
Chicago City Wire

Sunday, November 17, 2024

City of Wheaton Environmental Improvement Commission met Sept. 26

City of Wheaton Environmental Improvement Commission met Sept. 26

Here are the minutes provided by the commission:

I. Call to Order: Chairman Ted Witte called the meeting to order at 7:30.

Present were Susan Bachraty, Cathy Coleman, Nancy Flynn, Brian Malone, Tony Pope, Stephen Siemer, Allison Torrence, Seema Wadia, Jim Wozniak, and Bob Young. Absent were Kay McKeen and David Popham. Also in attendance were Bruce and Sharon Beiersdorf, Pam and Tom Knight, Silvester Bernhardt, Steve and Angela Stevenson, and Liz Westergaard, residents ofthe PioneerTerrace subdivision in north Wheaton.

II. Approval of Minutes:

Bob moved that the minutes from the August meeting be approved. Tony seconded. The minutes were approved by unanimous voice vote.

III. Budget Report:

Bob reported that expenditures to date equal $26,206.25, leaving -$706.25 open to spend.

IV. Public Comment: The Pioneer Terrace residents attended the meeting looking for our support in their efforts to stop the Wheaton Park District from obtaining a variance to build a 4 acre parking lot on an area which is now part forest and part meadow. Right now this is home to a large variety of wildlife and birds. The area being proposed for the parking lot has a 20 foot slope from north to south which would lead to automobile run-off such as leaking oil or antifreeze flowing directly to the marsh and Winfietd Creek and add to flooding issues in the area. They are wondering why a 3.9 acre zoo needs an additional 4 acres of parking. They are also wondering why a zoo with a stated mission of conservation is willing to cut down mature trees and pave this area. The chairman told them we would review the information they provided, put it on next month's EIC agenda for further discussion, and ifwarranted advise the City Council as to the EIC recommendations. The chairman also indicated that the EIC is an advisory commission and can only make recommendations and not legislate.

V. Reports:

1. Adopt a Highway: Nancy reported that the Milton Township Democrats held a ctean up on Saturday, September 23.17 members collected 12 bags oftrash and 3 bags of recycling. EIC wilt hold their 4 clean up next Saturday, September 30. Meet at 8am at Chick.fil.A.

2. Electronics Recycling (September 9): Tony, Bob, and Steve represented EIC, atong with volunteers, Jim Truesdale, and Ametia Juan, student from St. Francis High School, ptus seven workers from E-Works. Traffic was moderate most ofthe day, and the collection of electronics, textiles, clothing, shoes, and scrap metal was continuous. Approximately 250+ fluorescent bulbs, 5 gallons of cooking oil, and 6 smoke alarms were recycled.

VI. Upcoming Projects:

1. Electronics Recycting (October 14): David and Tony will work this event.

VII. Unfinished Business:

1. EIC Annual Report/Budget: Rough draft completed. Cathy will type and send to Ted for review and submission before due date.

2. Sustainability Award: Cathy reported that the opening of nominations was announced via City of Wheaton communications, and they are being collected. We will select winners at our October meeting, and the awards will be presented at the November 20 City Council meeting. A reception for the winners will be held prior to the meeting.


3. Leaf Blower Noise Issue:

4. Business Composting:

5. No Mow Mothers Day/May:

6. Light Pollution—Energysavings:

7. Single use plastic bags—Factfinding:

8. Bio-swales/Rain Gardens/Composting—PublicAwareness:

9. Erosion Control Blankets:

10. Scented Dryer Sheets and Pollinators:

11. Pick Up Five Day (October 21):

12. Pumpkin Smash (November 4):

13. Recycling Extravaganza (April 13, 2024):

VIII. New Business:

1. Funding for EIC Events: none needed

IX. Adjournment:

Jim moved that the meeting be adjourned. Steve seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 8:42. The next regular EIC meeting is scheduled for October 24, 2023, at 7:30 P.M.
