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City of Wheaton Planning & Zoning Board met Jan. 9

Webp 9

Michael Barbier, Councilman, East District | City of Wheaton Website

Michael Barbier, Councilman, East District | City of Wheaton Website

City of Wheaton Planning & Zoning Board met Jan. 9.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Wheaton Planning and Zoning Board 

I. Call To Order and Roll Call Vote 

Chair Aranas called the Tuesday, January 9, 2024, Wheaton Planning and Zoning Board meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in-person and via zoom. Upon roll call, the following were: 

Roll Call Vote 

Present: Nicole Aranas 

Chris Dabovich 

Chris Derrick 

Bob Gudmundson 

Cecilia Horejs 

Mark Plunkett 

Absent: Dan Wanzung 

City Staff Present: Tracy Jones, Staff Planner 

Joe Tebrugge, Director of Engineering 

II. Approval of Minutes - November 14, 2023 

The minutes were approved as amended. 

III. Public Comment 

There was none. 

IV. New Business 

ZA #24-01/ Special Use Permit/ 115 N. County Farm Road/ DuPage County Health Department 

Pursuant to notice duly published on December 15, 2023, and letters mailed to neighboring property owners on  December 13, 2023, Chair Aranas called to order the January 9, 2024 public hearing requesting an amendment to the existing special use permit approved for the community center building located at 115 N. County Farm Road. The community center, which was constructed in 2014, provides public health services to the community. The applicant, the DuPage County Health Department, is requesting approval to allow the construction and use of a new 30,000 square foot two-story building to serve as a crisis recovery center that would be connected to the existing community center by an enclosed corridor. A total of 413 parking spaces are proposed for the two  buildings. Per Article 14.1.1 of the Wheaton Zoning Ordinance, a special use permit is required for any new or expanded governmental building or use in the I-2 Institutional District. 

Adam Forker, DuPage County Health Department, was sworn in. Mr. Forker stated that he was the Executive Director of the DuPage County Health Department. He stated that the crisis recovery center would provide an expansion of services that are currently provided at the community center for those experiencing mental/  behavioral health crisis. The crisis recovery center is proposed adjacent to the community center to provide greater access to services and more integrated care opportunities for the clients of the Health Department.

Lori Carnahan, DuPage County Health Department, was sworn in. Ms. Carnahan stated that she was the Director of Behavioral Health for the DuPage County Health Department. She stated that the building would include various  types and sizes of meeting rooms, dining functions, activity spaces for health and wellness programs, computer training spaces, a short-term stay respite area, and office space for the employees. If approved, the DuPage County Health Department anticipates the following services/ staff for the crisis recovery center: 

∙ As a voluntary facility, patients at the crisis recovery center would be free to leave the facility at any time. After receiving services at the crisis recovery center, patients would be discharged with instructions based  on their assessed needs for follow-up of their condition. This is the same policy currently in place at the  community center. While many clients would utilize their own transportation, the DuPage County Health Department may also assist clients by arranging transportation through ride-share applications, or other private transportation companies/platforms. 

∙ Additional employees would be hired to run and supervise the crisis recovery center. There are currently 60  full-time staff members at the community center, across 24/7 operations. An additional 55 employees are expected to be hired for the crisis recovery center. 

∙ There are 12 existing beds at the community center and the crisis recovery center would add an additional 6  beds for a total of 18 beds for overnight stays. For licensing purposes, the maximum client count at the crisis recovery center would be 36 (12 Youth, 12 Adult, 6 Withdrawal Management, 6 Sobering). A maximum of 6 of these 36 clients would be allowed to stay over 24 hours (max 72 hours). The remaining 30 clients would stay up to 24 hours. 

Jason Dwyer, Wight and Company, was sworn in. Mr. Dwyer stated that he was the engineer working on the  project. He stated that access to the site would remain the same by repurposing the two existing drive approaches off the DuPage County Government Complex interior drive. This request includes the reconfiguration of the existing parking lot just north of the community center. An additional 23 parking spaces,  for a total of 413 parking spaces, are proposed for the two buildings (the community center currently has 390 parking spaces), which they feel is adequate based on a parking study that was completed in June 2023 that  showed the existing parking was only 57% occupied. The main health department building at 111 N. County Farm Road has a separate parking lot. The reconfiguration of the parking lot and the new crisis recovery center are fully compliant with all required building and landscaping setbacks. 

Mr. Dwyer added that a trash enclosure is shown on the site plan just west of the crisis recovery center. A generator enclosure is also shown on the site plan in the same general area. 

Mr. Dwyer addressed the special use standards as required by the Wheaton Zoning Ordinance. He stated that  the special use would not be detrimental to the public health, safety, morals, comfort, convenience, or general welfare of the neighboring property owners. 

Danielle Appello, Wight and Company, was sworn in. Ms. Appello stated that she was the architect working on  the project. She stated that the floor plan for the first floor includes a vestibule, lobby/ reception desk, and four designated care areas, including: Triage area, youth area, mental health area, and detox area. Each of the four designated care areas include multiple treatment rooms and most, except the triage area, offer a designated  common space. The floor plan for the second floor includes office space for the employees.

Ms. Appello stated that the building elevations include exterior finishes that match/ complement the existing community center building. An aluminum equipment screen wall is also proposed to screen the rooftop mechanicals. 

Mr. Gudmundson questioned how overflow parking for the 421 building is handled for the Health Department. 

Mark Thomas, DuPage County, was sworn in. Mr. Thomas stated that county staff are now required to park in the parking garage instead of the parking lot to the south of the 421 building. He added that this would be strictly enforced during the construction of the crisis recovery center when parking would be even more limited. 

Mr. Gudmundson questioned whether patients would have access to the rooftop garden. 

Ms. Appello stated that patients would not have access to the rooftop garden, it would only be available to employees. 

Mr. Gudmundson questioned how the health department plans to mitigate the number of police and EMS calls for service to the new crisis recovery center. 

Ms. Carnahan stated that they plan to provide 24/7 nursing and 24/7 security to mitigate the number of police and EMS calls for service. 

Chair Aranas questioned whether patients would have access to the two patio spaces on the first floor. Ms. Appello stated that they would have access to the two patio spaces. 

Mr. Dabovich moved and then Mr. Derrick seconded the motion to close the public hearing. On a voice vote, all  voted aye. 

Mr. Plunkett moved and then Mr. Gudmundson seconded the motion to waive the Board’s regular rules and vote tonight. On a voice vote, all voted aye. 

Mr. Gudmundson moved and then Mr. Dabovich seconded the motion to recommend approval of an amendment to the existing special use permit approved for the community center building located at 115 N. County Farm Road to  allow the construction and use of a new 30,000 square foot two-story building to serve as a crisis recovery center that would be connected to the community center by an enclosed corridor, subject to the following conditions: 

1. The applicant shall provide a photometrics plan as part of their building permit submittal that fully complies  with all footcandle requirements, especially along the south property line. 

2. The preliminary engineering plan shall be subject to further staff review prior to the issuance of a site  development permit. 

Roll Call Vote 

Ayes: Nicole Aranas 

Chris Dabovich 

Chris Derrick 

Bob Gudmundson 

Cecilia Horejs

Mark Plunkett 

Nays: None 

Absent: Dan Wanzung 

Motion Passed Unanimously 

ZA #24-02/ Multiple Variations/ 520 Childs Street/ Noordhoek 

Pursuant to notice duly published on December 20, 2023 and letters mailed to neighboring property owners on  December 18, 2023, Chair Aranas called to order the January 9, 2024 public hearing requesting multiple  variations to allow the construction and use of a new 16 by 40 foot in-ground pool and a new two-story, 700  square foot detached garage (following the demolition of the existing garage), all on property commonly known  as 520 Childs Street, Wheaton, IL 60187. Specifically, the application is requesting the following variations to the Wheaton Zoning Ordinance: 

1. A variation to Article 3.4B.1a to allow improvements to an existing 46.33 foot wide lot in lieu of the 50.0 foot minimum. 

2. A variation to Article 24.5.8 to allow pool decking with a side yard setback of 4 feet in lieu of the required 10 feet. 

3. A variation to Article 24.5.8 to allow an equipment pad with a side yard setback of 6 feet in lieu of the required 10 feet. 

4. A variation to Article 24.3.2 to allow a two-story detached garage in lieu of the one and one-half stories limit. 

5. A variation to Article 3.4A.5b to allow a detached garage greater in height than one and one-half stories with a side yard setback of 5 feet in lieu of the required 7 feet. 

A letter of objection from Karen Blouin and Christopher Hafke at 436 Brantley Place was received and  incorporated into the record. 

Tom Noordhoek, 520 Childs Street, was sworn in. Mr. Noordhoek stated that the subject property is located on  the south side of Childs Street between Carlton Avenue and West Street. The lot is 46.33 feet wide, 396.46 deep, and approximately 18,368 square feet in area. The property is zoned R-4 Residential and is improved with a two-story frame residence, originally constructed in 1887, with various additions over the years. 

Mr. Noordhoek stated that he is requesting a variation to Article 3.4B.1a of the Wheaton Zoning Ordinance to allow improvements to an existing 46.33 foot wide lot in lieu of the 50.0 foot minimum. These improvements  include the construction and use of a new 16 by 40 foot in-ground pool and a new two-story, 700 square foot detached garage (following the demolition of the existing garage). Narrow lot widths are common in this part of town. The lots to the east and west all have similar widths. 

Mr. Noordhoek stated that he is further requesting a variation to Article 24.5.8 to allow pool decking with a side yard setback of 4 feet in lieu of the required 10 feet and a variation to Article 24.5.8 to allow an equipment pad with a side yard setback of 6 feet in lieu of the required 10 feet. The in-ground pool is proposed to be 16 feet  wide by 40 feet deep and situated just south of the residence. Six feet of pool decking is proposed on the east  side of the pool with an additional seven feet of pool decking on the west side of the pool.

Mr. Noordhoek stated that he is further requesting a variation to Article 24.3.2 to allow a two-story detached garage in lieu of the one and one-half stories limit and a variation to Article 3.4A.5b to allow a detached garage  greater in height than one and one-half stories with a side yard setback of 5 feet in lieu of the required 7 feet. The garage is proposed with a 14/ 12 pitch and two side dormers and situated just south of the proposed in ground pool. Finished living space is proposed on the second floor. This living space includes an office, storage, rec room, and deck overlooking the proposed pool area. 

The Board discussed the request and decided that additional information was needed. Specifically, the Board requested that the applicant submit a grading plan before they make a formal recommendation on this request to the City Council given the minimal lot width and the engineering constraints that have come to light with this request. This would ensure that all the proposed improvements (i.e. in-ground pool and two-story detached garage) are truly buildable before zoning approval is granted. 

Mr. Derrick further requested that the applicant submit revised building elevations that reduce the bulkiness of the garage while keeping adequate ceiling height on the second floor. The rest of the board concurred. 

Chair Aranas further requested that the applicant submit a narrative addressing the variation standards. The  rest of the board concurred. 

Mr. Wanzung moved and then Mr. Gudmundson seconded the motion to continue this public hearing to a  future date when the applicant could provide a grading plan, revised building elevations, and a narrative addressing the variation standards. On a voice vote, all voted aye. 

VI. Miscellaneous 

There was none. 

VII. Adjournment 

Mr. Gudmundson moved and then Mr. Derrick seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:41 p.m. On a  voice vote, all voted aye. 
