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Saturday, October 5, 2024

City of Waukegan City Council met June 17

Webp 12

Mayor Ann B. Taylor | City of Waukegan Website

Mayor Ann B. Taylor | City of Waukegan Website

City of Waukegan City Council met June 17

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

Mayor; Ann B. Taylor, City Clerk; Janet E. Kilkelly, City Treasurer; Dr. John R. Schwab & Corporation Counsel; Stewart J. Weiss were present.

1. Opening Items

Procedural: A. Roll Call

PRESENT: Ald Felix,  Ald Newsome,  Ald Turner,  Ald Donnenwirth,  Ald Florian,  Ald Hayes,  Ald Bolton,  Ald Guzman,  Ald Martinez.

ABSENT:  None.

Procedural: B.  Invocation by Pastor Anthony Charles Conley Sr (Antioch Baptist Church-Waukegan, IL)/ Pledge of Allegiance

Procedural: C.  Mayor's Comments - At this time, Mayor Taylor shared her comments.

2. Resolutions/Proclamations/Presentations/Appointments

Information: A.  Proclamation - “June 19th is Juneteenth in Waukegan”

Information: B.  Presentation by Rachel Cantin, Planning & Zoning Department related to the South Lakefront Brownfields Grant

3. Audience Time

Perry Montgomery: Shared prepared comments regarding Israel-Hamas Ceasefire, encouraging the City of Waukegan to support a Resolution.

Aurora Flores: Shared prepared comments regarding Israel-Hamas Ceasefire, encouraging the City of Waukegan to support a Resolution.

Dave Power: Shared prepared comments regarding Israel-Hamas Ceasefire, encouraging the City of Waukegan to support a Resolution.

Sylvia England: Thanked the City of Waukegan for the Juneteenth Proclamation. Shared details for an upcoming event for Juneteenth, including a laptop give away for $19.00.

Mary Reese:  Shared concerns regarding a noise complaint at 1042 N. Lewis Ave involving illegal fireworks. 

Benjamin Squires: Pastor for Bethel Lutheran Church in Gurnee. Shared support for PADs proposed project, in addition, support for a Ceasefire Resolution. 

Luke McFadden:  Shared support for the proposed PADs site, for homeless families, located at 3633 N. Lewis Ave. 

Mike Morse: Joy Lutheran Church member, in Gurnee. Volunteer, along with his wife. Shared support for the proposed PADs site.

Mike Urbancik: Shared concerns regarding firework issues within his neighborhood at around 10:30 PM Saturday, as well as audio of the incident. 

Priscilla Recendez: Shared prepared comments regarding Israel-Hamas Ceasefire, encouraging the City of Waukegan to support a Resolution.

Rayon Edwards: Shared concerns regarding decisions being made because they are right, or because it is political, and expressed that this is the first time in two years that he has seen anyone look-up and tune in, as the term re-election was brought up. Shared if you stand by and watch wrong and do nothing, you are just as compliant. Spoke about the censure of an Alderman, and stated they could have just made a statement during that time. Shared he is disgusted at the Aldermen, and is heart is broken tonight. 

Clyde McLemore: Shared why he feels there is a disrespect of Black people with this Administration, and shared concerns regarding the incorrect flag being flown outside City Hall for the Juneteenth National Holiday. 

Rosa Shepper: Spoke about issues at property next to her, owned by Commonwealth Edison, where individuals are riding through the property. Also shared concerns regarding speeding on North Ave. Shared that she has been a resident of Waukegan for 45 years, and things are getting worse than they were before.

Areial Jones: Raised the question to the Waukegan City Council on what their powers actually are, and how they choose to use their positions that the residents elected them into. Raised concerns regarding the lack of action for a Ceasefire Resolution, and what hurts them for taking action on this item. Shared that she does not feel Mayor Ann Taylor is doing her job, and addressed her directly. 

Veronica Arcentales: Shared prepared comments regarding Israel-Hamas Ceasefire, encouraging the City of Waukegan to support a Resolution.  

Brendan Anaya: Shared prepared comments regarding Israel-Hamas Ceasefire, encouraging the City of Waukegan to support a Resolution.     

Julian Ruiz: Shared prepared comments regarding Israel-Hamas Ceasefire, encouraging the City of Waukegan to support a Resolution. 

Jason Faris: Shared prepared comments regarding Israel-Hamas Ceasefire, encouraging the City of Waukegan to support a Resolution. 

Frank Pettis: Shared that the lead pipe remediation and Brownfield remediation are good things, and that everybody is trying to be on the right note for environmental issues. Shared prepared comments regarding Israel-Hamas Ceasefire, encouraging the City of Waukegan to support a Resolution. Thanked Ald Felix and Ald Martinez for speaking up and asking questions about the Ceasefire Resolution.  

Uriel Vien: Shared personal story regarding issue of someone using credit cards/identity.  Shared that this is now a federal investigation. 

Laura Delgado: Shared details of upcoming Fiesta Patrias event [Translation from Spanish to English provided by Cynthia Bull, from the Office of the Mayor].

Margaret Carrasco: Shared that the city's translator, did not accurately translate for Ms. Delgado. Thanked Pastors for their comments, but stated the homeless shelters can go to the towns are from, as Waukegan has done its fair share. Shared concerns with 750 cars allegedly being charged $30.00 for entry to the beach this weekend. Shared that she will be working with the Black Community to host free horse-riding event as an alternative to gangs. Spoke about the Attorney General issuing a statement regarding the asbestos issue at the former Lakes Hospital on Washington Street. Shared that Waukeganites will get sick/die due to alleged negligence from Mayor Ann Taylor and Chief of Staff George Bridges Jr. 

Serena Sanchez Johnson: Shared that people are complacent with White Supremacy when they ignore the issues within their community, particularly issue with Palestine, and the environment. Shared that Mayor Ann Taylor needs to be accountable for issues within the community.   

Regan Lee:  Property owner at 1819 Grand Ave. Shared concerns of loitering, panhandling, and drinking near/around his family's property. Asking for the City of Waukegan's help in addressing issues at the property.

Dr. Margareta Garcia: Chief Crisis Response Officer for A Safe Place in Waukegan. Shared support for the proposed PADs project for homeless families. 

Deleyashere Carr: Public Case Worker. She shared her support for the proposed PADs project for homeless families. 

Xiomara Ruiz: Employee of PADs in Waukegan, and shared an overview of the individuals they serve. Also shared her support for the proposed PADs project for homeless families.

Calvin Mathis: Shared concerns regarding politics/prayer together, and how they do not go together. He is a believer in Jesus Christ/God, but shared religion does not mix with politics. Shared concerns regarding democracy within our community, and how people should speak up when things are not only high, but low as well. Shared that we need to love thy neighbor as we love thy self.

4. Consent Agenda (Items under the Consent Agenda are considered routine and/or non-controversial and will be approved by one motion. If any one board member wishes to have a separate vote on any item, it will be pulled from the Consent Agenda and voted on separately) Motion by Ald Turner, second by Ald Florian to approve Consent Agenda items  4.  A - F,  excluding  4.  B,  C.

Action (consent): A. Ordinance granting an extension of a Conditional Use Permit at 2082 N Butrick Street for a solar photovoltaic field and associated variances approved under Ordinances 23-O-206, 23-O-207, and 23-O-208 (Zoning Calendars #2716,2717,2718). [Community Development Committee June 3, 2024]

Action: B. Motion by Ald Florian, second by Ald Newsome to approve an Ordinance approving Zoning Calendar #2747 granting a Map Amendment (Rezone) from B2, Community Shopping District, to O/I-2 Office/Institutional District at 3633 N. Lewis Avenue. [Community Development Committee June 3, 2024]

Corporation Counsel Stewart J. Weiss shared that this item is for the MAP amendment at 3633 N. Lewis Ave. Ald Guzman asked who the Department Head is, handling this, as he would like his questions/concerns addressed.

At this time, Planning & Zoning Director Noelle Kischer-Lepper provided clarification to Ald Guzman and Ald Felix. 

Corporation Counsel Weiss shared the conditions of the CUP, and that PADs will be held to these conditions.

AYE:  Ald Felix,  Ald Newsome,  Ald Turner,  Ald Donnenwirth,  Ald Florian,  Ald Hayes,  Ald Bolton,  Ald Guzman,  Ald Martinez.

NAY:  None.

ABSENT:  None.



Action: C. Motion by Ald Florian, second by Ald Newsome to approve an Ordinance approving Zoning Calendars #2748 and 2749 granting a Conditional Use Permit and associated Variances for a homeless shelter at 3633 N. Lewis Avenue. [Community Development Committee June 3, 2024]

AYE:  Ald Felix,  Ald Newsome,  Ald Turner,  Ald Donnenwirth,  Ald Florian,  Ald Hayes,  Ald Bolton,  Ald Guzman,  Ald Martinez.

NAY:  None.

ABSENT:  None.



Action (consent): D.  Motion to approve vendor payments dated June 17, 2024 in the amount of $3,783,888.48.

Action (consent): E.  Motion to approve and ratify Regular Payroll dated June 14, 2024 in the total amount of $2,055,565.95.

Action (consent): F.  Motion to approve and ratify Misc. Payroll (PD HBB & CT Cashout, PD Uniform Allowance, Retro Pay and Final Payouts) dated June 14, 2024 in the total amount of $196,592.43.

Consent Agenda vote:

AYE:  Ald Felix,  Ald Newsome,  Ald Turner,  Ald Donnenwirth,  Ald Florian,  Ald Hayes,  Ald Bolton,  Ald Guzman,  Ald Martinez.

NAY:  None.

ABSENT:  None.



5. Reports and Communication

Information: A. Motion by Ald Donnenwirth, second by Ald Turner to approve the Letter of Credit from the Office of the City Treasurer.

City Treasurer Dr. John R. Schwab, read the Letter of Credit into the record, and asked the Alderpersons for consideration of approval.

AYE:  Ald Felix,  Ald Newsome,  Ald Turner,  Ald Donnenwirth,  Ald Florian,  Ald Hayes,  Ald Bolton,  Ald Guzman,  Ald Martinez.

NAY:  None.

ABSENT:  None.



6. Old Business

7. New Business Motion by Ald Newsome, second by Ald Donnenwirth to omnibus vote New Business items 7. B - N, excluding item 7. A.

Action: A. Motion by Ald Newsome, second by Ald Martinez to approve an Ordinance Amending Various Sections of Chapters 14 and 18 of the City's Code of Ordinances Regarding Right-of-Way Permit Review Process and Fees [This item was presented to the Code Revision, Appeals, and Negotiations Committee on July 17, 2023]

Ald Turner asked for clarification on this item, pertaining to Chapter 14 & 18.  Corporation Counsel Weiss, and City Engineer Jesus Alquicira provided clarification.

AYE:  Ald Felix,  Ald Newsome,  Ald Turner,  Ald Donnenwirth,  Ald Florian,  Ald Hayes,  Ald Bolton,  Ald Guzman,  Ald Martinez. 

NAY:  None.

ABSENT:  None.



Action (omnibus): B. Resolution to authorize the Mayor to award the emergency demolition of 110 Washington Pk RFP to KS Builders Corporation for a not to exceed amount of $36,050.00 pending confirmation of a court order and authorization from Corporation Counsel [This matter was presented to the Finance & Purchasing Committee on June 17, 2024]

Action (omnibus): C. Resolution to authorize the Mayor to award of the demolition of 1318 Audrey Nixon Blvd to Rezzar Demolition LLC for a not to exceed amount of $31,000.00 [This matter was presented to the Finance & Purchasing Committee on June 17, 2024]

Action (omnibus): D. Resolution Approving a Professional Services Agreement with Edward J. Barron and Appointing Mr. Barron as Special Administrative Hearing Officer for Push Tax Enforcement Hearings [This matter was presented to the Finance & Purchasing Committee on June 17, 2024]

Action (omnibus): E. Resolution approving the award of the FY2025 Sidewalk Program to D'Land Construction, LLC for a not to exceed amount of $699,193.75. [This matter was presented to the Public Works & Infrastructure Committee on June 17, 2024.]

Action (omnibus): F. Resolution approving the repaving of a parking lot as well as the sidewalk in front of the parking lot on Washington Street by Leopardo Companies, Inc. per Sec. 2-458(i)(3)(Joint Purchasing) through Sourcewell for a not to exceed amount of $42,481.37. [This matter was presented to the Public Works & Infrastructure Committee on June 17, 2024.]

Action (omnibus): G. Resolution approving the award of the FY2025 Road Program to Schroeder Asphalt Services, Inc. for a not to exceed amount of $1,624,048.00. [This matter was presented to the Public Works & Infrastructure Committee on June 17, 2024.]

Action (omnibus): H. Resolution approving the purchase of a Lightning Loader from Key Equipment & Supply Co. per Sec. 2-458(i)(3)(Joint Purchasing) through Sourcewell for a not to exceed amount of $231,564.24. [This matter was presented to the Public Works & Infrastructure Committee on June 17, 2024.]

Action (omnibus): I. Resolution approving the outfitting of two chassis by Lindco for a not to exceed amount of $376,896.00 per Sec. 2-458(i)(3)(Joint Purchasing) through Sourcewell. [This matter was presented to the Public Works & Infrastructure Committee on June 17, 2024.]

Action (omnibus): J. Resolution approving retroactive approval of the purchase of replacement parts from H. Barber & Sons, Inc. for emergency repairs for the Beach Cleaner for a not to exceed amount of $26,857.57 per Sec. 2-458(i)(2)(Bona Fide Emergency). [This matter was presented to the Public Works & Infrastructure Committee on June 17, 2024.]

Action (omnibus): K. Resolution approving the purchase of a 2024 Ford Transit Cargo Van from Kunes Auto Group per Sec. 2-458(i)(7)(Good Faith Waiver) for a not to exceed amount of $52,817.03. [This matter was presented to the Public Works & Infrastructure Committee on June 17, 2024.]

Action (omnibus): L. An Ordinance declaring various surplus Fire Department Radios Surplus and authorizing their disposal. [This matter was presented to the Finance & Purchasing Committee on June 17, 2024.]

Action (omnibus): M. A Resolution waiving competitive bidding requirements and approving the purchase of a 2024 Kia Sorrento from Classic Kia in Waukegan. [This matter was presented to the Finance & Purchasing Committee on June 17, 2024.]

Action (omnibus): N. A Resolution approving the sole-source purchase of Motorola Communications APX next solution radio devices from Motorola Solutions, INC. [This matter was presented to the Finance & Purchasing Committee on June 17, 2024.]

New Business omnibus vote:

AYE:  Ald Felix,  Ald Newsome,  Ald Turner,  Ald Donnenwirth,  Ald Florian,  Ald Hayes,  Ald Bolton,  Ald Guzman,  Ald Martinez. 

NAY:  None.

ABSENT:  None.



8. Ordinances

9. Closing Items

Alderperson Time

Ald Felix: Shared that he has received three signatures from three Alderpersons [Guzman, Martinez, and himself] to place a Ceasefire Resolution on the agenda that is sensitive to all parties involved. He stated that he has spoken with the Mayor and Corporation Counsel, and will be reaching out to additional Alderpersons. Shared that he will do his best to draft the Resolution, and it should be placed on the next Regular City Council Agenda. Shared safety concerns regarding the elevators at Julian Towers, and explained the efforts to come up with a solution with the current Administration. Thanked the Alderpersons for their approval of the parking lot resurfacing near Abbott Middle School, in addition, the sidewalk in the area.  Shared concerns with trespassing in the ward, and areas where homeless are not doing the right thing. Asked Corporation Counsel Weiss if the updated policies on Audience Time are forthcoming. Corporation Counsel Weiss confirmed, forthcoming in July. Shared information on an upcoming Backpack Giveaway that is still being worked on for the community. Wished everyone a Happy Father's Day.

Ald Newsome:  Pass - No Comment

Ald Turner: Thanked Youth Conservation Corps (YCC) for their clean-up efforts in the 6th Ward. Encouraged neighbors to look out after their pets, and shared safety tips. Shared concerns from 6th Ward Residents regarding loud explosives/fireworks, and stated that the City of Waukegan needs to get focused on these complaints. Shared concerns regarding speeding cars and drag racing throughout the ward, and hopes this can be addressed. Stated that he was under the impression that the police were going to get decibel measuring devices, and would like that looked into. Spoke about the $2,000.00 reward ($1,000 dollars for each reward - 2 available) between himself and Ald Donnenwirth for information leading to the arrest and conviction of a person with an illegal firearm.  Shared that he will be having a Dumpster Drop on Saturday, July 06, 2024 from 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM at Glen Flora Ave & Chestnut. Shared the number of violent crimes that have occurred over the last 18 months in Waukegan, and stated that many won't know about these crimes since the Aldermen no longer get these stats. Stated that he believes this is to suppress information and keep it from the public. 

Ald Donnenwirth: Asked Residents to refrain from using fireworks, and leave that to the City of Waukegan. Stated those shooting off illegal fireworks should be arrested/ticketed. Spoke about speeding concerns on Lewis Ave and called it ridiculous, and shared an incident where a motorcycle was going over 80mph doing wheelies. Asked neighbors to keep their eyes open and if they see something, call the police. 

Ald Florian: Shared that she personally supports the U.S. Resolution that calls for an immediate ceasefire, the release of some hostages together with Palestinian prisoners, followed by the withdrawal of Israeli forces from populated areas and the return of Palestinians to their homes throughout Gaza while humanitarian aid flows in its scale. Stated that this is a summary of the UN Resolution that is on the table, and she personally supports it. Shared that she doesn't feel that passing anything on a city level would be the answer, but supports the work the Resolution on a Federal and International level. Explained that during an Intergovernmental Committee Meeting last Thursday, they received an update from Vista Medical Center, and reiterated some of the information shared by the Lake County Coroner. Shared that 'Safe Illinois, Safe Access for Everyone' had an event on Friday night in Highland Park, presenting the film called 'Memorial' which is about the Highland Park shooting and how the community is healing from that. Encouraged residents to see the film if they get the chance, as it is very moving. Responded to comment from Audience Time, regarding Waukegan Beach parking regulations, and provided clarification on the cost and requirements. Raised concerns regarding sidewalks in Downtown Waukegan, and the much needed repairs. Mayor Taylor provided clarification, stating that this is a project they are seeking grants for, at this time.  

Ald Hayes: Pass - No Comment

Ald Bolton: Recognized Shakedia Jones, Olympian, present this evening. Shared that there will be a Honorary Street Naming for her in July. Also gave recognition to Pastor Barbara Brown from Trinity AME Church for her award from the Waukegan Police Department. Shared that she also supports the US Resolution as stated by Ald Florian, but this will take more than just a paper Resolution to resolve this. Congratulated PADs, and recognized the beautiful mural on 202 S. Genesee. Shared that there has been many events, and gave recognition to those organizations putting on events. Thanked the City of Waukegan Police Department for their efforts, and residents for keeping her updated on their concerns. Shared her number 224-607-8445.

Ald Guzman: Shared that he has been ashamed and upset to see people ignoring stop signs on buses. Stated that we do not want to see a child's life lost because people are impatient. Shared that there are efforts being made pertaining to Willow Rd, and he has heard both sides. There will be meetings regarding the matter. Shared that he is working on a Dumpster Drive for July 01, 2024 - more information to be announced. Wished everyone a Happy Father's Day.

Ald Martinez: Thanked Pastor Anthony Charles Conley Sr from Antioch Baptist Church for the invocation this evening. Shared that he will be having a Tiffany Drive Neighborhood Watch Meeting on Tuesday, June 18, 2024 from 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM. Shared his phone number, 847-390-2689. Shared that he will be having a Clean Sweep on Saturday June 29, 2024 from 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM at Weiss Field 100 N. Lewis Ave. Shared information on Hydrant Flushing in the area, and that more details are to be determined by the end of the month. Asked residents to check on their neighbors with this hot weather, and to use cation when driving, especially with speeding issues. Reminded everyone that fireworks are illegal within the City of Waukegan, and to let professionals deal with the fireworks. Shared concerns with homelessness and stated that we should all offer them empowerment and resources. Shared that he will support a Ceasefire, and he can't wait for it to be put on the agenda for the Alderpersons to vote for it. Asked neighbors to be safe, mindful, and good neighbors.

Mayor Taylor: Mayor Taylor stated that stop signs should not be ignored, and need to be used, they are not there for decoration. Shared that the 4th of July Parade will take place on June 30, 2024.

10. Adjournment

Procedural: A. Motion by Ald Turner, second by Ald Guzman to Adjourn at 10:00 PM.

