
Chicago City Wire

Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Wheaton City Council met Sept. 5

City of Wheaton City Council met Sept. 5

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

1. Call to Order and Roll Call

The regular Wheaton City Council Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Philip J. Suess. Upon roll call, the following were:

Physically Present: 

Mayor Suess

Councilman Clousing

Councilwoman Robbins

Councilman Weller

Councilman Barbier

Councilwoman Bray-Parker

Councilman Brown

Absent: None

City Staff Physically Present: 

Michael Dzugan, City Manager

John Duguay, Assistant City Manager

Dawn Didier, City Attorney

Robert Brill, ChiefofFire

Thomas Corrigan, DTrecTor of Building-arTclTode 

Brandon Kowalke, Senior Management Analyst 

James Kozik, Director of Planning & Economic Development 

Joseph Tebrugge, Director of Engineering

Andrea Rosedale, City Clerk

City Staff Electronically Present: None

2. Presentations  

Mayor Suess presided over the swearing-in ceremonies of Firefighter James Marcinkowski, Firefighter Robert Lewis IV and Firefighter Luke Solatka preceded by remarks from Chief Robert Brill.

Chief Robert Brill announced the retirement of Firefighter Scott Mensing who has served the City of Wheaton for thirty years.

Mayor Suess read and presented a proclamation recognizing Constitution Week to Diana Fowee and Ginny Christensen, members of the Perrin-Wheaton National Society Daughters of the American Revolution. Ms. Diana Fowee thanked the Mayor and City Council.

3. Citizens to be Heard

Cathy Coleman 312 E. Franklin St., and Susan Bachraty, 1416 Coolidge Ave announced the Sustainability Awards Program on behalf of the Environmental Improvement Commission. Cathy reported the Commission will be recognizing outstanding individuals and businesses/organizations for their sustainability efforts to help improve our local environment. She detailed that one Wheaton adult, one Wheaton student and one Wheaton organization/business demonstrating exemplary sustainability practices in the Wheaton community will be recognized and selected. Cathy stated nominations will be accepted September 6, 2023, through October 11, 2023, and award recipients would be recognized at the November 20th City Council meeting.

Erica Nelson, 1734 Kay Rd., spoke on behalf of the Community Relations Commission announcing the upcoming annual Festival of Cultures on September 17th, 2023, from 1 pm to 5 pm in Memorial Park. She noted September 17th is fittingly Constitution Day and Citizenship Day because American culture is celebrated during the festival through the representation of the many cultures that make up American culture. She thanked the Mayor and members of the City Council for being a part of the Festival of Cultures.

Jennifer Humecke, 1325 N. Carlton Ave., expressed opposition to the Wheaton Park District Cosley Zoo Master Plan's 250-space parking lot on the east side of Gary Ave. She expressed concerns specific to wetlands, stormwater, conservation, noise, traffic and light.

Jeff Craig, 1329 N. Carlton Ave., expressed opposition to the Wheaton Park District Cosley Zoo Master Plan's 250- space parking lot on the east side of Gary Ave. He expressed concerns specific to loss of open space, zoning changes, water run-off, the loss of the water basin, traffic, pedestrian safety, noise, and various negative impacts to Wheaton residents.

Lisa Leftwich, 814 hlawthorne Blvd., expressed opposition to the Wheaton Park District Cosley Zoo Master Plan's 250-space parking lot on the east side of Gary Ave. She expressed concerns specific to the size and location of the parking lot, property values, green space preservation, lights, traffic, noise, and unintended consequences that may cause harm to Wheaton residents.

Bruce Beiersdorf, 766 Ralph Ct., expressed opposition to the Wheaton Park District Cosley Zoo Master Plan's 250- space parking lot on the east side of Gary Ave. He expressed concerns regarding water flow, snow melt, pedestrian safety and exhibit accessibility.

Liz Westergaard, 742 Ralph Ct., expressed opposition to the Wheaton Park District Cosley Zoo Master Plan's 250- space parking lot on the east side of Gary Ave. She expressed concerns specific to stormwater, public safety risks, traffic, environmental impacts, and property values. She reported the lack of communication from the park district and park district board.

Mary Lee, 1310 N. Carlton Ave., expressed opposition to the Wheaton Park District Cosley Zoo Master Plan's 250- space parking lot on the east side of Gary Ave and their intergovernmental agreement with the City of Wheaton. She expressed concerns specific to property values, proximity to her home structure, flooding, zoning and negative impacts to the Wheaton community. She urged the City Council to vote no when considering the intergovernmental agreement or zoning variances.

Angela Stephenson, 1300 Champion Forest Ct., and property owner at 860 W. Hawthorne Blvd., expressed opposition to the Wheaton Park District Cosley Zoo Master Plan's 250-space parking lot on the east side of Gary Ave. She expressed concerns specific to various Cosley Zoo and park district mission statements, the ecosystem, tax dollars, conservation, safety, and negative neighbor impacts.

Stephen Fisher, 812 Parkside Dr., expressed opposition to the proposed stormwater utility fees. He presented a newspaper article from 1999 reporting the stagnant stormwater that plagues older Wheaton neighborhoods. He reported the city has yet to perform maintenance on the 70-year-old stormwater ditches in his neighborhood. 

4. Consent Agenda

Councilman Barbier moved and Councilwoman Bray-Parker seconded that the following action be taken on the Consent Agenda items:

1. Approve the minutes of the Wheaton City Council Regular Meeting - August 21, 2023, as submitted.

2. Adopt Resolution R-2023-76, A Resolution Declaring a Voluntary Surplus in the Courthouse Redevelopment Project Area Tax Increment Financing Allocation Fund and Authorizing the Distribution of Such Surplus.

3. Adopt Resolution R-2023-77, A Resolution Authorizing the Disposal of Certain Surplus Property (PD). 4. Approve City Manager Compensation.

Roll Call Vote:  

Ayes: Councilman Barbier

Councilwoman Bray-Parker 

Councilman Brown

Mayor Suess

Councilman Clousing 

Councilwoman Robbins 

Councilman Weller  

Nays: None

Absent: None

Motion Carried Unanimously

5. Pass Ordinance 0-2023-35, An Ordinance Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Wheaton Chapter 2 (Administration)

Councilman Brown moved and Councilman Weller seconded that 0-2023-35, An Ordinance Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Wheaton Chapter 2 (Administration), be passed.

City Manager Dzugan stated the ordinance adds a fourth circumstance to allow electronic participation due to unexpected childcare obligations.

Roll Call Vote:  

Ayes: Councilman Brown

Mayor Suess

Councilman Clousing

Councilwoman Robbins 

Councilman Weller

Councilman Barbier

Councilwoman Bray-Parker

Nays: None

Absent: None

Motion Carried Unanimously 

6. Approve Reappointments to City Board and Commission

Mayor Suess moved and Councilman Brown seconded that Nathan Bossenga be reappointed to the Downtown Design and Review Board and David Popham be reappointed to the Environmental Improvement Commission both for three-year terms through September 5, 2026.

Roll Call Vote:  

Ayes: Mayor Suess

Councilman Clousing 

Councilwoman Robbins 

Councilman Weller

Councilman Barbier

Councilwoman Bray-Parker 

Councilman Brown  

Nays: None

Absent: None

Motion Carried Unanimously

7. Adopt Resolution R-2023-78, A Resolution Authorizing the Execution of Agreement No. 401 with Visu Sewer of Illinois, LLC for the 2023 Sewer Main to Service Lateral Connection Testing and Sealing Project for a Total Amount Not to Exceed $363,510

Councilwoman Robbins moved and Councilman Barbier seconded that R-2023-78, A Resolution Authorizing the Execution of Agreement No. 401 with Visu-Sewer of Illinois, LLC for the 2023 Sewer Main to Service Lateral Connection Testing and Sealing Project for a Total Amount Not to Exceed $363,510, be adopted.

City Manager Dzugan stated the testing, inspection and sealing of sewer mains to service lateral connections is to address infiltration into the City's sanitary sewer system.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Councilwoman Robbins

Councilman Weller

Councilman Barbier

Councilwoman Bray-Parker

Councilman Brown

Mayor Suess

Councilman Clousing

Nays: None

Absent: None

Motion Carried Unanimously

8. Adopt Resolution R-2023-79, A Resolution Authorizing the Execution of Agreement No. 411 with Maintstar, Inc., for Permitting, Code Enforcement, and Service Request Software for a Total Amount Not to Exceed $230,850

Councilwoman Robbins moved and Councilman Barbier seconded that R-2023-79, A Resolution Authorizing the Execution of Agreement No. 411 with Maintstar, Inc., for Permitting, Code Enforcement, and Service Request Software for a Total Amount Not to Exceed $230,850, be adopted.

City Manager Dzugan reflected upon the August 14 Planning Session meeting where staff shared efforts to select software for permitting, code enforcement and service requests. He stated the software will permit online application receipt, electronic plan review, and upgrade the electronic service system through the inclusion of mobile friendly access, GIS integration and photograph support.

Councilman Barbier and Councilman Clousing expressed appreciation for staff's research and presentation at the Planning Session.

Roll Call Vote:  

Ayes: Councilwoman Robbins 

Councilman Weller

Councilman Barbier

Councilwoman Bray-Parker 

Councilman Brown

Mayor Suess

Councilman Clousing  

Nays: None 

Absent: None

Motion Carried Unanimously

9. Council Comment

Councilwoman Bray-Parker expressed encouragement to see the recycling of equipment from the Police Department's disposal request and reminded residents to recycle electronics and other materials at 9:00 am every 2nd Saturday at the Public Works Storage Yard.

Councilman Barbier expressed appreciation for the Wheaton Park District's programing this summer.

Councilwoman Robbins reminded residents to stay alert when driving due to increased pedestrian traffic with school in session and the cooler weather.

Councilman Clousing congratulated Allison Orr and the Downtown Wheaton Association for the successful well attended Rock the Block fundraiser concert and gave mention to the packed downtown restaurants and businesses.

Mayor Suess invited the community to the upcoming 9/11 Remembrance Ceremony in Memorial Park at 10:00 am on Monday, September 11 , 2023. Mayor Suess also recognized the loss of two longtime Wheaton residents, Ray Morrill and Bernie Hurley. He detailed Ray Morrill served the Wheaton community as the former Superintendent for the Wheaton Park District and on the Board of Commissioners. He reflected upon Bernie Hurley's years of service at Hawthorne Elementary school and his legacy as the well-known leprechaun on roller skates in Wheaton parades. He noted that Bernie celebrated his 100th birthday this past May and was the Grand Marshall in the 2023 Fourth of July Parade.

10. Approval of Warrant.- Councilman Barbier moved and Councilwoman Bray-Parker seconded that Warrant No. 855 in the amount of $2,526,966.59, be approved.

Roll Call Vote:  

Ayes: Councilman Barbier

Councilwoman Bray-Parker 

Councilman Brown

Mayor Suess

Councilman Clousing 

Councilwoman Robbins 

Councilman Weller  

Nays: None

Absent: None

Motion Carried Unanimously

11. Closed Session:

Councilman Weller moved and Councilwoman Robbins seconded that the Wheaton City Council adjourn to closed session at 8:11 pm for the purpose of Probable or Pending Litigation 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(ll).

Roll Call Vote:  

Ayes: Councilman Weller

Councilman Barbier

Councilwoman Bray-Parker 

Councilman Brown

Mayor Suess

Councilman Clousing 

Councilwoman Robbins  

Nays: None

Absent: None

Motion Carried Unanimously

The City Council returned to the open portion of their meeting at 8:51 p.m.

12. Adjournment

Councilwoman Robbins moved and Councilman Brown seconded that the regular Wheaton City Council Meeting be adjourned at 8:52 p.m.

Voice Vote:  

Ayes: Councilwoman Robbins

Councilman Weller

Councilman Barbier

Councilman Brown1

Councilwoman Bray-Parker  

Mayor Suess

Councilman Clousing  

Nays: None

Absent: None

Motion Carried Unanimously
