchanan (Treasurer), Emelie Engling, Nancy Flannery, Sophia Ruffolo, Joe Szczepaniak

II. Approval of Minutes 

Minutes of the February 21, 2023 meeting were approved on a motion by Nancy, seconded by Joe, and passed unanimously.

III. Old Business 

A. Illinois Attorney General Case 2021CH000460: A new court date has been set for March 27 at 10 am in Room 1004. At this session Judge Bugos will hear the defense response to the Attorney General’s recent motion to reconsider in part the denial of the AG’s partial judgement. The motion includes forfeiture of the unexplained payments and removal of the individuals from the Historic Preservation Council. Any court records reimbursed by the City will be available on SharePoint.

B. Preservation Week 2023:

1. New Banners: Louise was quoted $85 each by Allegra for the new 2 ft X 6 ft banners to be displayed the same dates as the new yard signs, May 12--May 22. One banner will be placed at the NW corner of Main and Roosevelt and the other on southbound Main near the SW corner of Main and Geneva, near the Welcome to Wheaton sign.

2. Promotion and Publicity of Events: Steve is working with Susan Bishel to get events on the City calendar and newsletters. Louise will be coordinating the social media posts. Nancy has posted the complete list of area publicity contacts on SharePoint.

C. Wheaton Register of Historic Places application: Steve welcomed edits to his revisions. These can be done on SharePoint and it is hoped that the new application can be finalized by next month. Also, Lisa posted on SharePoint new instructions she has developed for researching real estate tax records to determine the construction date of a home.

D. 515 W Park approval: Lisa verified the tax and age information from Milton

Township and DuPage County tax rolls. The three additional current photos were still missing and it was hoped that approval could be finalized next month.

E. Miscellaneous 

1. Bob said there was a possibility of the September “Great Train Wrecks” lecture conflicting with our September 19 meeting date. A motion to provisionally change the September 19 meeting to September 26 if this happens was made by Sophia, seconded by Joe, and passed unanimously.

2. Lisa has obtained the 1892 Prout & Burnham’s Map of Wheaton. She has uploaded it to SharePoint and passed out letter size copies to members. It will be useful to determine property description names as well as other information.

IV. New Business 

New Historic Commission Email: Steve is working with Andrea Rosedale to set this up.

V. Commissioner Comments 

1. Seven Gables home tour: Lisa is working with the Goldsboroughs to schedule this for another group and the Historic Commission members.

2. Walking Tours on Historic Register Map: Lisa will be walking/testing the tours that have been established for the four quadrants on the GIS Historic Register map.

VI. Adjournment 

Joe moved to adjourn, Bob seconded, the motion passed unanimously; the meeting concluded at 8:55 pm.
