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City of Waukegan City Council met Nov. 18

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Mayor Ann B. Taylor | City of Waukegan Website

Mayor Ann B. Taylor | City of Waukegan Website

City of Waukegan City Council met Nov. 18

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

Mayor; Ann B. Taylor, City Clerk; Janet E. Kilkelly, City Treasurer; Dr. John R. Schwab & Corporation Counsel; Stewart J. Weiss were present.

1. Opening Items

Procedural: A. Roll Call

PRESENT: Ald Newsome, Ald Turner, Ald Donnenwirth, Ald Florian, Ald Hayes, Ald Bolton, Ald Guzman, Ald Martinez, Ald Felix.


Procedural: B. Invocation by Pastor Timothy Jones Rehoboth Church of God in Christ (COGIC) Waukegan, IL.) / Pledge of Allegiance

Procedural: C. Mayor's Comments - At this time, Mayor Taylor shared her comments. In addition, Police Chief Navarro & Nicole from Animal Control shared an update.

2. Resolutions/Proclamations/Presentations/Appointments

Action: A. Motion by Ald Martinez, second by Ald Newsome to approve a RESOLUTION: 24—R—292 "Declaring The City of Waukegan a Member of Cities of Service"

AYE: Ald Newsome, Ald Turner, Ald Donnenwirth, Ald Florian, Ald Hayes, Ald Bolton, Ald Guzman, Ald Martinez, Ald Felix.

NAY: None.




3. Audience Time

Thom Kaphein: Discussed art grant that is designed to create art for downtown Waukegan. Suggested the City of Waukegan should have a council involving all the Arts. Stated Waukegan is a great town with many amazing artists, and we should make sure that money is spent by artist who are local.

Debbie Grove: Discussed DAR (Daughters of the American Revolution) which is mostly about history, preservation, education and patriotism. Gifted the City of Waukegan a flag and plaque that was flown over the Constitution Hall in Washington DC on Flag Day.

Steven Hill: Shared concerns regarding short-term rentals. Suggested the City should have an ordinance that mirrors the existing one in place for long-term rentals. Stated we should not create a solution for a problem that doesn’t exist.

Todd Johnson: Discussed short-term rental ordinance and shared concerns. Stated Waukegan needs to live up to its tagline as a city of progress and not put overreaching restrictions on short-term rentals that would jeopardize the ongoing improvement and beautification of our city, the substantial revenue to our local businesses and in turn sales tax to the city.

Rebecca Stevens: Shared she needs a short-term rental and a house. Thanked the neighborhood of Ash Street in Waukegan. Stated the neighborhood warned her about ongoing issues a home had that she wanted to purchase. Shared she wants to move back to Waukegan and is amazed at how the community looks out for one another.

Andrew Wangelin: Stated he is a proud resident of the 5th Ward in Waukegan. Shared he would like to rent his residence as a short-term rental while he is away for work. Discussed the short-term rental ordinance. Stated it is a bit confusing and poorly written.

Anne Linn: Shared comments regarding short-term rental ordinance.

Tracy Rush: Shared concerns regarding short-term rental ordinance.

Joe Moglia: Shared concerns regarding short-term rentals. Suggested the City of Waukegan should wait 6 months to see if these short-term rentals will really be an issue.

Rebecca Solano: Shared it was her first time attending a Council meeting, thanked the Council for having audience time that allows residents to speak. Stated short-term rentals should mirror the long-term rental ordinance.

Bill Powers: Shared he is with RTO property and discussed concerns regarding short-term rental ordinance.

Kathy LeVine: Shared concerns regarding short-term rental ordinance.

Rayon Edwards: Stated that this is the most unethical Council that he has ever seen. Discussed hit and runs that have been happening around the City of Waukegan, disappointed not one person has yet been caught for these incidents. Stated the Aldermen are supposed to be the voice of their constituents and encouraged residents to do their research on who we vote for.

Margaret Carrasco: Discussed amendments to special events. Addressed Mayor Ann B. Taylor and 4th Ward alderman Victor Felix to cease and desist illegally using fiestas patrias name as they allegedly are not authorized to use it in anyway in reference to any of their events, City documents or resolutions and ordinances. Stated taxpayers in Waukegan would like to know where their money is being used. Stated the City of Waukegan allegedly sent a $24,875 check for a Christmas tree. Questioned if the City of Waukegan is deceiving taxpayers.

4. Consent Agenda (Items under the Consent Agenda are considered routine and/or non-controversial and will be approved by one motion. If any one board member wishes to have a separate vote on any item, it will be pulled from the Consent Agenda and voted on separately)  Motion by Ald Turner, second by Ald Newsome to approve Consent Agenda items 4. A - E.

Action (Consent): A. Motion to approve the Regular Meeting Minutes from Monday, November 04, 2024.

Action (Consent): B. Motion to approve the 2025 City Council Meeting Schedule

Action (Consent): C. Motion to approve vendor payments dated November 18, 2024 totaling in the amount of $2,289,636.08.

Action (Consent): D. Motion to approve and ratify Regular Payroll dated November 15, 2024, in the total amount of $2,026,118.81.

Action (Consent): E. Motion to approve and ratify Misc. Payroll (PD HBB & CT Cashout, EO & CS, and Final Payouts) dated November 15, 2024, in the total amount of $46,955.77.

Consent Agenda Vote:

AYE: Ald Newsome, Ald Turner, Ald Donnenwirth, Ald Florian, Ald Hayes, Ald Bolton, Ald Guzman, Ald Martinez, Ald Felix.

NAY: None.




5. Reports and Communication

Information: A. City Treasurer's Report - October 2024 - Presented by City Treasurer Dr. John R. Schwab.

6. Old Business

Action: A. Motion by Ald Bolton, second by Ald Hayes to approve Amendments to Special Events provisions and fees of City Code of Ordinances [This matter was presented to the Finance & Purchasing Committee on October 21, 2024 and considered by the City Council on November 4, 2024; the matter was held over to the November 18, 2024 City Council meeting]

AYE: None.

NAY: Ald Newsome, Ald Turner, Ald Donnenwirth, Ald Florian, Ald Hayes, Ald Bolton, Ald Guzman, Ald Martinez, Ald Felix.




7. New Business

Action: A. Motion by Ald Turner, second by Ald Donnenwirth to approve an Ordinance creating a Class F-1 Package Beer, Wine & Gasoline Sales Liquor license for DRAN Gas Station LLC located at 2400 Grand Ave. [This matter was presented to the Community Development Committee on November 4, 2024.]

AYE: Ald Turner, Ald Donnenwirth, Ald Hayes, Ald Guzman, Ald Martinez, Ald Felix.

NAY: Ald Newsome, Ald Florian, Ald Bolton.




Action: B. Motion by Ald Turner, second by Ald Donnenwirth to approve an Ordinance creating a (Class A-1 Tavern with outside services) (Class A Tavern) liquor license for Chicken Miche LL located at 318 Belvidere Rd. [This matter was presented to the Community Development Committee on November 4, 2024.]

Ald Florian was curious about a few things that came up during committee, and citied concerns within the application from the applicant. Ald Florian shared she will be voting no at the request of Ald Bolton, as she is not in favor of having it in her ward. Ald Florian added it is important to note this application was not completely filled out, and stressed that this is an important part of the process. 

AYE: Ald Turner, Ald Donnenwirth, Ald Guzman, Ald Martinez, Ald Felix.

NAY: Ald Newsome, Ald Florian, Ald Hayes, Ald Bolton.




Action: C. Motion by Ald Martinez, second by Ald Turner to approve an Ordinance creating a Class C Retail package sales liquor license for Diego's Mini Mart located at 1102 W Greenwood Ave. [This matter was presented to the Community Development Committee on November 4, 2024.]

Ald Florian stated this is across the street from Nicasa and YCC, and both organizations stated this is a bad location for a liquor license. Ald Turner stated this is in his 6th Ward, and he is familiar with the neighborhood and organizations. He stated that we have laws that allow people to legally purchase, and explained. Added that the owners have made tremendous changes. Ald Donnenwirth stated his comments after speaking with the owners, and shared that he does not see any abuse here on the concerns brought forward.

AYE: Ald Turner, Ald Donnenwirth, Ald Hayes, Ald Guzman, Ald Martinez, Ald Felix.

NAY: Ald Newsome, Ald Florian, Ald Bolton.




Action: D. Motion by Ald Newsome, second by Ald Hayes Determination of Proposed Aggregate Tax Levy for Tax Year 2024 in the amount of $34,598,158.00 and the total levy of $37,270,342.00 (inclusive of debt service). [This matter was presented to the Finance & Purchasing Committee on November 18, 2024]

AYE: Ald Newsome, Ald Turner, Ald Donnenwirth, Ald Florian, Ald Hayes, Ald Bolton, Ald Guzman, Ald Martinez, Ald Felix.

NAY: None.




Action: E. Martinez, Florian A Resolution waiving competitive bidding and approving a contract with Castro's Home Remodeling, LLC for remodeling of the City's new 911 Call Answering/Dispatch Center in an amount not to exceed $300,000.00. [This matter was presented to the Finance & Purchasing Committee on November 18, 2024]

Ald Turner shared his concerns with this item being a no-bid contract that is being awarded. Castro provided feedback before the question was called. Ald Turner again asked why should this not be brought forward for bid. Mayor Taylor indicated that they have been through the procurement process. Ald Felix stated these guys are from our community and they are ready. Ald Turner shared why he disagrees, and stated that we do not limit people who do contract work only due to living in Waukegan, and that is one of the reasons Waukegan is in the shape it is in today, citing nepotism. Mayor Taylor called for the question.

AYE: Ald Newsome, Ald Donnenwirth, Ald Florian, Ald Hayes, Ald Bolton, Ald Guzman, Ald Martinez, Ald Felix.

NAY: Ald Turner.




Action: F. Motion by Ald Florian, second by Ald Bolton to approve a Resolution approving Change Order No. 1 by a Good Faith Waiver for the Deigan Group for environmental engineering at the former BRP site located at 200 E. Sea Horse Drive in an amount not to exceed $45,466.10, bringing the total contract amount to $79,226.10. [This matter was presented to the Finance & Purchasing Committee on November 18, 2024]

Corporation Counsel Weiss provided clarification that a good faith wavier is not required for this item, and this is an extension and change order. Mayor Taylor stated this is an addition of work, so more has been added in there. 

AYE: Ald Newsome, Ald Turner, Ald Donnenwirth, Ald Florian, Ald Hayes, Ald Bolton, Ald Guzman, Ald Martinez, Ald Felix.

NAY: None.




Action: G. Resolution approving a Professional Services Agreement with Outshaped, LLC, for the manufacture of a public art installation. [This matter was presented to the Finance & Purchasing Committee on November 18, 2024]

HELD OVER - Item will be brought back to the Community Development Committee on December 02, 2024.

Action: H. Motion by Ald Martinez, second by Ald Guzman to approve A Resolution approving an agreement with Garland/DBS, Inc. for the 2024 Roof Replacement project at Fire Station No. 1 through Omnia Partners in an amount not to exceed $57,017.00. [This matter was presented to the Finance & Purchasing Committee on November 18, 2024]

Mayor Taylor stated this has nothing to do with the Public Works Director, Chris Garland (last name is the same).  

AYE: Ald Newsome, Ald Turner, Ald Donnenwirth, Ald Florian, Ald Hayes, Ald Bolton, Ald Guzman, Ald Martinez, Ald Felix.

NAY: None.




8. Ordinances

9. Closing Items

Alderperson Time

Ald Newsome: Reminded residents about when leaf pickup will be in the 5th Ward. Thanked Public Works and LRS for working weekends as the weather has offset the leaf pickup schedule. Wished everyone a Happy Thanksgiving.

Ald Turner: Reminded residents about leaf pickup in the 6th Ward. Kindly asked residents to place leaves on curb and not on the street as they will end up in the sewer and cause flooding. Discussed the $24,000 Christmas tree check and Mayor Ann B. Taylor responded. Shared concerns about art sculpture. Stated the Aldermen should have been involved in the committee. Shared concerns regarding short-term rentals. Suggested we revise the existing rental property ordinance as there is no need to create two different ordinances.

Ald Donnenwirth: Thanked the Waukegan City staff for everything they’ve done. Reminded residents of the 7th Ward about leaf pickup. Assured residents that all leaves will be picked up. Wished everyone a Happy Thanksgiving and to be safe. Shared comments regarding short-term rentals. Stated we need to make it hospitable for everyone.

Ald Florian: Stated she is a member of the Waukegan Parks Foundation. Shared the Carnegie is almost done and there will be a fundraiser that the Historical Society will be putting together. Shared the project has been given an award for building excellence by the Great Lakes Construction association. Discussed concerns about short-term rentals. Reminded residents about leaf pickup and if they have any issues to please reach out to her and she will do her best to get someone out. Wished a Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate.

Ald Hayes: Stated he greatly appreciated all the residents that took time out of their day to come speak at City Council. Grateful for all the organized, thoughtful and factually supported positions that were made without name calling. Shared concerns about making motions during Alderman time. Wished everyone a Happy Thanksgiving and a nice evening.

Ald Bolton: Wished everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. Shared that on the 25th of November the Harvest Market in the 1st Ward will be passing out turkeys. Stated residents must register before attending. Reminded residents about the leaf pickup in the 1st Ward. Shared she will be supporting another organization that will be giving away Thanksgiving dinners. Thanked staff and Public Works for all the hard work they have been doing for the City of Waukegan.

Ald Guzman: Shared he is disappointed with some of the votes of the committee of the whole. Stated many were elected because the city wanted something different. Shared concerns about short-term rentals and suggested the ordinance be revised and included along with the long-term rentals. Assured residents to not worry about the leaves if they do not get picked up on their scheduled day. Asked residents to please be patient. Shared he hosted his 2nd Ward meeting. Thanked everyone who showed up including Mayor Ann B. Taylor. Stated Happy Thanksgiving and hopes everyone is ready for black Friday, have fun and stay safe.

Ald Martinez: Reminded residents that the leaf pickup continues for the 3rd Ward. Kindly asked residents to please not park directly in front of the leaves as LRS will NOT pick them up if there is something blocking their path. Thanked LRS and Public Works for the tremendous job they are doing. Discussed the storm line replacement. Stated he will contact his constituents and let them know where they’re at with that. Shared concerns regarding short-term rentals. Stated if you are a resident in the Brookside Ave area to please make sure you have parking permits as they will be issuing tickets if you do not. Asked everyone to please be mindful and a good neighbor, and to have a Happy Thanksgiving.

Ald Felix: Shared information on three organizations that are having free thanksgiving meals for the community. Stated Mikey is having their 7th annual Thanksgiving meals for seniors at La Canoa. Stated Big Eds will also be doing Thanksgiving meals. Encouraged residents to look up information as there are many businesses within Waukegan that help and give back to the community. Thanked residents for reaching out to him with any concerns they may have. Thanked Chief of staff George Bridges for meeting with him. Stated he had a meeting with Aldermen about communication. Shared concerns regarding short-term rentals. Stated if leaves are missed in the 4th Ward to please reach out to him.

10. Adjournment

Action: A. Motion by Ald Newsome, second by Ald Martinez to ADJOURN at 9:06 PM.

