Matthew Dolick, Ward 5 Council Member | City of Prospect Heights Website
Matthew Dolick, Ward 5 Council Member | City of Prospect Heights Website
City of Prospect Heights City Council met Jan. 13
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL – At 6:31 PM, Mayor Ludvigsen called to order the of the Prospect Heights City Council at City Hall, 8 N Elmhurst Road, Prospect Heights, IL 60070.
City Clerk Prisiajniouk called roll. A quorum was present.
ELECTED OFFICIALS PRESENT – Alderman Ward 1 Cameron, Alderman Ward 2 Anderson, Alderman Ward 3 Morgan-Adams, Alderman Ward 4 Dash, Alderman Ward 5 Dolick, Mayor Ludvigsen, City Clerk Prisiajniouk
ABSENT - City Treasurer Tibbits
OTHER OFFICIALS PRESENT – City Administrator Wade, Assistant City Administrator Falcone, Director of Building and Development Peterson, Director of Public Works Roscoe, Police Chief Caponigro, Assistant Finance Director Tannehill, Deputy Clerk Austin, Attorney John O'Driscoll, Digital Communication Technician Colvin.
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE – Mayor Ludvigsen led the pledge of Allegiance.
A. December 9, 2024 City Council Regular Meeting Minutes
Action Requested: (Motion, Second, Roll Call Vote) - Alderman Ward 5 Dolick moved to Approve December 9, 2024 City Council Regular Meeting Minutes; seconded by Alderman Ward 1 Cameron.
ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Michelle Cameron, Terry Anderson, Wendy Morgan-Adams, Danielle Dash, Matt Dolick
NAYS: None
Motion carried 5-0
A. Re-appointment of Terry Anderson to North Shore Convention and Visitors Bureau
Board of Directors – Alderman Ward 3 Morgan-Adams moved to Approve Re- appointment of Terry Anderson to North Shore Convention and Visitors Bureau Board of Directors; seconded by Alderman Ward 1 Cameron. There was unanimous approval.
ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Michelle Cameron, Terry Anderson, Wendy Morgan-Adams, Danielle Dash, Matt Dolick
NAYS: None
Motion carried 5-0
B. Re-appointment of Sharon Hoffman as Chairperson of the Police and Fire
Commission - Alderman Ward 5 Dolick moved to Approve Re-appointment of Sharon Hoffman as Chairperson of the Police and Fire Commission; seconded by Alderman Ward 3 Morgan-Adams. There was unanimous approval.
ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Michelle Cameron, Terry Anderson, Wendy Morgan-Adams, Danielle Dash, Matt Dolick
NAYS: None
Motion carried 5-0
C. Re-appointment of Hyman Riebman as Commissioner of the Police and Fire
Commission - Alderman Ward 3 Morgan-Adams moved to Approve Re- appointment of Hyman Riebman as Commissioner of the Police and Fire Commission; seconded by Alderman Ward 5 Dolick. There was unanimous approval.
ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Michelle Cameron, Terry Anderson, Wendy Morgan-Adams, Danielle Dash, Matt Dolick
NAYS: None
Motion carried 5-0
A. O-24-32 Staff Memo and Ordinance Amending Various Sections of the City Code Related to Title 1, Chapter 6, Section 71: Powers and Duties as it Relates to City Administrator Purchasing Authority for Prospect Heights (2nd Reading)
Action Requested: (Motion, Second, Roll Call Vote) - Alderman Ward 3 Morgan- Adams moved to Approve 0-24-32 Staff Memo and Ordinance Amending Various Sections of the City Code Related to Title 1, Chapter 6, Section 71: Powers and
Duties as it relates to City Administrator Purchasing Authority for Prospect Heights (2nd Reading); seconded by Alderman Ward 2 Anderson.
ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Michelle Cameron, Terry Anderson, Wendy Morgan-Adams, Danielle Dash, Matt Dolick
NAYS: None
Motion carried 5-0
A. R-25-01 Staff Memo and Resolution for Winkleman Road Lightning Improvement Project Bid Recommendation of $90,950 from Utility Dynamics Corporation with a 10% Contingency Fund for Unforeseen Underground Conditions
Action Requested: (Motion, Second, Roll Call Vote) - Alderman Ward 1 Cameron moved to Approve R-25-01 Staff Memo and Resolution for Winkleman Road Lightning Improvement Project Bid Recommendation of $90,950 from Utility Dynamics Corporation with a 10% Contingency Fund for Unforeseen Underground Conditions; seconded by Alderman Ward 3 Morgan-Adams. There was unanimous approval.
Director of Public Works Roscoe gives a brief description of the project: back when the Winkleman road street project was completed there wasn't enough funds for the street lightning part so that was put on hold. It has been a topic of the tourism board and is ready to be completed. The project just went out for bid, 4 business returned a proposal and Utility Dynamics Corporation was chosen. Alderman Cameron asked about the apple drive lighting project. Director Roscoe explained that Winkleman is on a street owned by the city where apple drive would need a more extensive permitting process but the goal is to eventually finish that project as well.
ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Michelle Cameron, Terry Anderson, Wendy Morgan-Adams, Danielle Dash, Matt Dolick
NAYS: None
Motion carried 5-0
B. R-25-02 Staff Memo and Resolution Approving Supplemental Design Engineering Services for Willow Road Improvements with GEI Consultants in the Amount of $47,500 for Additional Geotechnical Modeling
Action Requested: (Motion, Second, Roll Call Vote) - Alderman Ward 5 Dolick moved to Approve R-25-02 Staff Memo and Resolution Approving Supplemental Design Engineering Services for Willow Road Improvements with GEI Consultants in the Amount of $47,500 for Additional Geotechnical Modeling; seconded by Alderman Ward 1 Cameron. There was unanimous approval.
Administrator Wade gives an overview of the project. He explains that for the project to advance the department of transportation is looking for the city do some further testing on the area. That engineering testing is what is being discussed tonight and their proposal will be passed subject to an attorney review of some areas. Mayor Ludvigsen asks what has changed in this project for the further testing to be needed.
ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Michelle Cameron, Terry Anderson, Wendy Morgan-Adams, Danielle Dash, Matt Dolick
NAYS: None
Motion carried 5-0
C. R-25-03 Staff Memo and Resolution Authorizing an Agreement with Microsystems, Inc. to Provide Document Scanning Services of Building Department Documents for an Estimated Cost of $56,900.
Action Requested: (Motion, Second, Roll Call Vote) - Alderman Ward 2 Anderson moved to Approve R-25-03 Staff Memo and Resolution Authorizing an Agreement with Microsystems, Inc. to Provide Document Scanning Services of Building Department Documents for an Estimated Cost of $56,900; seconded by Alderman Ward 5 Dolick. There was unanimous approval.
Building and Development Director Peterson explains what the agreement entails and the benefits it will bring the building department and the city in general to get all the old paper files scanned online. Alderman Cameron asks if the price is just for the initial backlog or how the breakdown of the cost is split. Director Peterson explains that the amount presented tonight is for a three year contract. Alderman Cameron also asks some clarifying questions about microsystems, the organization chosen for the project.
ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Michelle Cameron, Terry Anderson, Wendy Morgan-Adams, Danielle Dash, Matt Dolick
NAYS: None
Motion carried 5-0
D. R-25-04 Staff Memo and Resolution Authorizing an Agreement with TKB Associates, Inc for Laserfiche Records Management Software Licensing and Support Services in an Amount Not to Exceed $15,000.
Action Requested: (Motion, Second, Roll Call Vote) - Alderman Ward 5 Dolick moved to Approve R-25-04 Staff Memo and Resolution Authorizing an Agreement with TKB Associates, Inc for Laserfiche Records Management Software Licensing and Support Services in an Amount Not to Exceed $15,000; seconded by Alderman Ward 3 Morgan-Adams. There was unanimous approval.
Director Peterson gives some background on the cost and expertise that TKB Associates will provide with this software. This software will provide the city with a program that allows for easy searchability of old documents. There is also a public portal component so any documents that are uploaded for public access can be seen and downloaded by any citizen. Mayor Ludvigsen wanted to make sure that this software can grow beyond the building department and touch every part of the city, and Director Peterson said that was part of the rfp process and that TKB will be able to handle anything the city throws at them.
ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Michelle Cameron, Terry Anderson, Wendy Morgan-Adams, Danielle Dash, Matt Dolick
NAYS: None
Motion carried 5-0
E. R-25-05 Staff Memo and Resolution Authorizing an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Village of Mount Prospect for the Certification of Levee 37
Action Requested: (Motion, Second, Roll Call Vote) - Alderman Ward 1 Cameron moved to Approve R-25-05 Staff Memo and Resolution Authorizing an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Village of Mount Prospect for the Certification of Levee 37; seconded by Alderman Ward 3 Morgan-Adams. There was unanimous approval.
City Administrator Wade explains three parts of this overarching Levee 37 project to help alleviate flood insurance payments for citizens that are affected. The first is the gate closure project which is currently out to bid, second is the Levee wall which is still awaiting IDOT approval, and third is getting a certification for Levee 37 which can't be done before the first two steps but there can be preliminary engineering done in preparation. Mayor Ludvigsen asks some clarifying questions about the logistics between Mount Prospect and Prospect Heights.
ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Michelle Cameron, Terry Anderson, Wendy Morgan-Adams, Danielle Dash, Matt Dolick
NAYS: None
Motion carried 5-0
A. Approval of Expenditures
General Fund $222,224.00
Motor Fuel Tax Fund $0.00
Tourism District $6,334.96
Solid Waste Fund $0.00
Drug Enforcement Agenda Fund $1,780.00
Special Service Area #1 $0.00
Special Service Area #2 $0.00
Special Service Area #3 $0.00
Special Service Area #4 $0.00
Special Service Area #5 $544.52
Special Service Area - Constr #6 (Water Main) $0.00
Special Service Area - #8 Levee Wall #37 $2,727.39
Capital Improvements $178,717.07
Special Service Area - Debt #6 $0.00
Road Construction Debt $605.00
Water Fund $29,879.16
Parking Fund $825.46
Sanitary Sewer Fund $20,854.81
Road/Building Bond Escrow $1995.00
TOTAL $466,487.37
Wire Payments 12/27/2024 Payroll $189,757.55
TOTAL WARRANT $656,244.92
- City Clerk Prisiajniouk read the warrants.
Alderman Ward 2 Anderson moved to Approve the warrants as presented; seconded by Alderman Ward 1 Cameron to include a TOTAL of $466,487.37, a wire payment on 12/27/2024 of $189,757.55, and a TOTAL WARRANT of $656,244.92. There was unanimous approval.
ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Michelle Cameron, Terry Anderson, Wendy Morgan-Adams, Danielle Dash, Matt Dolick
NAYS: None
Motion carried 5-0
ADJOURNMENT - Alderman Ward 2 Anderson moved to Adjourn; seconded by Alderman Ward 1 Cameron.
ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Michelle Cameron, Terry Anderson, Wendy Morgan-Adams, Danielle Dash, Matt Dolick
NAYS: None
Motion carried 5-0