
Chicago City Wire

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

City of Wheaton Bicyclist & Pedestrian Commission met July 19

City of Wheaton Bicyclist & Pedestrian Commission met July 19

Here are the minutes provided by the commission:

In person attendance: Bob, Alyse, Michelle, Rita, Bill, Laurel, Dave 

Absent: Cate, Connor 

The public can also join the meeting and make comments by calling 1-312-626-6799 and providing the meeting ID number when prompted, followed by the # sign. If asked for a participant number, press the # sign again. Please be in a quiet place to prevent distractions or disruptions to the meeting.

I. Call to Order 7:00 pm 

II. Approval of June Minutes 

Motion: Laurel

Seconded: George

Unanimous by voice vote

III. Public Comment 

IV. Chair Report 

A. Warrenville Rd Proposal to City Council 

a. Michelle to read at August 7th meeting

V. Ongoing Business 

A. West St (north of tracks) Proposal 

Motion: Bob

Seconded: Laurel

Unanimous by voice vote

B. 2023 History Ride 

i. Ads – 

Print 120 / 60 color sheets

Motion: Michelle

Seconded: BIll

Unanimous by voice vote

Rita will work with Library to set up display

We will distribute flyers to our usual places

ii. City Newsletter – Alyse to get into newsletter

iii. Route – 7 stops; Lynette would speak to the group; either Bob or WBAPC will reach out to let them know. Alyse to create letter for house ridy by

iv. Contact women – Bill to work with Bob G; George to reach out to Wheaton College

v. Schedule test runs – Michelle let videographer; Bob and George to ride test run – do all August 8th 

vi. Bob to work with Ride Illinois to advertise our history ride

C. Bike Plan Review columns C,D&E 

Complete Bicycle Plan HW by 8/13/23

Alyse to compile and then group to agree on categories of immediate versus future

D. VRUs discussion with city – Vulnerable Road User 

Bill to meet with Joe and share the spreadsheet that is created that are vulnerable roads E. Group Walks/Rides 

i. Aug 1-7-9pm National NIght out- North Park (North Side Park)

Night out is 5-8 pm – we will drop off about 50 goodie packets to Crystal to put on a table if she is good with that.

We will ride from 6-8 pm. Meeting spot is Kelly Park and we ride to North Side Park

George to write blurb as a press release and Alyse to edit and send to city and Michelle to send to group email addresses

ii. Aug 12-9am-11 Herrick Lake 

VI. New Business 

A. Welcome to Wheaton signs-iPP – Michelle to write proposal, Laurel to take a photo – we will list all of them

VII. Upcoming Meeting: Aug 16,2023 
