
Chicago City Wire

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Rosemont Zoning Board of Appeals will meet Feb. 4

Webp 6

Rosemont Village Board | Village of Rosemont

Rosemont Village Board | Village of Rosemont

Village of Rosemont Zoning Board of Appeals will meet Feb. 4

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

A. Call to Order and Roll Call

B. Approval of minutes of the January 7, 2025 meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals.

C. Restaurant Special Use, Sign Variance, Plat of Resubdivision S Point Ventures Acquisitions, LLC. 

The application of S Point Ventures Acquisitions, LLC for: (1)  a Special Use to allow the establishment and operation of a restaurant  in the D Commercial District with a  patio pursuant to plans provided to the Village of Rosemont; (2) a variance  from the Village of Rosemont’s sign ordinance to allow the construction and operation of wall signs, canopy sign, shared monument signs, tenant panel signs and a pylon sign as depicted in the sign package prepared by SES and submitted to the Zoning Board of Appeals and (3) the approval of a Plat of Resubdivision for PIN 12-09-217-003-0000. The property that is the subject of these requests is located on the northeast corner of Berwyn Ave. and Pearl St., Rosemont, IL. (9902 Berwyn, Rosemont, IL.), part of PIN 12-09-217-003-0000 and includes a portion of the Berwyn Right-of-Way which is to be vacated by the Village, all as shown on the Plat of Resubdivision submitted to the Zoning Board of Appeals. 

1. Swearing in of witnesses

2. Presentation by applicant

3. Statements/questions by members of public in attendance

4. Questions and comments by members of zoning board

5. Closing of Public Hearing

6. Additional Discussion by Zoning Board. 

7. Motion and vote to recommend approval of the Plat of Resubdivision submitted to the Zoning Board of Appeals. 

8. Motion to approve Findings of Fact for the requested restaurant special use.

9. Motion and vote to recommend approval of the requested restaurant special uses

10. Motion and vote on whether to recommend Village Board approval of a variance from the Village’s Ordinance to approve the requested signage depicted in the sign package prepared by SES and submitted to the Zoning Board of Appeals.  

