
Chicago City Wire

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Village of Brighton Planning Committee met Feb. 6

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Welcome to Village of Brighton sign | Village of Brighton / Facebook

Welcome to Village of Brighton sign | Village of Brighton / Facebook

Village of Brighton Planning Committee met Feb. 6

Here is the agenda provided by the committee:

1. Call to Order (Time):

2. Roll Call: Present Absent

Don Little, Chairman

Jim Winslade, Co-Chair

Mike Kuhnline

John Mueller

Robert Weaver

Matt Kasten (Ex Officio)

3. Public Comment:

4. Correspondence:

5. Old Business:

6. New Business:

A. Discussion of Economic Development strategies with Jennifer Russell of the University of Illinois Extension Service and a member of the Village of Godfrey Community Planning et al committee.

B. Review of matters discussed at the January 2 meeting with recommendations for the Village Board meeting of March 3, 2025.

1. Restructure of committee system.

2. Infrastructure inventory of sidewalks regarding federal Safe Streets and Roads for All and Safe Routes to School program grant opportunities.

3. Establish an assigned person to monitor the grants available through public and private sector resources listed in the IML Grant Finder database. provide expanded authorization to the President of the Village Board in the matter of approving vehicle repairs or other like expenditures, as appropriate to maintain village services, instead of waiting for a village board meeting to address the matter.

7. Recommendations to the Village Board.

8. Adjourn:

