
Chicago City Wire

Monday, December 23, 2024

Village of Brighton Village Board met Aug. 5

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Betsey Ann Park | Village of Brighton Website

Betsey Ann Park | Village of Brighton Website

Village of Brighton Village Board met Aug. 5

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

A. Call To Order/Pledge of Allegiance:

B. Attendance Roll Call:

C. Approval of Public Hearing Minutes 7-1-24 (Voice Vote):

D. Approval of Board Minutes 07-01-24 (Voice Vote):

E. Approval of Treasurers Report (Voice Vote):

F. Approval of Bills (ROLL CALL):

G. Mayor Report: Brighton Beautification-Kenneth (Buster) Clark; Citizen of the Month-Dan Metz

H. Public Comment:

Committee Reports

A. Clerk Committee: 7/10/24 Meeting Minutes (Voice Vote):

1. Microphones purchased for Board meeting. Authorized by both Clerk Chairpersons and Mayor to get prior to Board meeting.

B. Economic Development Committee: 7/2/24 No Quorum

C. Park Committee: 7/11/24 Meeting Minutes (Voice Vote):

1. Action Item/Discussion: To spend up to $1800 on Fall Fest expenses.

2. Action Item/Discussion: Committee agreed to Dan Metz’s request to be first on Diamond B Schedule and his team will keep the diamond maintained.

D. Planning Committee: 7/04/24 Meeting Cancelled

E. Public Safety: 7/15/24 Meeting Minutes (Voice Vote):

1. Action Item/Discussion: To spend up to $300 for air cabin filters, wiper blades etc..

2. Action Item/Discussion: To spend $233.33 for Quality Custom to replace control arm on the Charger.

3. Action Item/Discussion: To spend up to $300 on items to be given to children-public relations.

F. Public Works: 7/22/24 Meeting Minutes (Voice Vote):

1. Action Item/Discussion: Replace ‘Shut off/Reconnection Fee’ verbiage with ‘Non-Payment Fee’ wherever stated and change fee from $100 to $75.

2. Action Item/Discussion: Approve revised Water Ordinance 2024-07.

G. Zoning Committee: 7/16/24 Meeting Cancelled

H. Special Committee: 7/17/24 Meeting Minutes (Voice Vote):

1. Discuss/Possible Action: 4% Pay increase for non-elected, non-union employees.

2. Discuss/Possible Action: Establish Employees Evaluation process per attached minutes.

3. Discuss/Possible Action: Establish a policy for fuel allocation to Building/Zoning Inspector.

Old Business:

A. Water Infrastructure Project update:

B. Body Camera update: software installed, waiting for training.

C. Discuss/Possible Action: 

New Business:

A. Discuss/Possible Action: Spend $250 for Farm Week at the Farmer’s Market and an additional $500 for the remainder of the Market events.

B. Discuss/Possible Action: Send three people to the IML Conference in Chicago September 18-22. Conference cost is $325 per person; hotel $1056 plus fees per person; transportation and meals extra.

