Matthew Dolick, Ward 5 Council Member | City of Prospect Heights Website
Matthew Dolick, Ward 5 Council Member | City of Prospect Heights Website
City of Prospect Heights City Council met Feb. 10
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL – At 6:29 PM, Mayor Ludvigsen called to order the Regular Meeting of the Prospect Heights City Council at City Hall, 8 N Elmhurst Road, Prospect Heights, IL 60070.
City Clerk Prisiajniouk called roll. A quorum was present.
ELECTED OFFICIALS PRESENT - Alderman Ward 2 Anderson, Alderman Ward 3 Morgan- Adams, Alderman Ward 4 Dash, Alderman Ward 5 Dolick, Mayor Ludvigsen, City Clerk Prisiajniouk
ABSENT - Alderman Ward 1 Cameron with prior notice, City Treasurer Tibbits with prior notice
OTHER OFFICIALS PRESENT - City Administrator Wade, Assistant City Administrator Falcone, Director of Building and Development Peterson, Director of Public Works Roscoe, Police Chief Derman, Assistant Finance Director Tannehill, Deputy Clerk Austin, Attorney Jim Hess, Digital Communication Technician Colvin.
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE – Mayor Ludvigsen led the pledge of Allegiance.
A. January 27, 2025 City Council Regular Meeting Minutes – Alderman Ward 3 Morgan- Adams moved to approve January 27, 2025 City Council Regular Meeting Minutes; seconded by Alderman Ward 5 Dolick. There was unanimous approval.
ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Terry Anderson, Wendy Morgan-Adams, Danielle Dash, Matt Dolick
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Michelle Cameron
Motion carried 4-0, one absent.
A. R-25-09 Staff Memo and Resolution Authorizing and Awarding Bid Recommendation for the Elm Street Flood Control Project with Ganziano Sewer & Water for a Cost of $134,925 - Alderman Ward 5 Dolick moved to approve R-25-09 Staff Memo and Resolution Authorizing and Awarding Bid Recommendation for the Elm Street Flood Control Project with Ganziano Sewer & Water for a Cost of $134,925; seconded by Alderman Ward 3 Morgan-Adams. There was unanimous approval.
ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Terry Anderson, Wendy Morgan-Adams, Danielle Dash, Matt Dolick
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Michelle Cameron
Motion carried 4-0, one absent.
B. R-25-10 Staff Memo and Resolution Authorizing an Agreement for Public Works Asset & Maintenance Software from PSD Citywide for Software Licensing, Implantation, Training, and Annual Maintenance for a Total Cost of $53,500 - Alderman Ward 2 Anderson moved to approve R-25-10 Staff Memo and Resolution Authorizing an Agreement for Public Works Asset & Maintenance Software from PSD Citywide for Software Licensing, Implantation, Training, and Annual Maintenance for a Total Cost of $53,500; seconded by Alderman Ward 5 Dolick. There was unanimous approval.
Director of Public Works Roscoe gives a little background on the usefulness this software will bring to the Public Works Department. This will allow them to move away from paper and spreadsheets, and will make this a more functional system to use. This software can also be expanded to include other departments within the city.
ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Terry Anderson, Wendy Morgan-Adams, Danielle Dash, Matt Dolick
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Michelle Cameron
Motion carried 4-0, one absent.
A. 0-25-01 Staff Memo and Ordinance Amending Certain Conditions to Ordinance #O- 08-33 for Fence Height and Materials at 1 E Willow Road (1st Reading) –
Building and Development Director Peterson gives some background about this PZBA case. He explains the applicant is applying for changes to an existing variation that had limitations on the height and building material for a fence. After a continuation at the PZBA hearing the board passed a 6 foot fence with a gray vinyl material to built and that decision was passed with a 3-2 decision. Mayor Ludvigsen asks if their is any specifications in the city code about the type material that can be used. Director Peterson explains there isn't anything stated in the code the only reason this case had an issue was due to the existing variation. Alderman Dash clarifies if the fence line was being proposed in the same area as the previous variation, and Director Peterson states it was but when the applicant motioned plantings he wished to add, an agreement of moving the fence back 3 feet was granted so there would be space for plantings. Alderman Dolick asks if there are any other fences in that area, and Director Peterson explains that there aren't a ton in that area. City Clerk Prisiajniouk asks about the plantings, and the applicant explains what his vision is for this. Alderman Anderson asks if cedar was considered for the fence material, and the applicant explains his decision to go with the vinyl.
B. 0-25-02 Staff Memo and Ordinance Approving a Special Use for a Sit-down Restaurant at 1209 Unit B, N Elmhurst Road, Tacos Los Gallillos (1st Reading) –
Building and Development Director Peterson gives some background on the new Mexican style sit-down restaurant, and says that the PZBA board passed this special use with a unanimous vote.
Assistant City Administrator Falcone- Explains that everyone should be receiving their renewals for vehicle stickers in the mail shortly so please take care of getting those as soon as possible. You can renew online, sending it in the mail, or coming into city hall.
Director of Public Works Roscoe- Wanted to give a heads up about the snow threat this week. He urged everyone to not blow snow onto the sidewalks, be careful as the public works plows are out and most importantly everyone stay safe.
Building and Development Director Peterson- Updates that the scanning and software contracts have been signed and that the new code re-write has the first chapter completed and as other get finished a review will be done.
Chief Derman- Shouts out two upcoming events. The first is coffee with PHPD over at Rob Roy on February 18th at 6:30pm. The other is the police awards ceremony which will be held on February 27th at 6:30pm at Old Orchard Country Club.
City Clerk Prisiajniouk- Reminds everyone of the upcoming legislative forum that will take place on February 13th starting at 8:30am.
Mayor Ludvigsen- Excited to work with new Chief and Deputy Chief of Police.
A. Approval of Expenditures
General Fund $105,024.22
Motor Fuel Tax Fund $0.00
Tourism District $102.27
Solid Waste Fund $0.00
Drug Enforcement $0.00
Agenda Fund Special Service Area #1 $0.00
Special Service Area #2 $0.00
Special Service Area #3 $0.00
Special Service Area #4 $0.00
Special Service Area #5 $56.71
Special Service Area - Constr #6 (Water Main) $0.00
Special Service Area - #8 $306.00
Levee Wall #37 Capital Improvements $39,576.68
Special Service Area - Debt #6 $0.00
Road Construction Debt $0.00
Water Fund $34,081.96
Parking Fund $1,028.72
Sanitary Sewer Fund $4,135.90
Road/Building Bond Escrow $0.00
TOTAL $184,312.46
Wire Payments
1/24/2025 $200,414.23
TOTAL WARRANT $384,726.69
- City Clerk Prisiajniouk read the warrants.
Alderman Ward 2 Anderson moved to approve the warrants as presented; seconded by Alderman Ward 5 Dolick to include a TOTAL of $184,312.46, a 1/24/2025 Payroll of $200,414.23, and a TOTAL WARRANT of $384,726.69. There was unanimous approval.
ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Terry Anderson, Wendy Morgan-Adams, Danielle Dash, Matt Dolick
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Michelle Cameron
Motion carried 4-0, one absent.
Ken Soens a resident residing at 114 S School Lane brings up the compensation for village manager positions around the Prospect Heights area and how they relate to compensation within the City of Prospect Heights. He also brings up his concern for capital projects being developed within the city. Mayor Ludvigsen pushes back on some of the figures presented by Mr. Seons and says that when you compare all in prices of compensation packages we are not close to our neighbors around us. Mayor Ludvigsen also points out that Prospect Heights only has a City Administrator and Assistant City Administrator while many other towns in the area have four to six positions in administration that total a far larger amount than the two people here that handle the entire work load. Mayor Ludvigsen also provided some tax information and the differences that Prospect Heights collects which is a much smaller piece than towns around us.
City Administrator Wade discusses some of the development concerns and expresses that sometimes there are things that are out of the cities control. There was some more back and forth on the difference between salaries of Prospect Heights employees versus cities around, and how the same amount of work still needs to be done by all municipalities. There was some discussion about the value of businesses that bring in large amounts of revenue and if smaller revenue generating businesses can be turned away, but if you turn them away that just leaves empty store fronts and no revenue being generated. The next item that was brought up was the amount of revenue that is actually generated from the airport. The council appreciated Mr. Seons coming in and being able to have this discussion.
ADJOURNMENT – Alderman Ward 2 Anderson moved to Adjourn; seconded by Alderman Ward 5 Dolick.
Motion carried 4-0, one absent.
Approved by the Prospect Heights, City, Council on this the 24th day of February, 2025.