
Chicago City Wire

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Wheaton Public Library Board met Jan. 27

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Michael Barbier, Councilman, East District | City of Wheaton Website

Michael Barbier, Councilman, East District | City of Wheaton Website

City of Wheaton Public Library Board met Jan. 27

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

I. Call to Order 

The Board of Trustees of the Wheaton Public Library held their rescheduled Board meeting on Monday, January 27, 2025. Board President Laurie Metanchuk called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. Members present in person at roll call: Laurie Metanchuk, Bob Rammer, Christine Fenne, Steve Siemer, and Bob Lyon. Absent: Vallari Talapatra, Alan Herbach, and Simone Morton. Betsy Adamowski, Library Director, Ed Sirovatka, IT/Facilities Manager, Margaret Micheli Venckus, Finance/Business Office Manager, Courtney Tedrick, Community Engagement Department Head, and Michelle Secor, Business Office Associate and recording secretary for this meeting, were also in attendance. 

II. Citizens to be Heard 



III. Minutes for the December 16, 2024 Board Meeting 

IV. Financial Reports for December 2024 and Bill Listing for December 2024 and January 2025 Payment

Dr. Rammer moved and Mr. Siemer seconded to approve the Consent Agenda items. 

Mrs. Fenne asked about the funds in the DuPage Foundation. In the last two months they have shown a significant reduction in funds and Mrs. Fenne wanted to know if that was because of the market or something else. Mr. Lyon replied that this was not unusual as the market has been down lately. Mrs. Adamowski offered to contact the Foundation to inquire about the dip in funds. Mr. Lyon then asked about a line item in the Financial Reports where the former cafe was listed and why now. Ms. Micheli Venckus will inquire and report back. 

Roll Call Vote 

Ayes:  Mr.Siemer 

Dr. Rammer 

Mr. Lyon 

Mrs. Fenne 

Mrs. Metanchuk

Nays: None 

Absent: Ms. Talapatra 

Mr. Herbach 

Mrs. Morton

Motion Carried 

V. Library Director's Report for November 2024 

Mrs. Adamowski began by congratulating trustee Christine Fenne for receiving the Brinkman Community Leadership Award at the Chamber of Commerce Annual Luncheon. Mrs. Adamowski shared that Mad Fore Plaid was a huge success. The event was sold out! The library and park district will be meeting for a debriefing tomorrow and the library will vote to continue hosting the event in the future. Mrs. Adamowski shared that the Narcan dispenser has been installed in the library entrance, and refilled twice already. It has already proven a beneficial resource. Mrs. Adamowski told the board that the Illinois State Library has approved the WPL Per Capita Grant application which will bring in approximately $80,000. Next, Mrs. Adamowski reminded the board members to RSVP to the Mayor and City Council Boards and Commissions Appreciation Brunch. Also, an email was sent from Sikich, to all board members, for the annual audit fraud inquiry. She asked that they all answer the email and respond to the best of their ability. 

VI. Unfinished Business: 

A. Motion to Approve to accept the moving company proposal from Hallett Movers for $61,500 for the Interior 1A project. 

Dr. Rammer moved and Mrs. Fenne seconded to approve to accept the moving company proposal from Hallett Movers for $61,500 for the Interior 1A project. 

Mrs. Adamowski explained the process of choosing a moving company proposal. Of the two proposals that came in, Hallet had the lowest bid, most responsible, and was the company that knew the science behind moving books for libraries. 

VII. New Business 

Roll Call Vote 

Ayes: Dr. Rammer 

Mr. Siemer 

Mr. Lyon 

Mrs. Fenne 

Mrs. Metanchuk

Nays: None 

Absent: Mr. Herbach 

Ms. Talapatra 

Mrs. Morton

Motion Carried

A. Consideration and Decision of Meeting Room Request to Show Film 

Mrs. Adamowski reported the library received a meeting room request to show a film that, historically, has caused conflict for other libraries in the surrounding area. After discussion, it was agreed the meeting room is open for any patron with a WPL library card, in good standing, to use as long as they are following the Meeting Room Policy. This is not a library sponsored event. It was a consensus of the board to allow the meeting room request. 

B. Motion to Approve that the Annual Distribution of $17,300 for the Adams Memorial Fund Remains in the Fund. 

Dr. Rammer moved and Mrs. Fenne seconded to Approve that the Annual Distribution of $17,300 for the Adams Memorial Fund Remains in the Fund. 

Roll Call Vote

Ayes: Mr. Siemer 

Dr. Rammer 

Mr. Lyon 

Mrs. Fenne 

Mrs. Metanchuk

Nays: None 

Absent: Mrs. Morton 

Mr. Herbach 

Ms. Talapatra

Motion Carried

C. Motion to Approve that the Annual Distribution of $6,600 for the Wheaton Public Library Agency Fund Remains in the Fund. 

Mr. Siemer moved and Mr. Lyon seconded to Approve that the Annual Distribution of $6,600 for the Wheaton Public Library Agency Fund Remains in the Fund. 

Roll Call Vote 

Ayes: Mr. Siemer 

Dr. Rammer 

Mrs. Fenne 

Mr. Lyon 

Mrs. Metanchuk

Nays: None 

Absent: Ms. Talapatra 

Mr. Herbach 

Mrs. Morton

Motion Carried

D. Motion to Approve that the Annual Distribution of $4,500 for the Theodore M. Utchen Agency Fund Remains in the Fund. 

Mrs. Fenne moved and Mr. Siemer seconded to Approve that the Annual Distribution of $4,500 for the Theodore M. Utchen Agency Fund Remains in the Fund. 

Roll Call Vote 

Ayes: Mr. Siemer 

Mrs. Fenne 

Dr. Rammer 

Mr. Lyon 

Mrs. Metanchuk

Nays: None 

Absent: Mr. Herbach 

Mrs. Morton 

Ms. Talapatra

Motion Carried

E. Motion to Approve the revised and amended Meeting Room Policy 

Mr. Siemer moved and Dr. Rammer seconded to Approve the revised and amended Meeting Room Policy. 

Mrs. Adamowski discussed how the meeting rooms have become harder to maintain due to the increase in attendance in the library and increase in demand of technology assistance. The library does not have the staff to handle this especially on the weekends. Mrs. Adamowski and Mrs. Tedrick proposed three options to amend the Meeting Room Policy which could help with the problem. After discussing the various options, the board chose Option C which would keep Meeting Room A open only Monday through Thursday with no charge. 

Roll Call Vote 

Ayes: Mr. Siemer 

Dr. Rammer 

Mrs. Fenne 

Mr. Lyon 

Mrs. Metanchuk

Nays: None 

Absent: Mrs. Morton 

Mr. Herbach 

Ms. Talapatra

Motion Carried

VIII. Board Member Comments (Round the Table) 

Mrs. Fenne asked if there is a procedure if ICE conducts a raid at the library. Mrs. Adamowski said that she will check with the city attorney and get more information. 

IX. Adjournment 

There being no further business of the Wheaton Public Library Board of Trustees, Dr. Rammer moved and Mrs. Fenne seconded that the meeting be adjourned. A voice vote was taken and the motion for adjournment carried at 8:05 p.m. 
