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Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Waukegan City Council met July 1

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Mayor Ann B. Taylor | City of Waukegan Website

Mayor Ann B. Taylor | City of Waukegan Website

City of Waukegan City Council met July 1

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

Mayor; Ann B. Taylor, City Clerk; Janet E. Kilkelly, City Treasurer; Dr. John R. Schwab & Corporation Counsel; Stewart J. Weiss were present.

1. Opening Items

Procedural: A.  Roll Call.

PRESENT:  Ald Newsome,  Ald Turner,  Ald Donnenwirth,  Ald Florian,  Ald Hayes,  Ald Bolton,  Ald Guzman,  Ald Martinez,  Ald Felix.

ABSENT:  None.

Procedural: B.  Invocation by Pastor Alex Soler (Vertical Encounter Church- North Chicago/Waukegan, IL. 60085) / Pledge of Allegiance

Procedural: C.  Mayor's Comments - At this time, Mayor Taylor shared her comments. 

2. Resolutions/Proclamations/Presentations/Appointments

Action: A.  Motion by Ald Guzman, second by Ald Florian to approve a Resolution to appoint Brett A. Mitchell to Waukegan Library Board


Action: B.  Motion by Ald Newsome, second by Ald Florian to approve a Resolution to appoint Yolanda Mangram to Waukegan Library Board


3. Audience Time

Aurora Flores:  Shared prepared comments regarding Israel-Hamas Ceasefire, encouraging the City of Waukegan to support a Resolution.

David Power:  Shared prepared comments regarding Israel-Hamas Ceasefire, encouraging the City of Waukegan to support a Resolution.

Alicia Coleman:  Shared prepared comments regarding Israel-Hamas Ceasefire, encouraging the City of Waukegan to support a Resolution.

Hon. Jane Drew Waller:  Member of the Waukegan Arts Council, shared the mission of the organization and where the funding is allocated, as well as past and current projects.  Urged everyone to support the arts in Waukegan, and asked the city and residents to help make Waukegan an even more progressive city.

Rabbi Michael Ben Yosa: Introduced himself as a Human Rights Advocate, here on behalf of the family of Marcellus Stinnettee, and shared his overall dissatisfaction with Mayor Taylor's handling over the overall situation, including alleged lack of communication and acknowledgment.  

Rayon Edward: Shared that he is glad Mayor Taylor is keeping up with news, but she is not speaking up enough about issues in Waukegan, and explained his reasoning for the comment, including Mayor Taylor's comments on dogs, rather than human life. Shared comments regarding items 7. B & C, citing his frustration with the Chief of Staff's conflict of interest with one of the items, and it states a tone of Nepotism. Directed comments to Ald Florian regarding her comments on the Ceasefire at the last city council meeting, and asked the Alderpersons to pass a Ceasefire Resolution to show them they are supported.  

Xochitl Barragan: Shared prepared comments regarding Israel-Hamas Ceasefire, encouraging the City of Waukegan to support a Resolution.

Harold Beadling: Shared dissatisfaction with the painting of brick at the Waukegan Public Library, and shared his reason of concern, including who gave them permission to paint. Shared concerns regarding a flag that is displayed in the Chief of Staff's Office, and asked for it to be removed.

Mansoor Qureshi: Shared prepared comments regarding Israel-Hamas Ceasefire, encouraging the City of Waukegan to support a Resolution.

Julian Ruiz: Shared prepared comments regarding Israel-Hamas Ceasefire, encouraging the City of Waukegan to support a Resolution.

Priscilla Recendez: Shared prepared comments regarding Israel-Hamas Ceasefire, encouraging the City of Waukegan to support a Resolution.

Parker Adams: Shared prepared comments regarding Israel-Hamas Ceasefire, encouraging the City of Waukegan to support a Resolution.

Wygenia Brisco: She shared that she has been in attendance at City Council meetings for years, and explained that it is great to see people in attendance, but that there have been so many residents here fighting for things happening right here in Waukegan. Shared that the African American community has went through a lot, and she shares sympathies with the Palestinian community, stating she understands. Encouraged those in attendance to contact Congressman Brad Schneider's Office, as there can be more of a difference made there, rather than the Waukegan City Council. She encouraged residents to come back and support issues happening in Waukegan, e.g - Julian Towers, air quality concerns, shootings, homelessness, etc.

Jason Feris: Shared prepared comments regarding Israel-Hamas Ceasefire, encouraging the City of Waukegan to support a Resolution.  

Brandon Anaya: Shared prepared comments regarding Israel-Hamas Ceasefire, encouraging the City of Waukegan to support a Resolution. 

Serena Sanchez Johnson: Shared prepared comments regarding Israel-Hamas Ceasefire, encouraging the City of Waukegan to support a Resolution. 

Clyde McLemore: Shared concerns regarding the hours of operation of the Waukegan Animal Control, as well as the amount of money spent to make the new facility. Shared that many residents have been in attendance asking for a Ceasefire Resolution, and they have yet to receive one. Encouraged residents to 'shut sh*t' down if they don't get it. Encouraged residents to go to public officials houses and express their concerns.

Jimena Anaya Shared prepared comments regarding Israel-Hamas Ceasefire, encouraging the City of Waukegan to support a Resolution. 

Bruce Wright: Shared prepared comments regarding Israel-Hamas Ceasefire, encouraging the City of Waukegan to support a Resolution. 

Anthony McIntire: CEO of the AntMound Foundation. Shared that he has been listening to these individuals speak about the Ceasefire, and feels their pain.  Explained that we need to do right by the community, and that these individuals will be sitting up there one day.   

Frank Pettis: Shared prepared comments regarding Israel-Hamas Ceasefire, encouraging the City of Waukegan to support a Resolution.

Andrea Moore: Shared her concern as an unhoused homeless mother in Waukegan, and as an advocate for those who are unhoused in Lake County.

Rev Katie Freund: Shared prepared comments regarding Israel-Hamas Ceasefire, encouraging the City of Waukegan to support a Resolution. 

Elizabeth Marrero: Organizer for Fiesta Patrias, one of the Board of Directors. Shared that she is conducting the parade this year on Sunday, September 15.  Invited the community to the upcoming festivities.

Eduardo Celis: Invited participants and volunteers to the upcoming Fiesta Patrias Parade on Sunday, September 15.

Margaret Carrasco: Wished Waukegan Chief of Staff / Park District Commissioner George Bridges Jr good luck on his alleged second job interview, and hopes he gets a new job, as she stated many people would like him out of Waukegan. Shared 'kudos' to the Waukegan Park District on the Independence Day Parade. Shared that Mayor Taylor was allegedly in the car during the Independence Day Parade, and didn't walk. Shared that she appeared scared, and did not shake many hands. Expressed concern to Legal Counsel about 3rd Ward Alderman Juan A. Martinez political sign being displayed at a city clean up event in the 3rd Ward at Weiss Field. Shared that she would like City Clerk Kilkelly to look into a complaint against Mayor Taylor regarding liquor concerns, and explained. Also shared that Mayor Taylor announced her alleged support of this years Fiesta Patrias Parade organizers, and shared overall concern with the application, including alleged criminal activity.

Carlos Smith: Shared some 'street lingo' this evening with the Waukegan City Council. The word for the evening was 'piped up', and he explained the definition. Expressed to those in attendance that they should be more 'piped up' when expressing their concerns to the Waukegan City Council.   

Mayor Taylor invited Chief of Police Edgar Navarro to share current events/statistics, pertaining to crime throughout the City of Waukegan.

4. Consent Agenda (Items under the Consent Agenda are considered routine and/or non-controversial and will be approved by one motion. If any one board member wishes to have a separate vote on any item, it will be pulled from the Consent Agenda and voted on separately)  Motion by Ald Donnenwirth, second by Ald Newsome to approve Consent Agenda item 4. A - E.

Action (Consent): A.  Motion to approve the Regular Meeting Minutes from Monday, June 03, 2024.

Action (Consent): B.  Motion to approve the Regular Meeting Minutes from Monday, June 17, 2024.

Action (Consent): C.  Motion to approve vendor payments dated July 1, 2024 in the total amount of $2,324,070.97.

Action (Consent): D.  Motion to approve and ratify Regular Payroll dated June 28, 2024 in the total amount of $2,055,467.46.

Action (Consent): E.  Motion to approve and ratify Misc. Payroll (PD HBB & CT Cashout) dated June 28, 2024 in the total amount of $17,020.97.

Consent Agenda Vote:

AYE:  Ald Newsome,  Ald Turner,  Ald Donnenwirth,  Ald Florian,  Ald Hayes,  Ald Bolton,  Ald Guzman,  Ald Martinez,  Ald Felix.

NAY:  None.

ABSENT:  None.



5. Reports and Communication

6. Old Business

7. New Business Motion by Ald Florian, second by Ald Newsome to omnibus vote items 7. excluding items  7.  D - J,  &  N - O.  [Please note, item 7. P was HELD OVER in Committee on July 1, 2024].  

Action (omnibus): A. Resolution approving a Professional Services Agreement with Emerging Communities Development LLC for development advisory services. [This matter was presented to the Community Development Committee July 1, 2024.]

Action (omnibus): B. Resolution Approving the Dedication of a portion of 1645 McAree Road. [This matter was presented to the Community Development Committee July 1, 2024.]

Ald Florian explained that this item is for delineating boundaries and restoring property back to the City of Waukegan, and not for a street renaming.

Action (omnibus): C. Resolution approving a revision to the compensation structure to Antmound Foundation for the Summer Youth Program. [This matter was presented to the Community Development Committee July 1, 2024.]

Action: D. Motion by Ald Donnenwirth, second by Ald Bolton to approve an Ordinance adopting a Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) for the City of Waukegan repealing certain provisions of the Waukegan Code of Ordinances (Zoning Calendar #2754) and designating a Zoning Officer. [This matter was presented to the Community Development Committee July 1, 2024.]

Ald Turner shared concerns in the UDO pertaining to pavement requirements, and cited an example. Planning & Zoning Department provided clarification, and Ald Turner called for the question.

AYE:  Ald Newsome,  Ald Turner,  Ald Donnenwirth,  Ald Florian,  Ald Hayes,  Ald Bolton,  Ald Guzman,  Ald Martinez,  Ald Felix.

NAY:  None.

ABSENT:  None.



Action: E. Motion by Ald Newsome, second by Ald Martinez to approve an Ordinance adopting the 2024 Waukegan Zoning Map for the City of Waukegan (Zoning Calendar #2755). [This matter was presented to the Community Development Committee July 1, 2024.]

AYE:  Ald Newsome,  Ald Turner,  Ald Donnenwirth,  Ald Florian,  Ald Hayes,  Ald Bolton,  Ald Guzman,  Ald Martinez,  Ald Felix.

NAY:  None.

ABSENT:  None.



Action: F.  Motion by Ald Martinez, second by Ald Donnenwirth to approve a Resolution adopting the Fee and Fine Schedule for the City of Waukegan Unified Development Ordinance. [This matter was presented to the Community Development Committee July 1, 2024.]

Ald Turner wanted to share on record that he is opposed in a raising of any fees pertaining to the UDO.  Planning and Zoning Department provided clarification, and Ald Turner called for the question.

AYE:  Ald Newsome,  Ald Donnenwirth,  Ald Florian,  Ald Hayes,  Ald Bolton,  Ald Guzman,  Ald Martinez,  Ald Felix.

NAY:  Ald Turner. 

ABSENT:  None.



Action: G. Motion by Ald Florian, second by Ald Hayes to approve an Ordinance adopting amendments to Sections 2, 6, 16, and 22 of the City of Waukegan Code of Ordinances to conform with the Unified Development Ordinance. [This matter was presented to the Community Development Committee on July 1, 2024]

AYE:  Ald Newsome,  Ald Turner,  Ald Donnenwirth,  Ald Florian,  Ald Hayes,  Ald Bolton,  Ald Guzman,  Ald Martinez,  Ald Felix.

NAY:  None.

ABSENT:  None.



Action: H. Motion by Ald Martinez, second by Ald Hayes to approve an Ordinance Amending Chapter 14 of the Code of Ordinances concerning Mobile Food Vendor Regulations [This matter was presented to the Code Revisions, Appeals, and Negotiations Committee on June 27, 2024]

Ald Turner wanted to go on record and object to this ordinance, as he supports private property rights and business owner rights.  Mayor Taylor provided clarification regarding people using private lots, as opposed to brick and mortar businesses.  Ald Turner called for the question.

AYE:  Ald Newsome,  Ald Donnenwirth,  Ald Florian,  Ald Hayes,  Ald Bolton,  Ald Guzman,  Ald Martinez,  Ald Felix.

NAY:  Ald Turner.

ABSENT:  None.



Action : I. Motion by Ald Hayes, second by Ald Felix to approve an Ordinance Amending Chapter 3 of the Waukegan Code of Ordinances Regarding Unlimited Drink Specials [This matter was presented to the Code Revisions, Appeals, and Negotiations Committee on June 27, 2024]

AYE:  Ald Newsome,  Ald Turner,  Ald Donnenwirth,  Ald Florian,  Ald Hayes,  Ald Bolton,  Ald Guzman,  Ald Martinez,  Ald Felix.

NAY:  None.

ABSENT:  None.



Action : J. Ordinance Amending Section 2-100 of the Code of Ordinances Removing Requirement for Annual Adoption of a Salary Ordinance [This matters was considered by the Code Revisions, Appeals, and Negotiations Committee on July 1, 2024]

After brief discussion brought forward by Ald Guzman, and clarification regarding the Salary Ordinance by Corporation Counsel Weiss, it was ultimately decided to postpone item 7. J. to the first meeting in April of 2025.

Motion by Ald Guzman, second by Ald Turner to postpone item 7. J (Removing Requirement for Annual Adoption of a Salary Ordinance) to the first meeting in April 2025.

AYE:  Ald Newsome,  Ald Turner,  Ald Donnenwirth,  Ald Bolton,  Ald Guzman,  Ald Martinez,  Ald Felix.

NAY:  Ald Florian,  Ald Hayes.

ABSENT:  None.


MOTION to postpone to April 2025 APPROVED.


Action (omnibus): K. Resolution approving a settlement and release of all claims for Police Department Employee Workers Compensation claim number 230524W021 for an amount not to exceed $67,000. [This matter was presented to the Government Operations and Oversight Committee on July 1, 2024]

Action (omnibus): L. Resolution approving a settlement and release of all claims in Ellisstatia S. Stallworth, et al. v. City of Waukegan, et al. for an amount not to exceed $250,000 [This matter was presented to the Government Operations and Oversight Committee on July 1, 2024]

Action (omnibus): M. Ordinance Enacting a Special Curfew for Persons under 18 for Scoop Waukegan [This matter was presented to the Government Operations and Oversight Committee on July 1, 2024]

Action: N. Motion by Ald Donnenwirth, second by Ald Bolton to approve an Ordinance to suspend Section 3-30(a) and (d) of the City Code for Scoop Waukegan [This matter was presented to the Government Operations and Oversight Committee on July 1, 2024]

AYE:  Ald Turner,  Ald Donnenwirth,  Ald Florian,  Ald Hayes,  Ald Bolton,  Ald Guzman,  Ald Martinez,  Ald Felix.

NAY:  Ald Newsome.

ABSENT:  None.



Action: O. Motion by Ald Florian, second by Ald Newsome to adopt a Resolution to approve Master Contract with Ciorba Group for Peer Review Engineering Services [This matter was presented to the Government Operations and Oversight Committee on July 1, 2024]

Ald Turner shared concerns regarding duplication of work by the proposed contractor, as the City of Waukegan already has a Engineering Department.

Mayor Taylor provided clarification, and Ald Turner called for the question after further expressing concerns of saving taxpayer dollars.

AYE:  Ald Newsome,  Ald Florian,  Ald Hayes,  Ald Bolton,  Ald Guzman,  Ald Martinez,  Ald Felix.

NAY:  Ald Turner,  Ald Donnenwirth.

ABSENT:  None.



Action: P. Resolution for rescission of Resolution 23-R-141, waiver competitive bidding, and approval of an agreement with P&H Senesac for Dewatering Services [This matter was presented to the Government Operations and Oversight Committee on July 1, 2024] 


New Business Omnibus Vote:

AYE:  Ald Newsome,  Ald Turner,  Ald Donnenwirth,  Ald Florian,  Ald Hayes,  Ald Bolton,  Ald Guzman,  Ald Martinez,  Ald Felix.

NAY:  None.

ABSENT:  None.



8. Ordinances

9. Closing Items

Alderperson Time

Ald Newsome: Great job to Waukegan Park District in the 4th of July Parade. Stated that we had great weather and a great turnout. Shared that on Saturday, July 20 8-12 noon Greenwood and Delaware, there will be a 5th Ward Dumpster Drop. Shared her contact information with anyone who may need to reach out with any questions: 847-390-2691.

Ald Turner: Reminded everyone that himself and Ald Donnenwirth are continuing their 'rewards program' as discussed at the last meeting. This program runs through Labor Day. Informed that last Tuesday there was a home invasion at the 1000 Block of N. Sheridan Rd. Shared that info not provided to citizens and neighbors. Stated that when neighbors are not being made aware of issues of criminal activity in the neighborhood. Wants to ensure that neighbors are aware of violent crime happening in their neighborhoods. Talked about statistics that were given on violent crimes, and stated that residents have to often get this information from their elected officials.  Spoke about the Police and Fire Memorial Fund, and efforts to raise money to provide financial assistance. Spoke about the Independence Day Parade in Waukegan, and what an honor it was to share passion of patriotism with residents. Shared an upcoming 6th Ward Dumpster Drop on Sat July 6, from 8:00 AM to 12:00 Noon at 741 Glen Flora in front of Dollar General.  Shared that he will be having a 6th Ward Meeting on Sat July 13 at Upton Park from 10:00 AM - 12:00 Noon.

Ald Donnenwirth: Thanked the City of Waukegan employees for their hard work and dedication. Shared concerns of Stop sign runners in the 7th ward and the police department has been alerted. Stated that he has been having complaints of problems on Sheridan Rd with racing cars near Sheridan and Greenwood, as well as on the Amstutz Expressway. Shared that the parade was fantastic, and everybody had a fun time. Encouraged residents to come on down to the 4th of July Fireworks at the lakefront, and to please refrain from shooting them off at their homes. Encouraged residents to call the police if they see anything out of the ordinary.

Ald Florian: Shared kudos to the City of Waukegan and Waukegan Park District for pulling off a great 4th of July parade. Thanked the Public Relations Department for being there, and announcing everybody. Shared that the weather was prefect. Stated that there was some concern that we did not have the parade on the 4th of July, but explained that this 4th of July multiple cities were having parades. Thanked the leadership at Public Works for inviting her over to the department to discuss the upcoming changes for the Public Works Committee, as she is the new Chair.  She explained that her philosophy is her only to run the committee as Chair, and she does not have any additional power regarding the Public Works Department, and explained. Shared that she hopes everyone else chairing committees feels the same way. Shared that she attended her first Neighborhood Watch meeting, on Burris Ave. Shared clarification regarding allegations that PADs is housing migrants. She shared that PADs Lake County only services residents whose last address was in Lake County. Ald Florian asked Mayor Taylor for clarification regarding Animal Control hours of operation.  Mayor Taylor provided clarification, stating they are not open to the public at this time, but they are there / on the streets working every day, and not only working 4 hours a day.

Ald Hayes: Shared that the Independence Day Parade was fantastic, and he can attest that Mayor Taylor did walk the entire parade route, and that everyone watched her walk the entire route. Shared that St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church in Waukegan will be having their Greek Fest on the weekend of July 12th, starting at 11:00 AM. He encouraged everyone to attend.  He gave a special shout-out to the Waukegan Planning and Zoning Department for all of their hard work.

Ald Bolton: Thank the staff for their hard work, and for all they do. Gave a special shout-out to the Waukegan Public Works Department for their hard work and dedication to the City of Waukegan.  

Ald Guzman: Shared concerns regarding crime, and cited that a city like Waukegan of 90,000 and a daytime population of 120,000 to 150,000 is bound to have issues of crime. Shared that our first responders, are working hard to make sure concerns are taken care of. Shared concerns regarding Food Trucks, and complaints have has received from business owners that are competing with them, as they are everywhere. Shared that the ordinance has been amended, and will be amended an additional two or three more times. Would like to see the 4th of July Parade done on the actual 4th of July. Shared that he has recieved over 400 emails regarding a Ceasefire Resolution, and that details are being worked out for a resolution to satisfy both sides. Shared that it will be on the next agenda, and will be presented as a neutral resolution. Shared an update on Willow Rd concerns, and the opinions from both sides. Thanked David Motley and the Public Relations staff for their work on the upcoming 4th of July fireworks, and wished everyone a happy and safe 4th of July.

Ald Martinez: Shared that he attended an event at St. Lutheran Community Church, after the vandalism of their property with hate speech against the LGBTQ Community. Shared that everyone should be able to be who they are, and love who they want. Shared that he had a great turn out at his Neighborhood Watch Meeting, and continues to encourage his 3rd Ward to create Neighborhood Watch Programs. Shared that she walked with the Mayor at the Independence Day Parade, and she walked fast. Explained that everyone should consider the source with the overall comments from Ms. Margaret Carrasco. Shared that he attended the Juneteenth Celebration hosted by Ms. Sylvia England. Thanked Public Relations staff David and Niya for their hard work. Stated that residents should do their due diligence, and being mindful and safe this 4th of July. Encouraged everyone to be a good neighbor. 

Ald Felix: Shared that he is active on social media, and encouraged residents to check out the information shared. Stated that he is is working on a 4th Ward Meeting, and more information will be determined at a later date. He will share the information on this Facebook, and with David Motley and the Public Relations team. Shared that he will work with residents to solve any issues he can if they work together. Asked residents to attend, as it will be taking place at the Waukegan Public Library in the 4th Ward. Shared an update on events he attended over the last two weeks, and information he gathered from the events, including resources. He encouraged residents to attend these events. Shared clean-up efforts in the 4th Ward with the assistance of YCC, and shared that they did a great job. Also thanked Family First Center for their efforts. Shared and update regarding Julian Lakeside Towers elevator concerns. Ald Felix asked Police Chief Navarro to provide clarification on the personal use of cannabis in Illinois, and clarified that it cannot be smoked in public, which includes Downtown Waukegan. Provided clarification on the role of an Alderperson and their duties, including assisting residents. Shared that a Ceasefire Resolution is in the works, and he is working with fellow Alderpersons. Reiterated comments from Ald Martinez about people being activist for the community vs talking for themselves. Stressed that we have to make sure we don't let other people divide us here in the community. Shared that there will be one Fiesta Patrias Parade, hosted by Juntoz NFP, and it will be on Sunday, September 15, 2024.  Shared that he has talked to Ellie, and she is good people, willing to work with the whole community. Mayor Taylor provided clarification regarding 200 Julian, and stated that a part is delayed for the elevator. Ald Felix responded he wanted to get the facts straight, and he is working with COS Bridges Jr to continue to get the information, but they will hopefully have more information than just 'waiting for a part'

10. Adjournment

Procedural: A. Motion by Ald Turner, second by Ald Donnenwirth to Adjourn at 9:58 PM.

