
Chicago City Wire

Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Village of Brighton Zoning Committee met March 17

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Brighton Mayor Matt Kasten | Matt Kasten Brighton Mayor / Facebook

Brighton Mayor Matt Kasten | Matt Kasten Brighton Mayor / Facebook

Village of Brighton Zoning Committee met March 17

Here is the agenda provided by the committee:

1. Call to Order (Time):

2. Roll Call: Present Absent

Doug Feldmann-Chairman

Jared Childress- Co Chairman

Bobby Groves

Andy Hoth

William Huebener

John Luca

Bob Saunders

Barry Stanley- Inspector

Matt Kasten- Ex-Officio

3. Public Comment:

4. Old Business: (For each topic, provide discussion notes and Action Items.)

5. New Business: (For each topic, provide discussion notes and Action Items.)

A. Special Use Permit: 16201 St. Hwy 111-Short & Mid-term Rentals Discussion

Action Item: Complete ONE of the Following.

Motion to recommend to the Board of Trustees to approve SUP for Boris Ndoutoume.

Motion by: 2nd of Motion by:

Result of Vote:


Motion to recommend to the Board of Trustees to NOT approve SUP for Boris Ndoutoume.

Motion by: 2nd of Motion by:

Result of Vote:

B. Zoning Permit: 1128 Brown Rd-New Home


Additional tasks or follow-up actions5

Action Item:

C. Zoning Permit: 919 N Main St.- Storage Shed


Additional tasks or follow-up actions

Action Item:

D. Zoning Permit: 118 Belvedere Cr.- Storage Shed


Additional tasks or follow-up actions

Action Item

E. Zoning Permit: 411 Margaret St


Additional tasks or follow-up actions

Action Item:

F. Discuss/Possible Action: Zoning regulations pertaining to modular homes and mobile homes.

6. Recommendations to the Village Board: (Non-Action Items)

7. Adjourn:

