
Chicago City Wire

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Lake County Planning, Building, Zoning and Environment Committee met April 5

Lake County Planning, Building, Zoning and Environment Committee met April 5.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

1. Call to Order

Chair Vealitzek called the meeting to order at 10:30 a.m.

2. Pledge of Allegiance

Chair Vealitzek led the Pledge of Allegiance.

3. Roll Call of Members

Present 6 - Member Altenberg, Vice Chair Pedersen, Member Roberts, Member Schlick, Chair Vealitzek and Member Wasik

Absent 1 - Member Frank

*Electronic Attendance: Member Roberts

Other Attendees:

In Person:

Alex Carr, Communications

Bailey Wyatt, Communications

Gary Gibson, County Administrator's Office

Kevin Quinn, Communications

Matt Meyers, County Administrator's Office

Robin Grooms, County Administrator's Office

Sharon Osterby, Stormwater Management

Theresa Glatzhofer, County Board Office


Adam Kurzer, Tradition Energy

Arnold Donato, Stormwater Management

Carl Kirar, Facilities and Construction

Eric Steffen, Planning, Building, and Development

Eric Waggoner, Planning, Building, and Development

James Hawkins, County Administrator's Office

Janna Philipp, County Administrator's Office

Jennifer Brennan, Communications

Jon Nelson, Division of Transportation

Krista Barkley Braun, Planning, Building and Development

Krista Kennedy, Finance

Kristy Cechini, County Board Office

Laura Bacon, Tradition Energy

Maegan Trygstad, Public

Michael English, Tradition Energy

Michael Wheeler, Finance

Mick Zawislak, Daily Herald

Nick Dunn, Tradition Energy

Patrice Sutton, Finance

Paul Frank, Board Member

RuthAnne Hall, Purchasing

Ryan Kelliher, Tradition Energy

Sonia Hernandez, County Administrator's Office

Stacy Davis-Wynn, Purchasing

Susan Pribyl, Public

Taylor Gendel, Planning, Building and Development

4. Addenda to the Agenda

There were no additions or amendments to the agenda.

5. Public Comment (Items not on the agenda)

There were no comments from the public.

6. Chair's Remarks

There were no Chair remarks.

7. Unfinished Business

There was no unfinished business to discuss.

8. New Business

CONSENT AGENDA (Items 8.1 - 8.2)


8.1 23-0502

Committee action approving the Planning, Building, Zoning and Environment Committee minutes from March 1, 2023.

A motion was made by Member Wasik, seconded by Member Schlick, that the minutes be approved. The motion carried by the following voice vote:

Aye: 6 - Member Altenberg, Vice Chair Pedersen, Member Roberts, Member Schlick, Chair Vealitzek and Member Wasik

Absent: 1 - Member Frank

8.2 23-0503

Committee action approving the Planning, Building, Zoning and Environment Committee minutes from March 8, 2023.

A motion was made by Member Wasik, seconded by Member Schlick, that the minutes be approved. The motion carried by the following voice vote:

Aye: 6 - Member Altenberg, Vice Chair Pedersen, Member Roberts, Member Schlick, Chair Vealitzek and Member Wasik

Absent: 1 - Member Frank



8.3 23-0010

Director's Report - Planning, Building and Development.

There was no Planning, Building and Development Director's report.


8.4 23-0412

Joint resolution to transfer property owned by the County of Lake, located at 900 Kilbourne Road in the Village of Gurnee to the Gurnee Park District for the public purpose of open space public use, subject to the conditions and restrictions described in Exhibit B.

Sharon Osterby, Water Resources Professional, gave background regarding the property transfer from Lake County to the Gurnee Park District, for the purpose of open space public use.

Discussion ensued.

A motion was made by Member Altenberg, seconded by Member Wasik, that this joint resolution be approved and referred on to the Financial and Administrative Committee. The motion carried by the following voice vote:

Aye: 6 - Member Altenberg, Vice Chair Pedersen, Member Roberts, Member Schlick, Chair Vealitzek and Member Wasik

Absent: 1 - Member Frank


8.5 23-0515

Presentation and discussion on community solar options to offset Lake County energy usage.

Robin Grooms, Sustainability Programs Manager, introduced the staff from Tradition Energy who gave a presentation regarding their community solar program.

Discussion ensued.

The consensus of the Committee was to move forward with gaining more information about participating in a community solar program with Tradition Energy. 8.6 23-0517

Presentation and discussion on programs that subsidize resident purchases of electric lawn equipment.

Robin Grooms, Sustainability Programs Manager, gave a presentation regarding what other communities have done to subsidize resident purchases to replace gas-powered lawn equipment with electric-powered lawn equipment.

Discussion ensued.

The consensus of the Committee was to request that staff proceed with researching funding for a program to provide vouchers for residents to purchase electric-powered lawn equipment.

8.7 23-0518

Presentation and discussion regarding results of Committee workplan prioritization exercise.

Robin Grooms, Sustainability Programs Manager, explained that the Committee members recently filled out a survey to help prioritize workplan items. Ms. Grooms then gave a presentation regarding the results of that survey.

Discussion ensued.

8.8 23-0516

Resolution supporting and endorsing Grow Geo Chicagoland as facilitated by the Midwest Renewable Energy Association and Citizens Utility Board.

Robin Grooms, Sustainability Programs Manager, gave a brief overview of the resolution to support and endorse Grow Geo Chicagoland.

Discussion ensued.

A motion was made by Member Altenberg, seconded by Vice Chair Pedersen, that this resolution be approved and referred on to the County Board. The motion carried by the following voice vote:

Aye: 6 - Member Altenberg, Vice Chair Pedersen, Member Roberts, Member Schlick, Chair Vealitzek and Member Wasik

Absent: 1 - Member Frank

9. County Administrator's Report

Robin Grooms, Sustainability Programs Manager, noted that there has been a slight change in the format of the solar program that the Board recently endorsed and supported.

Discussion ensued.

The consensus of the Committee was to have the State's Attorney's Office review the previously passed resolution to determine if changes need to be made.

10. Executive Session

The Committee did not enter into Executive Session.

11. Members' Remarks

There were no remarks from members.

12. Adjournment

Chair Vealtizek declared the meeting adjourned at 11:30 a.m.
