
Chicago City Wire

Sunday, March 16, 2025

Lake County Financial & Administrative Committee met May 4

Lake County Financial & Administrative Committee met May 4.

Here is the agenda provided by the committee:

1. Call to Order

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. Roll Call of Members

4. Addenda to the Agenda

5. Public Comment (Items Not on the Agenda)

6. Chair's Remarks

7. Unfinished Business

8. New Business



Chief County Assessment Office

8.1 23-0683Chief County Assessment Office Annual Update.

8.2 23-0097Director's Report - Enterprise Information Technology.

Human Resources

8.3 23-0685

Resolution authorizing an emergency appropriation in Fund 206 Liability Insurance and Risk Fund to fund settlement agreements and claim expenses in the amount of $1,650,000 from Fund 206 balance.

· Lake County has authorized settlements and expenses that require payment or possible payments in the amount of $1,650,000 in Fiscal Year (FY) 2023.

· Funds will be used for settlement of multiple claims reviewed/approved by the Finance & Administrative Committee and expenses related to the December 25, 2022 water damage to the Waukegan Administration and Courts complex.

8.4 23-0096Director's Report - Human Resources.

Facilities and Construction Services

8.5 23-0699

Resolution authorizing the acceptance of a grant from the Illinois Clean Energy Community Foundation (ICECF) awarded to Lake County for the Regional Operations and Communications Facility (ROC), including an emergency appropriation in the amount of $2,000,000.

· The ROC Facility is a purpose built Consolidated 911 and Emergency Operations Center to support 911 Dispatch Center, Emergency Management Agency (EMA), and Emergency Telephone Systems Board (ETSB).

· Multiple funding options and ICECF grant funding for the ROC facility were presented and discussed on September 1, 2022.

· The ROC Facility was selected as a sponsored project by ICECF on January 24, 2023.

· Lake County has been awarded an ICECF Net Zero Energy Building Program grant in the amount of $2,000,000 for the ROC Facility.

· The grant term is February 1, 2023, through June 30, 2024, and is a reimbursable grant, with 60 percent received upon building completion and occupancy, and 40 percent received upon 12 consecutive months of successful operation as a site net zero energy building.

· Lake County will use the funds to equip and/or construct the ROC Facility.

· The ROC Facility is funded primarily by general obligation bonds issued in 2022 and ARPA federal funding, with various other funding sources, including this private grant, rounding out the necessary funding.

8.6 23-0660

Resolution authorizing execution of a contract with Allstate Tower, Inc. of Henderson, Kentucky, in the amount of $291,188 for the Regional Operations and Communications (ROC) Facility, Radio Tower Construction.

· As part of the Modified Fiscal Year (FY) 2021 Budget and in alignment with the Facilities Capital Improvement Plan, design of a new Consolidated 911, Emergency Management Agency (EMA), and Emergency Telephone Systems Board (ETSB) Facility was authorized.

· In March of 2022 ARPA funds were appropriated for this initiative.

· In October of 2022 bond funds were appropriated for this initiative.

· In January of 2023 radio tower construction drawings were solicited.

· The County received one bid for the project in the amount of $291,188, from Allstate Tower, Inc. of Henderson, Kentucky, which included an exception request to the Responsible Bidder’s Ordinance.

· Staff has evaluated the single bid received and has recommended award of the contract with the acceptance of the exception to the Responsible Bidder’s Ordinance based on the comprehensive training and safety documentation provided.

· This resolution authorizes and directs the county purchasing agent to execute a contract with Allstate Tower, Inc. of Henderson, Kentucky, in the amount of $291,188.

8.7 23-0679 Director’s Report - Facilities and Construction Services.


8.8 23-0684 Finance Annual Update.

8.9 23-0698 Finance Monthly Report - March 2023.

8.10 23-0702

Resolution approving 3.5.FY24 Fiscal Year 2024 Budget Planning Guidance which provides County Board guidance for the preparation of the Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 annual budget.

· Each year, the County Board provides guidance for development of the annual budget. Guidance that is updated annually is found in Policy 3.5 FYxx which is intended to provide parameters or guidelines for a specific fiscal year.

· Policies 3.5 Budget Development Policy and 3.6 Budget Execution Policy provide fundamental policy that is reviewed annually but only updated as necessary.

· The guidance provided through this process includes direction regarding the property tax levy, employee salary increases, new program requests, contributions to capital, environmentally sustainable alternatives, and other direction.

· A draft Guidance document was presented on April 27, 2023 along with a presentation including background financial information at the Financial and Administrative Committee. The feedback received at that meeting is shown in redline form and in a clean version attached. If these guidelines are approved on May 9, the FY 2024 budget preparation process will begin with departments in mid-May.

8.11 23-0098Director’s Report - Finance.

County Administration

8.12 23-0701Resolution authorizing emergency appropriations totaling $34,172,971 of Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (CSLFRF) as part of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) to be distributed across ARPA categories in support of Lake County residents, communities, businesses, and County-wide operations and services related to COVID-19 Public Health Emergency recovery.

· The ARPA was signed into law on March 11, 2021, and Lake County received $135,293,758 from the US Treasury.

· The funds can be used for needs associated with public health, to counteract negative economic impacts, provide services to disproportionately impacted communities, for infrastructure, to provide premium pay, to replace lost revenue, and for administrative purposes during a period from March 3, 2021, to December 31, 2026.

· Recommendations related to current allocation amendments, external applications, and new items were reviewed on April 21 and April 28 with the F&A Special Committee on COVID-19 Pandemic Recovery and Investment to bring the appropriation forward to the County Board.

· The funding allocation will be used to fund the Public Health Projects received through our external application program, Broadband, Administrative Costs to support the program, Infrastructure projects, election equipment upgrades, a tree initiative, and Premium Pay.

· Authority to spend appropriated funds and execute any and all agreements with partners related to this allocation and distribution of Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds is delegated to the County Administrator or their designee(s).

8.13 23-0700

Resolution authorizing an emergency appropriation of the funds reallocated to Lake County in Emergency Rental Assistance (ERA) 2 Fund for Emergency Rental Assistance in the amount of $108,169.66.

· Entities with successful performance in the Emergency Rental Assistance program were allowed to request additional emergency rental assistance funding that had been reallocated from other entities.

· Lake County requested additional funding and was granted $108,169.66.

· This resolution authorizes both the revenue and the expense appropriation amount, which will be utilized to provide additional emergency rental assistance to qualified recipients.

8.14 23-0704Resolution approving the Lake County Flag Policy.

· This policy establishes guidelines for the display of flags, to include the United States national flag, State of Illinois flag and the Lake County, Illinois flag, in and around Lake County Government facilities.

· The policy includes the general display of flags and authorized flags for limited display (Prisoner of War / Missing in Action (POW / MIA) flag and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer, Plus (LGBTQ+) Pride flag).

8.15 23-0657

Discussion on Proposed Job Order Contract (JOC) Policy.

· The purpose and intent of this JOC Policy is to provide clear guidance to Staff onthe execution and reporting requirements for the Job Order Contract (JOC).

· The JOC is a competitively bid, multiple source, firm fixed price / indefinite quantity construction contract procured in compliance with the Lake County Purchasing Ordinance. 

9. County Administrator's Report

10. Executive Session

11. Members' Remarks

12. Adjournment
