
Chicago City Wire

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

City of Wheaton Public Library Board met March 18

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City of Wheaton City Hall. | Facebook / City of Wheaton Government

City of Wheaton Public Library Board met March 18

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

I. Call to Order 

The Board of Trustees of the Wheaton Public Library held their regular Board meeting on Monday, March 18, 2024. Board Vice President Al Herbach called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Members present in person at roll call: Christine Fenne, Al Herbach, Bob Rammer, Steve Siemer and Kathryn Staron. Absent: Bob Lyon, Laurie Metanchuk, Simone Morton, and Vallari Talapatra. Betsy Adamowski, Library Director, Ed Sirovatka, IT/Facilities Manager and Michelle Secor, Business Office Associate and recording secretary for this meeting, were also in attendance. 

II. Citizens to be Heard



III. Minutes for the February 19, 2024 Board Meeting 

IV. Financial Reports for February 2024 and Bill Listing for March 2024 

Mrs. Fenne moved and Dr. Rammer seconded to approve the Consent Agenda items. 

Roll Call Vote 

Ayes: Mr. Herbach 

Dr. Rammer 

Mrs. Fenne 

Ms. Staron 

Mr. Siemer 

Nays: None

Absent: Ms. Talapatra 

Mr. Lyon 

Mrs. Morton 

Mrs. Metanchuk 

Motion Carried

V. Library Director's Board Report for February 2024 

Mrs. Adamowski shared that the Staff In-Service day went very well. Mrs. Adamowski stated that the Vision Planning is moving along and in good shape. She updated the Board that the deadline for Request for Proposals for the Coffee Café are due March 28th. Mrs. Adamowski shared that a new Marketing Coordinator had been hired. 

VI. Unfinished Business: None 

VII. New Business: None 

VIII. Board Member Comments (Round the Table) 

Mr. Siemer discussed Dark Sky International and shared informational posters with the Board. Ms. Staron expressed her appreciation for the Seed Exchange event that the Library hosted. 

IX. Adjournment 

There being no further business of the Wheaton Public Library Board of Trustees, Dr. Rammer moved and Mr. Siemer seconded that the meeting be adjourned. A voice vote was taken and the motion for adjournment carried at 7:26 p.m. 
