
Chicago City Wire

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City of Prospect Heights City Council met April 10

City of Prospect Heights City Council met April 10

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL - At 6:30 PM, Acting Mayor Dolick called to order the April 10, 2023 Regular City Council Meeting at City hall, 8 N Elmhurst Road, Prospect Heights, IL. Deputy Clerk Schultheis read the preamble to the meeting.

City Clerk Prisiajniouk called roll. A quorum was present.

ELECTED OFFICIALS PRESENT - City Clerk Prisiajniouk, Treasurer Tibbits, Acting Mayor/Alderman Ward 5 Dolick, Aldermen - Dash, Ludvigsen, Cameron, Morgan-Adams 

OTHER OFFICIALS PRESENT – City Administrator Wade, Assistant City Administrator Falcone, Deputy Clerk Schultheis, Police Chief Caponigro, Assistant Finance Director Tannehill, Digital Communications Technician Colvin, Public Works Director Roscoe, Building and Development Director Peterson, Attorney Hess.

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE – Led by Acting Mayor Dolick.


A.March 27, 2023 City Council Regular Meeting Minutes - Alderman Morgan Adams moved to approve the March 27, 2023 City Council Minutes as presented; seconded by Alderman Ludvigsen. There was unanimous approval.


AYES - Dash, Dolick, Ludvigsen, Cameron, Morgan-Adams 

NAYS - None


Motion carried 5 - 0


A. Presentation of Police Volunteer of Year and Unit Citation Awards - Chief Caponigro and Deputy Chief Derman presented a Police Unit Citation Award to Detective Sergeant Kevin Lange, Detective Colleen Zitkus, Detective Keith O'Connor, and Police Officer Michael Coglianese for their outstanding teamwork in arresting an armed and dangerous gang member accused of armed robbery and aggravated battery

The Police Department presented Angelo Petratos with the Police Volunteer of the Year Award. 

B. FY2023-24 Chicago Executive Airport Budget Presentation by Jason Griffin - CEA Executive Director Miller and Finance Director Griffith gave an overview of the FY24 budget. Director Griffith said that the primary goals of the FY24 Budget were to maintain the financial self- sufficiency of the airport, plan for current and future capital expenses, provide resources to be a premier general aviation airport.

- After reserve fund transfers, FY24 budgeted a net income of $60,580. Revenues for FY24 are budgeted at $6,959,449 (a 13.98% increase from FY23). Increase is due to long term lease, increased JetA Fuel flowage fees, and other fee increases. Operating expenses for FY24 are budgeted at $5,452,065 (a 5.45% increase from FY23). This is due to the change to a 40- hour week, public relations and marketing increases, increase in customs operation expenses, and security.

FY24 Budget overview - unrestricted net assets available is equal to 3 months of operating expenses. Debt covenant requirements require the airport to maintain a 180-day budgeted operating expenses.

The major Capital A projects: RSIP program construction; rehabilitation of airfield lighting Phase I; rehabilitation of northwest quadrant access road; development of east quadrant apron; and update to Exhibit A Property map.

Alderman Cameron asked if the customers were being charged for the increased fuel flowage fee? Mr. Griffith said that fuel flowage fee is paid to the CEA by the FBO's. The CEA gets 27 cents for every gallon that is put into the FBO tanks.

Alderman Cameron asked what the other fee increases were? Director Griffith said there were commercial operating permits to operate a business at the airport.

Alderman Morgan-Adams asked about the hangar lease. What is the difference from a ground lease? Director Miller said that land is leased and after forty years reversionary clauses kick in and the property resorts back to the airport. Then, the airport can lease back at a higher rate per square foot.

Alderman Morgan-Adams asked about the master drainage study? Director Miller said that they are at capacity of the south side when it comes to buildings, so regarding drainage, the master study plan will calculate what can be done at the airport versus retention. The idea is to maximi8ze development versus retention.

Alderman Cameron asked about the possibility of the Chicago Bears coming to the suburbs and the impact on the airport. Director Miller replied that they would wait to see if the deal were signed, but he feels that the airport would be positively impacted by the move.

Alderman Morgan-Adams asked about the construction loan from Northbrook bank and Trust that was amended and modified for another ten years; what is the interest rate? Director Griffith said 3.75%, with a reevaluation at year five.

No action was taken. 


A. Reappointment of Janet Saewert to the Planning/Zoning Board of Appeals - Alderman Ludvigsen moved to reappoint Janet Saewert to the Plan/Zoning Board of Appeals; seconded by Alderman Cameron. There was unanimous approval.


AYES - Dolick, Ludvigsen, Cameron, Morgan-Adams, Dash 

NAYS - None


Motion carried 5 - 0


Jim Loerzel – 1225 Center Lane, Prospect Heights - Asked the R-23-06 be removed from the consent agenda to be voted on separately. He also asked that the Council not approve the budget as it was presented. He wanted unallocated funds from this year be used to offset the revenue increases in 2024. He would like to see rents decreased for pilots at the airport. He said that the Airport would be able to afford all of its budget commitments for 2024 without the increase in revenue. He wanted the unallocated surplus to be applied to revenue increases in FY2024. He said that it was an allowed use of airport surplus funds.

He said that Wheeling Director Lang had said in a meeting that the airport is a publicly-owned entity and should be operated not-for-profit. Mr. Loerzel said that in the last two years there has been a surplus of $3,000,000.

He said that applying the unallocated surplus to this year's budget is the idea of the airport in the airport's lease rates and charges.

Richard Hamen – 860 E Old Willow Road, Prospect Heights - said that he had an event that raised $560 for SSA 5.

He said that he will have another event the end of next month.

Mr. Hamen said that SSA 5 and SSA 8 have almost $1,000,000 to be used for flood protection projects such as repairing and improving Willow Woods retention pond; repairing and improving the "outdated concept" of Willow Heights front parking lot.

River Trails, he said, also has flooding issues.

He would like to see more projects with the money that is already there.


A. Arbor Day Proclamation - Arbor Day - Friday, April 28, 2023

B. O-23-07 Staff Memo and Ordinance Establishing Water Rates for FY2023-24 (2nd Reading) 

C.R-23-05 Staff Memo and Resolution Providing for City Council Direction and Authorization for an Inter-Fund Transfer from the General Fund to the Capital Projects Fund

Alderman Dash moved to remove R-23-06 Memo and Resolution Approving FY2023-24 Budget for the Chicago Executive Airport from the consent Agenda; seconded by Alderman seconded by Alderman Morgan-Adams. There was unanimous approval. 


AYES - Ludvigsen, Cameron, Morgan-Adams, Dash, Dolick 

NAYS - None


Motion carried 5 - 0

Alderman Dash moved to approve Arbor Day Proclamation – Arbor Day – Friday, April 28, 2023; 

0-23-07 Staff Memo and Ordinance Establishing Water Rates for FY2023-24 (2nd Reading); and R-23-05 Staff Memo and Resolution Providing for City Council Direction and Authorization for an Inter-Fund Transfer from the General Fund to the Capital Projects Fund; seconded by Alderman Cameron. There was unanimous approval.

ROLL CALL VOTE: Cameron, Morgan-Adams, Dash, Dolick, Ludvigsen 

AYES -None

NAYS - None


Motion carried 5 - 0

D.R-23-06 Memo and Resolution Approving the FY2023-24 Budget for Chicago Executive Airport - Alderman Ludvigsen moved to approve R-23-06 Memo and Resolution Approving the FY2023- 24 Budget for Chicago Executive Airport; seconded by Alderman Dash. 

Discussion followed - the airport responded to comments made by Mr. Loerzel. Director Miller emphasized the need for the airport to remain self-sufficient. He said that the CEA currently has a paid waiting list for all the facilities. The community hangars are 140% full. The quality of the hangars and the location are very desirable for pilots.to maintain that standard, the CEA has capital outlay plans, and grants have to be paid upfront by the Airport and wait for reimbursement.

Director Miller noted that every community has unallocated funds. There is a need to be prepared for unexpected expenses or needs.

Alderman Morgan-Adams asked why the $700,000 surplus would not be sufficient, as opposed to the surplus the Airport is expecting? Director Miller responded that there are many projects in the next five years which require substantial capital outlay. Director Miller has worked with US Senator Duckworth regarding the entire national airspace system. The CEA is guaranteed $150,000 per year from the federal government for entitlement. The CEA is working to push that to $1,000,000 per year. they are also working with the tenants to increase land development.

Alderman Morgan-Adams asked if the expected surplus would be enough; and Director Miller said "absolutely."

Alderman Dash asked where the money would come from if the airport experienced an operating expenses shortfall. Director Miller said that Wheeling and Prospect Heights would be responsible to make up the shortfall.

Alderman Dash noted that the City does not levy a tax, does not have excess money to provide to the Airport and does not earn revenue from the Airport; it is important that airport remain self- sufficient.

City Administrator Wade noted that Prospect Heights has limited financial resources. It would be a financial burden if the City had to support the Airport. He stated the City is engaged in many large projects that require grants and money from our own funds. There would be no money to also have to fund airport shortfalls.

Acting Mayor Dolick asked for clarification regarding the airport being a public entity. Director Miller said that the airport is reliant upon federal grants that are derived from user fees over the national airspace system. He said that the airport is an enterprise model.

Mr. Loerzel was allowed to respond. He said that if there were a shortfall, the Airport could carry over its losses, just as it can carry over it surpluses. He said that the CEA's reserve funds are fully funded. He said that he is only relating his request to unallocated surplus funds.

Alderman Ludvigsen asked why Mr Loerzel felt he should have that Reserve money fund his lease rent? He added that Mr. Loerzel was not asking for money to go to residents of Wheeling and Prospect Heights but to pilots who leased at the airport.

Mr. Loerzel replied he was including FBO's and transient aircraft.

Alderman Ludvigsen responded that Mr. Loerzel was talking about businesses that make decisions based on cost, and still chose to go forward with their leases.

Acting Mayor Dolick stated that the City is not a for-profit entity; it's a government, but it also maintains reserve funds.

There was unanimous approval.



NAYS - None


Morgan-Adams, Dash, Dolick, Ludvigsen, Cameron

Motion carried 5 - 0


A. O-23-06 Liquor License Request and Ordinance Increasing the Number of A Liquor Licenses from 8 to 9 (Monday through Thursday from 8:00am to 2:00am; Friday and Saturday from 8:00am to 3:00am; and Sunday from 12noon to 2:00am) for Bar Salotto, 1421 N. Rand Road (2nd Reading) - Alderman Morgan-Adams moved to approve O-23-06 Liquor License Request and Ordinance Increasing the Number of A Liquor Licenses from 8 to 9 (Monday through Thursday from 8:00am to 2:00am; Friday and Saturday from 8:00am to 3:00am; and Sunday from 12noon to 2:00am) for Bar Salotto, 1421 N. Rand Road (2nd Reading); seconded by Alderman Cameron. There was unanimous approval.


AYES - Dash, Dolick, Ludvigsen, Cameron, Morgan-Adams 

NAYS - None


Motion carried 5 - 0


A.O-22-08 Staff Memo and Ordinance Amending Title 1 of City Code and Adopting the Pay Plan (Compensation of Officers, Employee Salaries and Pay Plan) (1st Reading) – No action was taken. 

B.O-23-09 Staff Memo and Ordinance Adopting the FY2023-24 Budget for the City of Prospect Heights (1st Reading) - No action was taken.



A. Approval of Expenditures

General Fund $69,857.20

Motor Fuel Tax Fund $0.00

Palatine/Milwaukee Tax Increment Financing District $0.00

Tourism District $57.00

Development Fund $0.00

Drug Enforcement Agency Fund $533.39

Solid Waste Fund $31,105.00

Special Service Area #1 $0.00

Special Service Area #2 $0.00

Special Service Area #3 $0.00

Special Service Area #4 $0.00

Special Service Area #5 $134.10

Special Service Area #8 - Levee Wall #37 $201.91

Special Service Area-Constr #6 (Water Main) $0.00

Special Service Area- Debt #6 $0.00

Capital Improvements $8,541.49

Palatine Road Tax Increment Financing District $0.00

Road Construction $0.00

Road Construction Debt $0.00

Water Fund $72,864.65

Parking Fund $314.53

Sanitary Sewer Fund $14,507.94

Road/Building Bond Escrow $0.00

Police Pension $0.00

TOTAL $198,117.21 

Wire Payments 

03/24/2023 PAYROLL $177,834.89 


TOTAL WARRANT $393,111.28 

City Clerk Prisiajniouk read the warrants.

Alderman Dash moved to approve the warrants as presented; seconded by Alderman Cameron to include a TOTAL of $198,117.21; 03/24/2023 Payroll pf $177,834.89; March Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund Payment of $17,159.18; and a Total Warrant of $393,111.28. Discussion followed. Alderman Morgan-Adams asked about the Water Fund number of $72,864.65. Public Works Director Roscoe said that there were multiple costs - one was the controller for pump three that was approved by budget last year, in March there were two water main breaks (some of the work was contracted out at about $10,000), and there was a scheduled water hydrant flushing and system check of all of the hydrants (budgeted just under $10,000 that came in slightly more). There was unanimous approval. 


AYES - Dolick, Ludvigsen, Cameron, Morgan-Adams, Dash 

NAYS - None


Motion carried 5 - 0



ADJOURNMENT – At 7:37 PM, Alderman Dash moved to Adjourn; seconded by Alderman Morgan-Adams. There was unanimous approval. 


Motion carried 5 - 0

All Ayes, no Nays.

Approved by the Prospect Heights City Council on this the 24th day of April, 2024.
