Brighton Mayor Matt Kasten | Matt Kasten Brighton Mayor / Facebook
Brighton Mayor Matt Kasten | Matt Kasten Brighton Mayor / Facebook
Village of Brighton Public Safety Committee will meet Feb. 17
Here is the agenda provided by the committee:
1) Call to Order (Time):
2) Pledge of Allegiance
3) Roll Call: Present Absent
Aaron Mead-Chairman
Marcella Wilfong- Co Chairman
Rodney Bollini
Steve Bozarth
Ed Jacoby
Lisa Johnson
Jeff Jordan
Matt Kasten- Ex-Officio
4) Review Minutes:
5) Audience Comment:
6) Correspondence:
7) Old Business:
a) Sargent’s Report:
b) Fleet maintenance:
i) Charger sale: Auction closed on 11/19. We received $3,200.
ii) Camera Auto Activation Switches: All installed, 1 has some issue’s that are being worked on.
c) Vacant, Unoccupied, or Dangerous Buildings:
d) EOP review/update: Multi Hazard Mitigation Plan Inclusion. Need to set a meeting date for entire board to walk thru a scenario.
8) New Business:
a) Items for next months meeting to add to agenda, ie extra patrols for events, etc.
b) Items needed to be placed on 2025-2026 budget:
9) Adjournment