
Chicago City Wire

Thursday, September 19, 2024

City of Wheaton City Council met Aug. 19

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Mayor Philip J. Suess | City of Wheaton Website

Mayor Philip J. Suess | City of Wheaton Website

City of Wheaton City Council met Aug. 19

Here are the minutes provided by the council:




1. Call to Order and Roll Call 

The regular Wheaton City Council Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by City Clerk Andrea Rosedaie. Upon roll call, the following were: 

Physically Present: Councilman Clousing 

Councilwoman Robbins 

Councilman Weller 

Councilwoman Bray-Parker 

Councilman Brown 

Absent: Councilman Barbier 

Mayor Suess 

City Staff Physically Present: Michael Dzugan, City Manager 

Dawn Didier, City Attorney 

Robert Brill, Chief of Fire 

Robert Lehnhardt, Director of Finance 

Jim Kozik, Director of Planning & Economic Development 

Joseph Tebrugge, Director of Engineering 

Princeton Youker, Chief of Police 

Susan Bishel, Public Information Officer 

Andrea Rosedale, City Clerk 

City Staff Electronically Present: None 

2. Appointment of Mayor Pro Tem 

Councilman Brown moved and Councilman Weller seconded that Councilwoman Bray—Parker be appointed Mayor Pro Tem for the evening’s meeting. 

Roll Call Vote: 

Ayes: Councilman Brown 

Councilman Clousing 

Councilwoman Robbins 

Councilman Weller 

Councilwoman Bray-Parker 

Nays: None 

Absent: Mayor Suess 

Councilman Barbier 

Motion Carried Unanimously

3. Citizens to be Heard 


4. Consent Agenda 

Councilwoman Robbins moved and Councilman Brown seconded that the foHowing action be taken on the Consent Agenda item: 

1. Approve the minutes of Wheaton City Council Regular Meeting —— August 5, 2024, as submitted. 2. Approve City Manager Compensation. 

3. Adopt Resolution R-2024-66, A Resolution Authorizing the Approval and Release of Closed Session Minutes. 

4. Adopt Resolution R-2024-67, A Resolution Authorizing the Destruction of Audio or Video Recordings of Closed Session Meetings. 

5. Adopt Resolution R-2024-68, A Resolution Authorizing the Disposal of Certain Surplus Property (Fire Department) 

6. Adopt Resolution R-2024-69, A Resolution Approving a Plat of Easement Grant (1501 Waldorth Court) 

Roll Call Vote: 

Ayes: Councilwoman Robbins 

Councilman Weller 

Councilman Brown 

Mayor Pro Tem Bray—Parker 

Nays: None 

Absent: Councilman Barbier 

Mayor Suess 

Motion Carried Unanimously 

5. Pass Ordinance 0-2024-23, An Ordinance Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City ofWheaton Chapter 30, Article III & Appendix B (Fee Schedule) Relating to Fees for Emergency Medical Services 

Councilman Weller moved and Councilman Clousing seconded that 0—2024-23, An Ordinance Amending the Code of Ordinances ofthe City ofWheaton Chapter 30, Article ill & Appendix B (Fee Schedule) Relating to Fees for Emergency Medical Services, be passed. 

City Manager Dzugan reported the ordinance proposes a new methodology for calculating the ambulance transport rate, set at $2,910 based upon the Medicare Cost Report. He detailed the ordinance features the implementation of no balance billing for residents, meaning residents will not be billed for costs not covered by insurance sources. 

Roll Call Vote: 

Ayes: Councilman Weller 

Councilman Brown 

Mayor Pro Tem Bray-Parker 

Councilman Clousing 

Councilwoman Robbins 

Nays: None 

Absent: Councilman Barbier 

Mayor Suess 

Motion Carried Unanimously 

6. Postpone consideration of Resolution R-2024—70, A Resolution Authorizing the Execution of a Funding Agreement for the Installation of a Traffic Signal and Lighting Between the City of Wheaton and St. Francis High School 

Councilwoman Robbins moved and Councilman Brown seconded that R-2024—70, A Resolution Authorizing the Execution of a Funding Agreement for the Installation of a Traffic Signal and Lighting Between the City ofWheaton and St. Francis High School, be postponed until Tuesday, September 3, 2024. 

City Manager Dzugan stated staff requested Council to postpone consideration until Tuesday, September 3, 2024 to allow details to be worked out regarding the high school’s financial exposure should a decision be made not to move forward with the project. 

Roll Call Vote: 

Ayes: Councilwoman Robbins 

Councilman Weller 

Councilman Brown 

Mayor Pro Tem Bray—Parker 

Councilman Clousing 

Nays: None 

Absent: Councilman Barbier 

Mayor Suess 

Motion Carried Unanimously 

7. Adopt Resolution R-2024-71, A Resolution Authorizing the Execution of Agreement No. 480 with Visu-Sewer of Illinois LLC for the Sewer Main Rehabilitation Project for a Total Amount Not to Exceed $252,995 and a 10% Contingency 

Councilman Clousing moved and Councilman Weller seconded that R-2024-71, A Resolution Authorizing the Execution of Agreement N0. 480 with Visu—Sewer of lllinois LLC for the Sewer Main Rehabilitation Project for a Total Amount Not to Exceed $252,995 and a 10% Contingency, be adopted. 

City Manager Dzugan reported the contract provides for trenchless rehabilitation of both sanitary and storm sewers in need of repair based upon inspections. He reported the scope of the storm sewer work was reduced as the original scope exceeded the budgeted amount. 

Roll Call Vote: 

Ayes: Councilman Clousing

Councilwoman Robbins 

Councilman Weller 

Councilman Brown 

Mayor Pro Tem Bray-Parker 

Nays: None 

Absent: Councilman Barbier 

Mayor Suess 

Motion Carried Unanimously 

8. Adopt Resolution R-2024-72, A Resolution Authorizing the Execution of Agreement No. 482 with Triggi Construction, Inc. for the 2024 Fail New Sidewalk Program for a Total Amount Not to Exceed $1,062,956.25 and a 5% Contingency 

Councilman Brown moved and Councilwoman Robbins seconded that R—2024-72, A Resolution Authorizing the Execution of Agreement No. 482 with Triggi Construction, Inc. for the 2024 Fall New Sidewalk Program for a Total Amount Not to Exceed $1,062,956.25 and a 5% Contingency), be adopted. 

City Manager Dzugan reported the contract continues the City’s sidewalk program, with plans to install 2.3 miles of new sidewalks this fall. He reported the project cost is approximately $440,000 under budget. 

Roll Call Vote: 

Ayes: Councilman Brown 

Mayor Pro Tem Bray-Parker 

Councilman Clousing 

Councilwoman Robbins 

Councilman Weller 

Nays: None 

Absent: Mayor Suess 

Councilman Barbier 

Motion Carried Unanimously 

9. Adopt Resolution R-2024-73, A Resolution Authorizing the Execution of an Intergovernmental Agreement Between the City of Wheaton and Milton Township for Construction of Sidewalk on Summerfield Court 

Councilman Clousing moved and Councilman Weller seconded that R—2024-73, A Resolution Authorizing the Execution of an Intergovernmental Agreement Between the City of Wheaton and Milton Township for Construction of Sidewalk on Summerfield Court, be adopted. 

City Manager Dzugan reported the Intergovernmental Agreement with Milton Township involves the City’s sidewalk contractor to replace sidewalk sections along Summerfield Court in unincorporated Milton Township. He detailed the township will cover all costs associated with their work. 

Roll Call Vote: 

Ayes: Councilman Clousing 

Councilwoman Robbins 

Councilman Weller 

Councilman Brown

Mayor Pro Tem Bray-Parker 

Nays: None 

Absent: Councilman Barbier 

Mayor Suess 

Motion Carried Unanimously 

10. First Reading of Ordinance, An Ordinance Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Wheaton Chapter 6 (Alcoholic Beverages), Chapter 26 (Businesses) and Appendix B (Fee Schedule) Relating to Fingerprinting of License Applicants 

City Manager Dzugan stated the amendment contracts fingerprinting services for appiicants and managers of massage businesses and liquor establishments shifting the service from the police department. He detailed the entities involved would pay the contracted rate forthe fingerprinting service. 

11. First Reading of Ordinance, An Ordinance Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Wheaton, Appendix B (Fee Schedule), Section B-8, Public Works/Water Fees 

City Manager Dzugan stated following Planning Session presentations in May and July, the ordinance increases the City’s portion of water cost which include the consumption rate and fixed fee. He stated both would be increased beginning in January 2025 and again in 2026 and 2027. He reported the ordinance allows for automatic pass throughs of the DuPage Water Commission usage rate where the Council will be notified by staff 6O days prior to the effective date to allow time to consider limiting, reducing or removing the pass through if there were concerns. He confirmed the new water bill will be formatted to reflect the DuPage Water Commission charge separately. 

12. Adopt Resolution R-2024-74, A Resolution Authorizing the Execution of an Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement for the Provision of Services and Aid in Preparation for and During the Democratic National Convention Meeting in Chicago 

Councilman Brown moved and Councilman Weller seconded that R—2024-74, A Resolution Ratifying the Execution of an Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement for the Provision of Services and Aid in Preparation for and During the Democratic National Convention Meeting in Chicago, be adopted. 

City Manager Dzugan reported that the intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) with the City of Chicago allows for the deployment of eight police officers for an eight-day period to support the Democratic National Convention. He assured the Council that Chicago covers all costs related to this deployment, and careful consideration has been given to ensure that regular operations in Wheaton will continue without disruption. 

City Attorney Didier clarified approval of the resolution ratifies the Mayor’s signature on the IGA. 

in response to Councilman Clousing, Chief Youker clarified that participation by the police department and officers is voluntary, and the IGA provides additional legal protections. City Attorney Didier added that the City of Chicago’s IGA includes coverage through an additional insurance policy, to ensure officers receive defense and indemnification and that Wheaton's workers' compensation will continue to cover the officers. 

Chief Youker further reported that the eight officers, who are part of the Weapons of Mass Destruction Team and Mobile Field Force Team, regularly respond to various events. He noted their participation in is contingent on maintaining routine operations and ensuring that no additionai financial liability is imposed / on Wheaton residents. 

Roll Call Vote: 

Ayes: Councilman Brown 

Mayor Pro Tem Bray-Parker 

Councilman Clousing 

Councilwoman Robbins 

Councilman Weller 

Nays: None 

Absent: Mayor Suess 

Councilman Barbier 

Motion Carried Unanimously 

13. Council Comment 

Mayor Pro Tem Bray-Parker welcomed everyone back to school and reminded the community to drive safely and wished luck to the parents, educators, staff and students. 

14. Approval of Warrant 

Councilwoman Robbins moved and Councilman Clousing seconded that Warrant No. 878 in the amount of $2,465,186.24, be approved. 

Roll Call Vote: 

Ayes: Councilwoman Robbins 

Councilman Weller 

Councilman Brown 

Mayor Pro Tem Bray-Parker 

Councilman Clousing 

Nays: None 

Absent: Councilman Barbier 

Mayor Suess 

Motion Carried Unanimously 

15. Adjournment 

Councilman Brown moved and Councilwoman Robbins seconded that the regular Wheaton City Council Meeting be adjourned at 7:16 p.m. 

Roll Call Vote: 

Ayes: Councilman Brown 

Mayor Pro Tem Bray—Parker 

Councilman Clousing 

Councilwoman Robbins 

Councilman Weller 

Nays: None k. Absent: Mayor Suess

Councilman Barbier 

Motion Carried Unanimously
