
Chicago City Wire

Monday, March 3, 2025

City of Prospect Heights City Council met Jan. 27

Webp 10

Matthew Dolick, Ward 5 Council Member | City of Prospect Heights Website

Matthew Dolick, Ward 5 Council Member | City of Prospect Heights Website

City of Prospect Heights City Council met Jan. 27

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL – At 6:30 PM, Mayor Ludvigsen called to order the Regular Meeting of the Prospect Heights City Council at City Hall, 8 N Elmhurst Road, Prospect Heights, IL 60070. 

City Clerk Prisiajniouk called roll. A quorum was present. 

ELECTED OFFICIALS PRESENT - Alderman Ward 2 Anderson, Alderman Ward 3 Morgan- Adams, Alderman Ward 4 Dash, Alderman Ward 5 Dolick, City Clerk Prisiajniouk, Mayor Ludvigsen 

ABSENT - Alderman Ward 1 Cameron, City Treasurer Tibbits 

OTHER OFFICIALS PRESENT - City Administrator Wade, Assistant City Administrator Falcone, Director of Building and Development Peterson, Director of Public Works Roscoe, Police Chief Caponigro, Assistant Finance Director Tannehill, Deputy Clerk Austin, Attorney Jim Hess, Digital Communication Technician Colvin. 

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Mayor Ludvigsen led the pledge of Allegiance. 


A. January 13th, 2025 City Council Regular Meeting Minutes, January 15th, 2025 City Council Strategic Planning and Directions Special Meeting Minutes, October 14th, 2024 City Council Executive Session Meeting Minutes (not for public release) - 

Alderman Ward 2 Anderson moved to approve an ominous vote of the January 13th, 2025 City Council Regular Meeting Minutes, January 15th, 2025 City Council Strategic Planning and Directions Special Meeting Minutes, and October 14th, 2024 City Council Executive Session Meeting Minutes as presented; seconded by Alderman Ward 5 Dolick. There was unanimous approval. 

ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Terry Anderson, Wendy Morgan-Adams, Danielle Dash, Matt Dolick 

NAYS: None 

ABSENT: Michelle Cameron 

Motion carried 4-0, one absent. 



PUBLIC COMMENTS ON AGENDA MATTERS (FIVE MINUTES TIME LIMIT) Alan Schneider- Questions in reference to item 9B, are the two vehicles that were purchased replacement vehicles? and are the vehicles fully fitted? 


A. R-25-06 Resolution Approving Water Main Easements for the Village of Wheeling on Chicago Executive Airport Property - Alderman Ward 3 Morgan-Adams moved to approve R-25-06 Resolution Approving Water Main Easements for the Village of Wheeling on Chicago Executive Airport Property; seconded by Alderman Ward 5 Dolick. There was unanimous approval. 


Motion carried 4-0, one absent. 



A. R-25-07 Staff Memo and Resolution Determining the Appropriateness for Class 6b Status Pursuant to the Cook County Real Property Classification Ordinance as Amended July 17, 2013, For Certain Real Estate Owned by Sky Harbour, LLC (and Subsidiaries), Located at 1090 Milwaukee Avenue, Wheeling, IL 60090 - Alderman Ward 5 Dolick moved to approve R-25-07 Staff Memo and Resolution Determining the Appropriateness for Class 6b Status Pursuant to the Cook County Real Property Classification Ordinance as Amended July 17, 2013, For Certain Real Estate Owned by Sky Harbour, LLC (and Subsidiaries), Located at 1090 Milwaukee Avenue, Wheeling, IL 60090; seconded by Alderman Ward 3 Morgan-Adams. There was unanimous approval. 

Mark Rogers spoke on the behalf of Sky Harbour and gave a presentation which outlined the background and proposed use for the project of which will only affect portions that are located in Prospect Heights. The time line for this project is broken down into two phases 1A and 1B. Phase 1A will start construction in March 2026 and phase 1B will start in February 2027. Administrator Wade gives an explanation of the 6B and the tax implications that it brings. Mark Rogers adds on and gives a breakdown of the expected taxes for the district taxing bodies. Alderman Morgan- Adams asks what other things will be built and the answer is hangers, ground service support and fuel stations. City Clerk Prisiajniouk asks about the construction mentioned in the presentation and the estimate right now is for about 150 temporary construction jobs to come from this project. 

ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Terry Anderson, Wendy Morgan-Adams, Danielle Dash, Matt Dolick 

NAYS: None 

ABSENT: Michelle Cameron

Motion carried 4-0, one absent. 

B. R-25-08 Staff Memo and Resolution Authorizing Approval of the Purchase of Two Police Squad Vehicles, 2025 Dodge Durango's, from Sunnyside Jeep in McHenry County Through the State of Illinois Bidding Process, at an Estimated Cost of $115,000.00 - Alderman Ward 5 Dolick moved to approve R-25-08 Staff Memo and Resolution Authorizing Approval of the Purchase of Two Police Squad Vehicles, 2025 Dodge Durango's, from Sunnyside Jeep in McHenry County Through the State of Illinois Bidding Process, at an Estimated Cost of $115,000.00; seconded by Alderman Ward 3 Morgan-Adams. There was unanimous approval. 

Deputy Chief Derman states both of these are replacement vehicles, and both are being purchased fully outfitted with emergency equipment. 

ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Terry Anderson, Wendy Morgan-Adams, Danielle Dash, Matt Dolick

NAYS: None 

ABSENT: Michelle Cameron 

Motion carried 4-0, one absent. 


Assistant City Administrator Falcone- Gives an overview of vehicle sticker season and how it works. Renewals will be sent out starting in February and you can come pay online or in person at city hall. Also mentions to not forgot about pet tags for each pet you have at home. 

City Administrator Wade- Gives a shoutout to Chief Caponigro for his last council meeting. 

Police Chief Caponigro- Thanks everyone involved with the city and council for making this a great place to live and work. 

Alderman Anderson- Talks about the Scholar's for dollars program and how the application is out now so to go and fill one out. Alderman Anderson talks about all the good that has come from this great program. 

Alderman Morgan-Adams- Wants to remind everyone about the River Cities Rotary event on Feb 5th at Old Orchard, the proceeds go to help people within the community. 

Alderman Dolick- Wanted to thank Chief Caponigro for all his great years of service. 

Mayor Ludvigsen- Shoutouts out Chief Caponigro for all the good that has been done during his time as Chief. 

A. December Financial Report Presented by Assistant Finance Director Tannehill - Assistant Finance Director Tannehill gives an overview of the December financials, highlights include vehicle sticker revenue, and sewar collections on those who have not paid. Budget season is next month and preparations are starting for that. 

Assistant Finance Director Tannehill also gives an update about vehicle season starting. 


A. Approval of Expenditures 

General Fund $68,106.80 

Motor Fuel Tax Fund $0.00 

Tourism District $146.60 

Solid Waste Fund $0.00 

Drug Enforcement Agenda Fund $150.26 

Special Service Area #1 $0.00 

Special Service Area #2 $0.00 

Special Service Area #3 $0.00 

Special Service Area #4 $0.00 

Special Service Area #5 $137.44 

Special Service Area - Constr #6 (Water Main)  $0.00 

Special Service Area - #8 Levee Wall #37 $112.78 

Capital Improvements $36,697.00 

Special Service Area - Debt #6 $0.00 

Road Construction Debt $0.00 

Water Fund $35,561.83 

Parking Fund $1,229.65 

Sanitary Sewer Fund $2,371.26 

Road/Building Bond Escrow $0.00 

TOTAL $144,513.62 

Wire Payments 

1/10/2025 Payroll $188,703.35 

December IMRF Payment $16,712.98 

TOTAL WARRANT $349,929.95

- City Clerk Prisiajniouk read the warrants. 

Alderman Ward 2 Anderson moved to approve the warrants as presented; seconded by Alderman Ward 5 Dolick to include a TOTAL of $144,513.62, a 1/10/2025 Payroll of $188,703.35, a December IMRF Payment of $16,712.98, and a TOTAL WARRANT of $349,929.95. There was unanimous approval. 

ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Terry Anderson, Wendy Morgan-Adams, Danielle Dash, Matt Dolick 

NAYS: None 

ABSENT: Michelle Cameron 

Motion carried 4-0, one absent. 




ADJOURNMENT - Alderman Ward 5 Dolick moved to Adjourn; seconded by Alderman Ward 3 Morgan-Adams. 


Motion carried 4-0, one absent. 
